Mixing Hip Hop and Finance

Can Hip Hop and Finance mix together? Well Drew Boyer, certified financial planner, feels that it can and even wrote a book to show it. Drew joins us to take us through his book, HIP HOP X FINANCE: Become a Finance Gangster, Get Off Debt Row and Stack Your Cash Flow....

Managing a Debt After a Job Loss

It’s one thing to manage your debit when you are working but what about after you have lost your job. Randolph Taylor, accredited financial counsellor with Credit Canada, joins us to share his tips on what to do if this happens. Connect with Credit Canada on Facebook,...

Your Debt and Your Job

If you are in debt, it can have an impact on your career, especially true if you have to declare bankruptcy or file a consumer proposal. How do you handle these situations if you’re currently employed or looking for a job? Rob Kilner, a licensed insolvency trustee at...