by Bruce Sellery | Jan 25, 2023 | Podcasts, Specific Segments
We look at what Canadians can do if they’re aging alone, especially when it comes to personal finances with as Laura Tamblyn Watts joins us. Laura is the founder and CEO of CanAge, Canada’s national senior advocacy organization. Connect with Laura on Twitter and...
by Bruce Sellery | Jan 25, 2023 | Podcasts, Specific Segments
We talk to portfolio manager and author, John De Goey, about how bias is relevant when it comes to investing. John explores this idea in his book Bullshift: How Optimism Bias Threatens you Finances and he joins us now. You can connect with John on...
by Bruce Sellery | Jan 24, 2023 | Full Episodes, Podcasts
Kinless seniors face a host of logistical challenges, aging without family to help. That includes how to manage their personal finances. Laura Tamblyn Watts joins us to talk about what you can do about it. And, a new way to reduce your credit card debt. Grant...
by Bruce Sellery | Dec 21, 2022 | Podcasts, Specific Segments
The path to financial freedom can be different when you have a career in the service industry and knows what it is to live off of a tipped income. We have Barbara Sloan, author of Tipped: The life-changing guide to financial to financial freedom for waitresses,...
by Bruce Sellery | Dec 21, 2022 | Podcasts, Specific Segments
At seventeen you probably had very little personal finance knowledge whether your school didn’t teach it or it was not that exciting of a topic. Well entrepreneur and writer Douglas Price wants to fix this. He join us to talk about his personal finance book he wrote...
by Bruce Sellery | Dec 21, 2022 | Podcasts, Specific Segments
We have Jennifer Arnold, CEO and Co-Founder of MinervaAI, join us to tells us about their platform that provides financial crime “risk management solutions” Find Jennifer on LinkedIn and find out more at minervaai.oi and connect on Twitter.