Fighting Financial Fraud | Full Episode

Canadians are fighting back against fraud and identity theft more than ever, according to a new survey from Equifax Canada.  Julie Kuzmic takes us through the results.  And, insight into the unique financial challenges young athletes may face. Paul Wylie from BMO...

A Credit Card Fast

A Credit Card Fast Instead of fasting when it comes to food what about a credit card fast. We talk to Lisa Samalonis who put her credit card away on her journey to gain financial freedom. She gives us the insights on how it works. Connect with Lisa on Twitter and...

Keep RESP’s Going Past Death

We are joined by Daniel Goldgut, co-founder and CEO of Epilogue, to talk about how to set up RESP’s to continue on even after death so that your kids can still get all the contributions. Find out more from Epilogue on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Connect...