Millennials and Investing: Helping the Next Generation Get Into the Game

Investing is the key to financial success for millennials.  But many aren’t taking the leap, for a variety of reasons. In addition to crazy real estate prices and job insecurity, many millennials finding it hard to look into the future. Here’s why millennials should start investing now and how they can do it.

Popular topics

“Ask Bruce” Blog at MoneySense

Moneysense is Canada’s leading personal finance magazine and my column focuses on advice for any and every question you have about your money.

Full Episode: Dan Bortolotti on the Best Online Brokers

This week on the show we talk to Michael Katchen from WealthSimple about the Robo-Adviser's “Second Opinion” service. Kerry Taylor from Squawkfox brings us her favourite money-saving apps. And we get a rundown on the best online brokers with Dan Bortolotti, author of the Couch Potato Blog. Plus, Jason Heath from Objective Financial Partners answers your money questions.

The Best Online Brokers with Dan Bortolotti

Dan Bortolotti joins us with a rundown on the best online brokers.

Me & My Money with Kerry Taylor

Kerry Taylor joins us to talk about walking the talk of money.

Robo-Adviser’s “Second Opinion” service with Michael Katchen

Michael Katchen from WealthSimple joins us to talk about the Robo-Adviser's “Second Opinion” service.

How to save on weddings with Kerry Taylor

Kerry Taylor joins us to talk about how to save on weddings.

Tech Tricks for Saving Money with Kerry Taylor

Kerry Taylor joins us with tech tools and tricks to save money.

Full Episode: Should a 27-year old buy a condo? The future of the housing market with the Globe & Mail’s Rob Carrick

This week on the show we talk to Rob Carrick, Globe & Mail Personal Finance Columnist, on what housing will look like in 20 years. Claire Tansey, founder of Claire Tansey's Kitchen, on how to stick to your grocery list and save money. We get a look at how divorce can be a wealth destroyer with Michael Cochrane, family lawyer at BTZ. Plus, Noel D'Souza from Money Coaches Canada answers your questions.

Sticking To Your Grocery List To Save Money

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What Housing Will Look Like in 20 Years

Rob Carrick from the Globe & Mail Joins us with his thoughts on what housing will look like in 20 years.

How Divorce Can Hurt Your Wealth

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What Every 40 Year-Old Should Know About The CPP

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Noel D’Souza Answers Your Questions

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Full Episode: Separate or Joint? What is the best way couples can make money and marriage work

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Tips On How To Save On Credit Card Debt

Laurie Campbell from Credit Canada Debt Solutions with tips on how to save on credit card interest.

Making Smart Choices in Investing

Maili Wong with making the smart choices in investing with tips from her book, Smart Risk.

Dean Paley Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with CFP & CPA, Dean Paley.

How To Avoid The Fear of Missing Out with Investing

Laurie Campbell with some advice on the fear of missing out in your financial life.

Sharpen Your Investing Skills Online

John Waldron tells us why the Canadian Securities Insitute is providing online courses for Canadians on investing.

Full Episode: Own an income property to help with your mortgage

This week on the show we talk to Sean Cooper, author of Burn Your Mortgage owning an income property and how to get the best tenants. Also joining us Marcelina Johanson with our new segment, "How I Did It". Looking to pay your mortgage down quicker, Kerri Reed, VP of Premiere Mortgage gives us ways to do it including don't renew like a robot. Plus, family lawyer, Michael Cochrane answers your questions.

Owning an Income Property and Getting the Best Tenants

Sean Cooper, author of Burn Your Mortgage, with tips on owning an income property and how to get the best tenants.

“How I Did It” with Marcelina Johanson

We talk to Marcelina Johanson as she tells us "How I Did It".

Michael Cochrane Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with family lawyer Michael Cochrane.

How To Save As Much As You Can For a Down Payment

Sean Cooper guides us on how to save as much as you can on your down payment for that new house.

How To Pay Down Your Mortgage Quicker

Kerri Reed, VP of Premiere Mortgage gives us ways to pay down your mortgage quicker including don’t renew like a robot.

Full Episode: The Value of Financial Advice: How to make sure you get what you’re paying for

This week on the show personal finance expert Preet Banerjee is answering the question "Do you get what you pay for" with financial advice and how to save on how you pay. Also joining us is venture capitalist at Real Ventures, Janet Bannister with a look at the new world of Fintech. We are looking at the facts of money with David Cunningham, a program leader at Landmark Worldwide. Parenting expert Alyson Schafer, answers your questions.

Do You Get What You Pay For

Personal finance expert Preet Banerjee is answering the question "Do you get what you pay for" with financial advice.

A Look At The New World of Fintech

Venture capitalist at Real Ventures, Janet Bannister with a look at the new world of Fintech.

Alyson Schafer Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with parenting expert Alyson Schafer.

How To Save On How You Pay

Finance expert Preet Banerje with tips on how to save money with how you pay at the cash register.

The Facts of Money

We are looking at the facts of money with David Cunningham, a program leader at Landmark Worldwide.

Full Episode: “Victory Lap Retirement”. A new book on how to start working, after you’ve stopped working

This week on the show we talk to Nest Wealth CEO Randy Cass on what’s next for Robo-Advisors. Also joining us is former MoneySense editor Jon Chevreau. His new book, “Victory Lap Retirement” looks at how to get paid for your passion after you’ve left the full time worked. And we’ll drill down on what drives your credit score with Borrowell's Eva Wong. Plus “Nutritional Facts” for your investments. Anthony Boright of InvestorCOM on the new CRM2 regulations rolling out to help you understand how much you’re paying for advice.

What’s Next For Robo-Advisors

Randy Cass lets us know what is next for Robo-Advisors.

Victory Lap Retirement

Author and former MoneySense editor Jon Chevreau looks at how to get paid for your passion after you’ve left the full time worked.

Measuring Your Financial Score

Borrowell’s Eva Wong on what drives your credit score.

Randy Cass Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Nest Wealth CEO Randy Cass.

Nutritional Facts For Your Investements

Anthony Boright of InvestorCOM on the new CRM2 regulations rolling out to help you understand how much you’re paying for advice.

Full Episode: What is the secret to retiring happy?

This week on the show we talk to Jim Yih from the blog Retire Happy on how much is enough to save for retirement. Also joining us is Bridget Casey from Money After Graduation. She’ll highlight some of the challenges that Millennials face that Boomers didn’t, and what young people can do about them. And we’ll look at financial literacy in First Nations communities with Simon Brascoupé from AFOA Canada. Plus: Money and Marijuana. We’ll talk to insurance expert Lorne Marr about how insurance companies treat marijuana when it comes to life insurance.

How Much Is Enough For Retirement

Jim Yih from the blog Retire Happy on how much is enough to save for retirement.

Challenges Millennials Face Post-Graduation

Bridget Casey from Money After Graduation highlights some of the challenges that Millennials face that Boomers didn’t, and what young people can do about them.

Financial Literacy In First Nation Communities

We look at financial literacy in First Nations communities with Simon Brascoupé from AFOA Canada.

Jim Yih Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Jim Yih from Retire Happy.

Money, Marijuana and Life Insurance

We talk to insurance expert Lorne Marr about how insurance companies treat marijuana when it comes to life insurance.

Full Episode: How to talk to aging parents about money

This week on the show we talk to Tom Bradley from Steadyhand Funds about the big questions you should ask your advisor. And we’ll talk about the big questions you should be asking your aging parents. Our guest is Kurt Kazanowski, author of A Son's Journey: Taking Care of Mom & Dad. We talk travel budgeting with Barry Choi from The Money We Have blog. Plus: The Necessity of No. We talk to author Robert Gignac about how to live within your means.

Questions For Your Advisor

Tom Bradley joins us to talk about the big questions you should ask your advisor.

Questions You Should Ask Your Parents

Kurt Kazanowski with the big questions you should be asking your aging parents.

Budgeting Your Trip

Barry Choi joins us to talk about travel budgeting.

Tom Bradley Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Tom Bradley of Steadyhand Funds.

How To Live Within Your Means

We have a talk about the necessity of no with author Robert Gignac.

Full Episode: Kids and Money – What is the best approach?

This week on the show we talk to Manisha Thakor from Buckingham Strategic Wealth about “Joy-Based Spending” - what it is and how you can use it yourself. We’ll bring you tips on how to teach kids about money, with Clint Greenleaf, author of "Beyond The Piggy Bank". And we’ll profile a service called Sensibill that helps you organize all your receipts online, instead of in a shoebox. Plus, Ryan Gerstel of CIBC Wood Gundy will be here to discuss his approach to forecasting your spending in retirement.

Joy-Based Spending – What Is It?

Manisha Thakor from Buckingham Strategic Wealth talks about “Joy-Based Spending” – what it is and how you can use it yourself.

How To Teach Kids About Money

We talk about tips on how to teach kids about money, with Clint Greenleaf, author of “Beyond The Piggy Bank”.

Organize All Your Receipts Online

We talk to Corey Gross about Sensibill - a service that helps you organize all your receipts online.

Manisha Thakor Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Manisha Thakor.

Forecasting Your Spending In Retirement

Ryan Gerstel of CIBC Wood Gundy discusses his approach to forecasting your spending in retirement.

Full Episode: Keeping up with the Criminals: What’s in fashion, in the world of fraud

Scammers are getting very creative these days. Personal finance expert Kelley Keehn will be here with some tips on how to keep your money safe. We’ll talk to Sean Cooper, the controversial author of a new book called “Burn Your Mortgage”. Plus we’ll have a look at “niche advisors”, those that focus on a very specific group of clients, like educators or dentists. And we’ll speak to the co-founder of “The Remote Way”, a start-up that wants to make it possible for you to do your job from anywhere.

Keeping Your Money Safe

Personal finance expert Kelley Keehn joins us with some tips on how to keep your money safe.

Do Your Job From Anywhere

We speak to Jackie Romanow, the co-founder of “The Remote Way”, a start-up that wants to make it possible for you to do your job from anywhere.

Burn Your Mortgage

We talk to Sean Cooper, the controversial author of a new book called “Burn Your Mortgage”.

Kelley Keehn Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Kelley Keehn.

Are “Niche Advisors” The Way To Go

Plus we’ll have a look at “niche advisors”, those that focus on a very specific group of clients, like educators or dentists.

Full Episode: The Cost of Climate Change: The weather and your financial well-being

Changing weather patterns are having an impact on so many areas of life.  We’ll look at what that means for your money, with the author of “Climate-Proof Your Personal Finances”.  And “Babies and your Bank Account”.  The Financial Post’s Melissa Leong will provide her insight on how our relationship to money changes once we become parents.   Then we’ll talk to the contrarian author of “The Value of Debt in Building Wealth”.  Plus, a new way to help you calculate investment fees, called the T-REX score.

Baby and the Bank Account

The Financial Post’s Melissa Leong will provide her insight on how our relationship to money changes once we become parents.

Mitigating Risk of a Warming Planet

David Stookey on what changing weather patterns means for your money.

What Does Debt Mean To You

Tom Anderson on how to use debt to build wealth.

Melissa Leong Answers Your Questions

We play another round of 'Ask Anything'. This time with Melissa Leong.

What Is Your T-REX Score

Larry Bates on a new way to help you calculate investment fees.

Full Episode: Money & Mindset – “How Rich People Think”

The rich “are different from you and me”, wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald. Steve Siebold, author of “How Rich People Think”, will tell mere mortals what we can do differently.  And, there is a time and a place for CPP.  But perhaps that time is later than you think.  Fred Vettese, Chief Actuary at Morneau Shepell, will make his case for holding off to age 70.  Plus, a contrarian view of mortgages.  Don’t pay it off says Calum Ross author of “The Real Estate Retirement Plan”.  

Holding off CPP to age 70

Fred Vettese, Chief Actuary at Morneau Shepell, will make his case for holding off CPP to age 70.

How Rich People Think

Steve Siebold, author of “How Rich People Think”, will tell mere mortals what we can do differently.

Make the most of your employer pension plan

Pramod Udiaver, CEO of Inviser on how you can make the most of your employer pension plan. 

Don’t pay off your mortgage

Plus, a contrarian view of mortgages.  Don’t pay it off says Calum Ross author of “The Real Estate Retirement Plan”. 

Pramod Udiaver Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Pramod Udiaver.

Full Episode: Beating down bank fees: Understanding your needs versus wants

Your banker isn’t your buddy.  Sure, you can have a great relationship with your bank, but remember that they are in the business of selling you products.  Rob Carrick, personal finance columnist for the Globe & Mail, has some advice on which products to buy and which to ignore.   Cyber security expert Dr. Tom Keenan has tips on protecting your credit cards.  And Rick Peticca of Shulman Law will lay out his case for prenups.  Plus, Kurt Rosentreter from Manulife Securities will answer your tax planning questions.

What To Buy and What To Ignore

Rob Carrick, personal finance columnist for the Globe & Mail, has some advice on which products to buy and which to ignore.

How Much and How Should Advisors Be Paid

Kurt Rosentreter from Manulife Securities joins us to talk about on how should advisors be paid and how much should they be paid.

Protecting Your Credit Cards

Cyber security expert Dr. Tom Keenan has tips on protecting your credit cards.

Kurt Rosentreter Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Kurt Rosentreter.

The Case for Prenups

Rick Peticca of Shulman Law will lay out his case for prenups.

Full Episode – Buy versus Lease: Factoring math and mindset when it comes to cars

Who doesn’t want to be driving the latest and greatest off the car lot?  But what price are you willing to pay?  Automotive journalist Petrina Gentile analyzes the math and mindset behind the choice.  And looking for hits & misses.  Dan Hallett of Highview Financial Group looks at the future of Financial Regulation.  Plus, finances and infertility:  The costs some need to pay to building a family.  And Mogo CEO Dave Feller on the launch of its new “don’t over-spend” spending account. 

The Future of Financial Regulation

Dan Hallett of Highview Financial Group looks at the future of Financial Regulation.

Do You Buy or Lease Your Car

Automotive journalist Petrina Gentile analyzes the math and mindset behind the choice of buying or leasing your next car.

The Costs It May Take To Build A Family

Marjorie Dixon on the costs some need to pay to building a family.

Dan Hallett Answers Your Questions

We play another round of 'Ask Anything'. This time with Dan Hallett.

A New Don’t Over-spend, Spending Account.

Mogo CEO Dave Feller on the launch of its new “don’t over-spend” spending account.

Full Episode – Quality Control: Is your financial planner doing their job?

You have a financial planner.  But do you have a great financial planner? Cary List of the Financial Planning Standards Council on what they look for.  Author Beth Koblinger will discuss her book, “Get A Financial Life:  Personal Finance in your Twenties and Thirties”.  And we’ll debate Five Financial Myths You Should Ignore with Richard Rosso of Clarity Financial.  Plus, JJ Ramberg gets all sweet on Gumdrop, a new service that promotes couponing for a cause.

Personal Finance For Millennials

Author Beth Koblinger discusses her book, “Get A Financial Life:  Personal Finance in your Twenties and Thirties”. 

Compound Interest – A Financial Myth

Five Financial myths you should ignore with Richard Rosso of Clarity Financial.

Couponing For A Cause

JJ Ramberg gets all sweet on Gumdrop, a new service that promotes couponing for a cause.

Beth Kobliner Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Beth Kobliner.

Do You Have A Great Financial Planner

Cary List of the Financial Planning Standards Council on what to look for in a financial planner.

Full Episode – Sustainable Investing: Good for your feelings, but what about your finances?

Can you get good returns by doing good for the planet? And if so, how do you choose from the hundreds of sustainable investing ideas out there? We’ll get perspective from Tim Nash, the “Sustainable Economist” and profile Solar Share, a company offering a solid return on its bonds. Plus, we’ll talk to Michael Garrity, the CEO of a consumer financing FinTech called Financeit. And Chris Clarke, the author of “True Family Wealth: Love, Money and an inspired life”.

Consumer Financing Easy and Accessible

We talk to Michael Garrity, the CEO of a consumer financing FinTech called Financeit.

How Investors Can Effect Change with Impact Investing

We get the perspective of what effect that impact investing can have with Tim Nash, the “Sustainable Economist”.

Look To The Sun For A Bigger Yield

We talk to you Jennifer Bryan from Solar Share about their solid return on their bonds.

Sustainable Investing Options For Your Portfolio

Tim Nash, the “Sustainable Economist” with the investing options to have a sustainable investments in your portfolio.

What Is Wealth

Chris Clarke, the author of “True Family Wealth: Love, Money and an inspired life” joins us to answer the question, "What is wealth?".

Get Yourself A Will: A few simple steps to help your future beneficiaries.

Half of Canadians haven’t got a will.  We’ll show you the fastest, simplest option out there.  And we’ll talk to Edward Kholodenko, the CEO of Questrade, about the future of Fintech. Plus:  A new survey on the investment industry shows strong support for the elimination of the embedded fees.  Wanda Morris, VP Advocacy for CARP, will give us her pitch. And, Shamez Kassam on his new book called, “Your Money’s Worth:  The Essential Guide to Financial Advice for Canadians”.  It’s an insider’s look at the industry, written for outsiders.  

The Future of Fintech

We talk to Edward Kholodenko, the CEO of Questrade, about the future of Fintech.

The New CARP

Wanda Morris, VP Advocacy for CARP, will give us her pitch on the strong support for the elimination of the embedded fees.

Fast And Simple To A WIll

Half of Canadians haven’t got a will.  We’ll show you the fastest, simplest option out there with Tim Hewson from

Edward Kholodenko Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Edward Kholodenko.

An Inside Look At The Financial Industry

Shamez Kassam on his new book called, “Your Money’s Worth:  The Essential Guide to Financial Advice for Canadians”.  It’s an insider’s look at the industry, written for outsiders.

EP1713 – Mortgage Mania: Questions to ask before you renew. Plus tips on lease-backs and reno financing

How to get the best deal possible when you renew your mortgage. And, if you’re going to “Love it. Instead of Listing it”, some tips on reno financing. And a look at the lease-back strategy. James Laird of RateHub and Mark Weisleder of Real Estate will be our guests. Plus, Robert Brown on how to build an efficient system for organizing your financial life, and a preview of a new biometric credit card.

Renewing Your Mortgage and Questions To Ask

How to get the best deal possible when you renew your mortgage with James Laird of RateHub.

What Is the Lease-Back Strategy

Mark Weisleder of Real Estate joins us to talk about the lease-back strategy.

Organizing Your Financial Life

Robert Brown on how to build an efficient system for organizing your financial life.

James Laird Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with James Laird.

Paying With Your Thumb

A preview of a new biometric credit card with Jason Davies from MasterCard.

EP1714 – Debt Consolidation: A consumer alert about business practices.

There is a big appetite for debt consolidation services. I’ll talk to the FCAC’s Jane Rooney on it’s recent alert about companies that promise to help pay off debt or repair your credit score. Kerry Taylor from Squawkfox looks at a new app called Splittr that helps you split the cheque when out with friends. Plus: Avoiding “Pump & Dump” scams, Workplace Rights for Millennials and a preview on a possible CRM3 with Paul Bourque is the President of the Investment Funds Institute of Canada.

Debt Consolidation Services Alert

We talk to the FCAC’s Jane Rooney on it’s recent alert about companies that promise to help pay off debt or repair your credit score.

Splitting the tab easily

Kerry Taylor from Squawkfox looks at a new app called Splittr that helps you split the cheque when out with friends.

A preview of the possible CRM3

We talk to Paul Bourque, President of the Investment Funds Institute of Canada with a preview on a possible CRM3.

Workplace Rights for Millennials

We talk to Natalie MacDonald about Millennials rights in the workplace.

Avoiding “Pump & Dump” scams

We talk to Raj Balasubramanian about investing scams.

EP1715 – The Meaning of Money: How to reframe your finances

“The Meaning of Money”. We’ll talk to an expert on how to re-frame how you see your financial circumstances. David Cunningham from Landmark Worldwide will be our guest. Then, an interview with David Covey, a contrarian who claims that budgeting doesn’t actually work. Jim Yih will be here to talk about building financial resilience. And, Kevin Crowe, the founder of Give-A-Mile, will tell us about his charity that gives points to families dealing with health emergencies.

The Meaning of Money

We talk to expert, David Cunningham from Landmark Worldwide on how to re-frame how you see your financial circumstances.

Financial Resilience

Jim Yih is here to talk about building financial resilience.

The Money Trap

David Covey joins us to talk about his claim that budgeting doesn’t actually work.

Helping Families Deal With Health Emergencies

Kevin Crowe, the founder of Give-A-Mile, will tell us about his charity that gives points to families dealing with health emergencies.

Jim Yih Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Jim Yih.

EP1716 – Pay for Performance: Will a new business model mean better returns?

There are many low-fee investing options on the market. Would you consider one where you paid most of the fee only after it beat the benchmark? And, as the saying goes, you are your own worst enemy. New research from Morningstar on the costs of bad behaviour, and what you can do about them. Plus a conversation with Doris Belland, the author of “Protect your purse - Shared Lessons for Women: Avoid Financial Messes, Stop Emotional Bankruptcies, and Take Charge of Your Money.”

Pay for Performance: Will a new business model mean better returns?

Chris Ambridge joins us to talk about the model of 'Pay for Performance'

Protecting Your Purse

Doris Belland, the author of “Protect your purse – Shared Lessons for Women: Avoid Financial Messes, Stop Emotional Bankruptcies, and Take Charge of Your Money" joins us to talk about her journey.

The Cost of Bad Behaviour

Christopher Davis on the costs of bad behaviour, and what you can do about them.

Doris Belland Answers Your Questions

We play another round of 'Ask Anything'. This time with Doris Belland.

Hunting For A Financial Bargain

Manny Kandola talks about what is Interest Piggy.

EP1717 – Kids & Money: A new app hopes to bridge the financial literacy gap

Parents often worry that their kids are missing important financial skills. We’ll talk to the developers of a new app called “Save the Camp”, designed to improve financial literacy in kids. Then, one of the robo-advisor’s is expanding its business into life insurance. We’ll look at technology is up to the task. And some tips on the “decumulation” phase of retirement savings. Plus, the author of a new book called “The Path to a Successful Divorce”.

An App To Improve Financial Literacy in Kids

Parents often worry that their kids are missing important financial skills. We talk to the developers of a new app called “Save the Camp”, designed to improve financial literacy in kids.

Eliminating Embedded Fees

John De Goey talks to us about the regulatory change that could eliminate embedded fees.

Robo-advisors Expanding To Life Insurance

We talk to Dan Poole about robo-advisor’s expanding its business into life insurance.

John De Goey Answers Your Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with John De Goey.

The Path to a Successful Divorce

We talk to author Russell Alexander about his new book called “The Path to a Successful Divorce”.

EP1718 – Loyalty Point Hoarders: Why Canadians are sitting on $16B in points

We are a nation of hoarders. We are currently sitting on $16B in loyalty Points. We’ll talk about this startling number and what you can do about it. And, Millennials need lots of things, but is life insurance one of them? Then, Baby Boomers. How to start the money conversation with your parents, or, with your kids. Plus, a problem most of us would LOVE to have: How to deal with sudden wealth.

Loyalty Point Hoarders

We are a nation of hoarders. We are currently sitting on $16B in loyalty Points. We talk to Scott Robinson about this startling number and what you can do about it.

Life Insurance for Millennials

Millennials need lots of things, but is life insurance one of them? We talk to Lorne Marr about this.

Talking To Your Parents About Their Money

Scott Hannah lets us know how to start the money conversation with your parents.

Lorne Marr Answers Our Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Lorne Marr.

How To Deal With Sudden Wealth

Rob Harder joins us to give us tips on how to deal with a problem we all would love: sudden wealth.

EP1719 – Becoming a Mystery Shopper: Smartphone scam or income source?

Field Agent is a company that connects marketers to consumers who can use their smart phones to earn cash providing in-store data. And, income volatility is becoming a bigger and bigger social issue. We’ll look at the problem and some potential solutions. Then, building the case for retirement savings inside a TFSA. Plus: What to do and what to say if a collection agency comes calling. You actually have some rights. We’ll tell you what they are.

Becoming A Mystery Shopper

We talk to Jeff Doucette about Field Agent as a company that connects marketers to consumers who can use their smart phones to earn cash providing in-store data.

What To Do When A Collection Agency Calls

What to do and what to say if a collection agency comes calling. You actually have some rights. Laurie Campbell tells us what they are.

How To Budget With Income Volatility

We talk to Liz Mulholland about income volatility becoming a bigger and bigger social issue.

Matt Ardrey Answers Our Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Matt Ardrey.

Retirement Savings Inside A TFSA

We talk to Matt Ardrey about building the case for retirement savings inside a TFSA.

EP1720 – How to Find a Financial Advisor: A new, online seal of approval

Finding a great financial advisor is a tough task. We’ll look at a website that helps sort the wheat from the chaff, called MoneySense Approved. And, young people are taking financial literacy into their own hands. We’ll profile a non-profit called FuturFund. Then, Are the rich really that different from you and me? A conversation with the CEO of Grayhawk Investments, a firm that focuses on high net worth families. Plus: A new survey that will make your hair turn grey. Canada has slipped one spot on the Global Retirement Index.

We Profile a Non-Profit called Futur Fund

We talk to Katherine Tang about the non-profit, Futur Fund.

Rich People’s Problems

We talk to the CEO of Grayhawk Investments, a firm that focuses on high net worth families to see if the rich are really different from you and me.

We Look At The Website MoneySense Approved

We talk to Julie Cazzin about the website that helps sort the wheat from the chaff, called MoneySense Approved.

A Look At Canadian Equities

We talk to Sheldon Dyck about the Canadian Stock Market and should reduce the amount you have invested in it.

Canada’s Place On The Global Retirement Index

We discuss a new survey with David Goodsell with Canada slipping one spot on the Global Retirement Index.

EP1721 – Ridiculous Interest Rates: How to avoid the insanity of 546%

Four percent seems high for a mortgage, right? How about 546 percent to borrow $100? These insane interest rates are common for many Canadians in dire financial straits. We’ll highlight the risks of high-cost financial products. We’ll also talk about Common Wealth, a new pension firm focused on modest earners. Plus how to kick start an RESP even if you have no money to contribute.

Those With The Least Pay The Most In Financial Services

We talk to Courtney Hare about the high costs of those with the least that pay the most in various financial services.

Focusing on Retirement Plans for Modest Earners

We talk to Alex Mazer about his group, Common Wealth, a new pension firm focused on modest earners.

Courtney Hare Answers Our Questions

We play another round of ‘Ask Anything’. This time with Courtney Hare.

Are There Too Many Mutual Funds In Canada

We talk to Carol Lynde about the new choice for mutual funds from Bridgehouse Asset Management.

EP1722 – Digital Assets: What happens to your Facebook account when you die?

We all have social media accounts and documents stored on computers. But I would bet none of us have included those “digital assets” in our estate plan. We’ll look at why it might make sense and how to do it. And, walking a fine line on Financial Literacy. When it comes to the banks, how do we address the risk of a conflict of interest? We’ll talk to the incoming president of the Canadian Bankers Association. Then, success through storytelling. We’ll look at how sharing personal stories can improve financial outcomes.

What Happens To Your “Digital Assets” When You Die

We talk to Keith Masterman about the “digital assets” in our estate plan which includes all the social media accounts and documents stored on computers. We’ll look at why it might make sense to include them and how to do it.

Do Banks Have a Conflict of Interest When It Comes To Financial Literacy

We talk to Neil Parmenter, incoming President of the Canadian Bankers Association about addressing the risk of a conflict of interest.

Sharing Personal Stories Can Improve Financial Outcomes

We look at how sharing personal stories can improve financial outcomes with Monica Da Ponte.

EP1723 – The Opposite of Spoiled: How to Raise Financially Independent Kids

New York Times Columnist, and parent, Ron Lieber offers tips on how to talk about money with your kids, and what to do about allowance, smart phone plans and peer pressure. And, Get Smarter About Money. The online resource from the Ontario Securities Commission has been redesigned and has even more to help you get a handle on your investments. Plus, the new reality of Real Estate, and a Canadian FinTech that helps small businesses offer client financing option.

How To Talk About Money With Your Kids

We talk to New York Times Columnist, and parent, Ron Lieber with tips on how to talk about money with your kids.

Get Smarter About Money

We talk to Tyler Fleming from the Ontario Securities Commission about how to get more help for you to get a handle on your investments.

The New Reality of Real Estate

We talk to David Coffey about the new regulatory measures and a recent rate hike and how it has changed the dynamics and how it is affecting the seller psychology.

EP1724 – Innovation in Financial Services: Does a new savings account really count?

The Digital Factory is Scotiabank’s “Innovation Hub” and they are celebrating the launch of its first product. Is it an AI, blockchain, bitcoin, self-driving, biometric drone? Nope. It’s a new…savings account. We’ll talk fintech at the big banks. And fintech with a genuine start-up. The founder of a new payments offering called Stack will join us. We’ll review a new consumer opinion poll on RESPs, and talk to Doug Hoyes, the author of “Straight Talk on Your Money – The Biggest Financial Myths and Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.”

Scotiabank’s new Digital Factory

We talk to Mike Henry about Scotiabank's Digital Factory's first product launch and about their "Innovation Hub".

Free Access to Financial Services, Is It Possible?

We talk to Miro Pavletic about his new fintech start-up called Stack. A new digital financial services platform that allows you to replace your traditional bank account.

Straight Talk On Your Money

We talk to Doug Hoyes, the author of “Straight Talk on Your Money – The Biggest Financial Myths and Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.”

Have You Started Your RESPs Yet?

We talk to Lesley Anne Scorgie about the new consumer poll on RESPs and the shocking results that have come from it.

EP1725 – Trump is now an Exchange Traded Fund: Should you go long or short?

“Make American Great Again” isn’t just a political slogan. It is the ticker symbol for a new Exchange Traded Fund designed to track stocks that might get a Trump bump. We’ll talk to its creator. Then, how to find your best credit card. We’ll go inside the algorithm at Credit Card Genius, an online card comparison engine. And, insight into the implications of the Liberal Government’s tax reform plan, with Dave Walsh from BDO Canada. Plus, real estate expert Limor Markman on how first time homebuyers can avoid common real estate mistakes.

Choosing The Right Credit Card

We talk to Stephen Wayman about choosing the right credit card with Credit Card Genius.

Mistakes First Time Home Buyers Make

We talk to Limor Markham about the mistakes first time home buyers make and how to avoid them.

Changes In The Tax Treatment for Small Businesses

We talk to Dave Walsh about the upcoming tax changes the Liberal Government want to make that will affect small business owners.

Betting On Trump

We talk to Hal Lambert about the new exchange traded fund #MAGA.

EP1726 – Cutting down on Canada: The case for investing internationally

Last year, Barak Obama said, “The world needs more Canada”. Sure, that may be true when it comes to health care and comedians. But not when it comes to investing. We’ll look at the case for going international. Then, the massive data breach at credit bureau Equifax has put the spotlight back on hackers. We’ll hear about a new Exchange Traded Fund that focuses on cyber security stocks. Plus, Millennials don’t use VHS players. But does that mean financial advisors are obsolete too?

Can you invest to much Canada

We talk to Terry Shaunessy about the risk of investing in too much Canada and the case to go international.

ETF’s that focus on cyber security stocks

We talk to Raja Lala about Exchange Traded Funds that focuses on cyber security stocks.

Financial Advice for Millennials

We talk to Brandon Silbermann about where Millennials can go for financial advice.

EP1727 – Air Passenger Rights: How to claim money for delayed and cancelled flights

Your flight is delayed, overbooked, or cancelled. Aside from a losing your mind at the gate, or self-medicating at the bar, what can you do about it? A new venture called Flight aims to fight the fight on your behalf. Then, “Putting Wealth to Work” - a new book on philanthropy that questions the ‘giving while living’ approach. And, The Registered Disability Savings Plan. It’s a resource for families planning for the future of their kids with disabilities. We’ll talk about how it works.

Fighting flight issues on your behalf

Jacob Charbonneau from joins us to talk about fighting the fight on behalf of the customer.

Putting Wealth To Work

Author Joel Fleishman joins us to talk about his new book "Putting Wealth to Work" and questions the philanthropy view of 'giving while living' approach.

Planning for the future for families of kids with disabilities

Jeff Dobbin joins us to talk about the resources available for families of kids with disabilities in planning for their future.

EP1728 – The Terminators: Will Financial Advisors become half human, half robot Cyborg’s?

Perhaps Arnold Schwarzenegger will reprise his character for the film version of the investment industry’s transformation. We’ll look to the future of technology on the advisory business, and on regulation. We’ll also talk about the connection between gender and investment risk tolerance. And the new Investor Protection Clinic based at Osgoode Law School. Plus, all you can eat, for one price. That’s the idea behind a new “flat fee” mutual fund.

The Connection Between Gender and Investment Risk Tolerance

We talk to Dr. Rui Yao about the connection between gender and investment risk tolerance.

Will Financial Advisors become half human, half robot Cyborg’s

We talk to Kendra Thompson on the future of asset management and the role of hybrid advice and the bringing together machine learning and humans.

Regulators Using AI To Boost Their Effectiveness

We talk to Anthony Boright about the future of technology on the advisory business, and on regulation.

The Investor Protection Clinic at Osgood Law School

We talk to Alex Despotovic and Ankita Gupta about the new resource for people who feel they have been done wrong in the investment world, the Investor Protection Clinic.

The New “Flat Fee” Mutual Fund

We talk to Alex Sasso about the new option of a "flat management fee" mutual fund.

EP1729 – The Folly of Frugality: Why some seniors need to get spending their stash of cash

Some seniors are sitting on piles of money, but insist on taking public transit home from chemo appointments. We’ll reframe the “value of a dollar”, in retirement. Then, Money & Manners. If Emily Post were alive today, she’d have lots to say about how we behave when it comes to our cash. We’ll also have some tips on how to get yield into your portfolio, and the latest performance numbers on a Fossil Fuel Free portfolio.

Money & Manners

We talk to Sue Jacques about how we behave when it comes to our cash

Loosen The Purse Strings

We talk to Linda Shick about reframing the value of a dollar in retirement.

Getting Yield Into Your Portfolio

We talk to Tom Bradley with tips on how to get yield into your portfolio.

Fossil Fuel Free Portfolio

We talk to Wayne Wachell about getting great performance numbers on a Fossil Fuel Free portfolio.\

EP1730 – Funding Adoption: The price you pay for something entirely priceless.

Kids are expensive. But many families pay a lot of money before they even bring their kids home, because they’re building their family through adoption. We’ll talk to a financial advisor for some advice on how to plan when you’re pursuing adoption. Then, once your gorgeous child is snuggled into bed, you’ll want to teach them a thing or two about money. We’ll talk to the educator behind Kidonomics - a series of books about money, for kids under age 7. Plus, Red Flags for Retirement. A new investor study funded by the Ontario Securities Commission found that 38% of pre-retirees over the age of 45 had NO INVESTMENTS.

Financial planning when pursuing adoption

We chat with Jennifer Myers about planning your finances when looking to build your family through adoption.

Creating Mini-Money Managers

We talk to Dr. Radha Maharaja about the goal of her Kidonomics series teaching kids about money.

The Car Accident Toolkit

We talk to Mark Kent about the Car Accident Toolkit, everything you need to cover if you are ever in a car accident.

Can Future Travels Affect Your Life Insurance

We talk to Lorne Marr about how travel plans can impact on getting life insurance.

Red Flags for Retirement

We talk to Tyler Fleming about what red flags there are when it comes to investing for retirement.

Millennials and Money: Crushing student debt to help them start saving for retirement

When you’re young, retirement seems way too far off to think about. And with a millennial’s main financial priorities being rent and student debt, putting extra money aside for retirement seems impossible. We’ll talk to an insurance company that’s trying to change that. Then, since it’s never too early to start saving, we’ll talk to the the team behind some fun new financial resources for high schoolers. Plus, your investment portfolio’s “dirty secret.” A new study illustrates that how you invest can affect what happens to the climate.

Save For The Future While Paying Your Student Debt

We talk to Brad Fedorchuk about a pilot project to help millenials pay off student debt while still contributing to their retirement.

What To Do When Cancer Changes Your Financial Plan

We talk to Joanne di Nardo about what financial concerns family have to deal with when cancer disrupts the financial plan.

Financial Awareness for Kids

We talk to James Kassam about Rooster Money, an app that helps kids learn about money.

Budget Learning For Teens

We talk to Tony Dunham about new financial literacy programs to help teens learn about budgets.

How Does Investing Affect Your Carbon Footprint

We talk to Trish Nixon about how investors should worry about climate change and how it could affect their investments.

The Stats of Life: Numbers don’t always tell the full story of how Canadians spend.

Canada is a large and diverse country. While it is possible to calculate what “average” is when it comes to money, what do those findings really mean? We’ll learn about a new CBC TV show called “The Stats of Life” that reveals surprising truths about the family next door. Then, since most of us spend our days swiping and tapping, we’ll learn why our payment systems work the way they do. Plus, money on the mind. New research finds that financial stress could be affecting your productivity at work.

The Stats Of Life

We talk to Kip Spidell about his new show on CBC called "The Stats of Life" concentrating on the money episode.

Payment History of the US

We talk to Kasra Nejatian about the history on how the US payment systems came to be.

A new robo-financial planner

We talk to Rona Birenbaum and Seyon Vasantharajan about Viviplan, a new robo-financial planner.

Money on the Mind

We talk to Greg Sutherland about the stress that finances can affect your workplace productivity.

Joy, a new personal Financial Coaching App

We talk to Scott Saunders, the creator of the Joy App. A new personal financial coaching app targeted towards women.

Save More Tomorrow: New ways to automatically save your raise

There’s a term called “Lifestyle Inflation.” As soon as we get a raise at work, we spend it. This pattern makes it very difficult to get ahead financially, even as your pay goes up. We’ll talk about how to hack your behaviour. Then, we’ll profile a new program from ABC Life Literacy offering financial education to adults. Plus, A Financial Reboot. Tips on how to power down, and start up again to get a handle on your money.

A Financial Reboot

We talk to Preet Banerjee about the issue of doing a financial reboot and how it affects the long term.

Saving More For Tomorrow

We talk to Amelia Young about the Save More Tomorrow program.

Comparing Different Portfolios

We talk to Andrew O’Neill about the Performance Quickcheck tool which allows you to compare different portfolios.

The Future Of Wealth Management Jobs

We talk to Melissa Shin about her research on the future of wealth management jobs.

Financial Education For Adults

We talk to Mack Rogers about the new program that educates the fundamentals of finance to adults.

The Player’s Office: Helping professional athletes hit a financial home run

Life as a professional athlete isn’t just what you see on TV. They aren’t always blowing millions of dollars on luxury toys --- they need to go out and buy groceries and develop a financial plan. We’ll talk with a firm that serves the superstars. Then, we’ll profile a new app that rounds up every purchase you make and invests the spare change. Plus, taxing treat like Toblerone, Twinkies and Twizzlers. A new survey from Consumer Reports illustrates the drive to put a tax on unhealthy behaviour.

Athletes and Their Financial Outlook

We talk to Brandon Hill about how he is helping athletes make sure they have a plan in place for their financial future.

Online Financial Education and Success

We talk to Kevin Cochran about educating the youth and old about financial literacy online.

Save Easy and Grow

We talk to Philip Barrar about an easy way to save and grow your savings account.

Taxing Unhealthy Behaviours

We talk to Trisha Calvo about whether the government should tax citizens for unhealthy behaviours.

Side Hustle

We talk to Dave Osborne about Instacart - shopping for others and getting paid for it.

The Moolala Book Club: Recommended Reading To Help You Better Manage Your Money

Regardless of what you make, it can feel like you’re constantly broke. You think you can afford that new car or that vacation, but it feels like you can’t. We’ll talk with an author about “guilt-free” spending. Then, we have all the investment advice you’ll ever need --- and it supposedly fits on a index card! Plus, a lot of factors can affect an investment decision, but a person’s emotions can actually play the biggest role. We’ll find out how investment advisors could better serve their clients by understanding their emotions.

Worry-Free Money

We talk to Shannon Lee Simmons about her book, Worry-Free Money.

The Index Card

We talk to Harold Pollack about his book, The Index Card. A book about how personal finance doesn't need to be complicated.

Emotional Investing

We talk to Chris White about his book, The Emotional Investor.

Trading Money for Time: How To Buy Back Your Minutes

We’re busy people and it can sometimes feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day to get everything done. With work, taking care of the kids, cooking, cleaning, it can feel like there’s never any free time left for yourself. We’ll talk with a co-founder of Jiffy, a company that says it can help with that. Then, we’ll learn how to regain control of your personal finances after incurring a major loss. Plus, in another segment of “Ask Anything,” we’ll learn what to do with your pension if you’re leaving your job.

Buy Back Your Time

We talk to Ryan Shupak about buying back your time with his new startup connecting homeowners with home services.

Needing Help To Manage Your Money

We talk to Jason Heath about how to sort through all the issues of getting family to help you with your money as you get older.

Facing A Loss and Reclaiming Financial Stability

We talk to Alison Pena about how to come out great on the other side financially after going through a loss.

Jason Heath Answers Your Questions

This time with Jason Heath

New World of FinTech

We talk to Janet Bannister about the new world of FinTech and what is next.

Lost In Translation: A New Way To Read Financial News

There is an infinite amount of financial news out there. How do you know what is important? And what actions to take? We’ll give you some tips on how to wade through the mess to find the news you can use. Then, we’ll take a closer look at retirement calculators, to help give you a sense for what you need to save so you can retire comfortably. Plus, investing isn’t just about the profits. We’ll learn what socially-conscious investing could mean for the future of the finance industry.

Reading Financial News

We talk to Morgan Housel about how to wade through the infinite amount of financial news and know what is important.

How Much Do You Need To Retire

We talk to Laurence Kotlikoff about using a retirement calculator to figure out exactly how much money you will need when you retire.

What Should Kids Pay For

We talk to Robin Taub about how we develop good spending habits for kids and teens.

Investing While Making The World A Decent Place

We talk to Morgan Housel about investing to make a good return but you can also make the world a decent place with collaborative funds themes.

Manulife + Alexa

We talk to Xavier Debane about how Manulife is working with Alexa to keep track of your health benefits.

Body Language and your Bank Account: How to listen to the unsaid

Is a hand gesture worth a thousand words? Body language expert Mark Bowden is the author of Truth & Lies: What People Are Really Thinking. We’ll apply his model to managing your money. And, millennials may have more debt and less income than the Baby Boomers or Gen X. Does that mean they are financially doomed? Then, Fred Vettese on his new book, Retirement Income For Life. Plus, we’ll learn how you can make the most out of your TFSA. Spoiler alert: It’s best not to just let the money sit there.

The Financial Future of Millennials

We talk to Michael Hobbes about the financial future of millennials.

How To Handle Your TFSA

We talk to Prajakta Dhopade about what to do with your TFSA when you are young.

How To Spend Your Money In Retirement

We talk to Fred Vetesse on how to turn your retirement savings into retirement income.

Building Financial Trust

We talk to Mark Bowden about building trust with your financial advisor and how to tell what they are really thinking through body language.

Reverse Budgeting

We talk to Prajakta Dhopade about looking at budgeting through savings instead of focusing on expenses.

Self-Made Millionaires: Teaching Kids How To Make Big Money

Wealthy people do things differently than “average” people -- including how they teach their kids about money. We’ll talk to author Steve Siebold about his new book, “Secrets Self-Made Millionaires Teach Their Kids.” Then, we’ll look at some of the big trends in the Canadian mortgage market. Plus, a new, free tool to help you monitor your credit.

Teaching Your Kids To Be Rich

We talk to Steve Siebold about what self-made millionaires teach their kids.

Mortgage Trends in 2018

We talk to Robert McLister about trends we should be looking for in 2018 when it comes to mortgages.

Understanding Your Credit Score

We talk to Eva Wong about Borrowell's new credit monitoring service and what it is all about.

Picking The Right Mortgage

We talk to Robert McLister about how to pick the right mortgage for you.

Increasing Your Net Worth

We talk to Lesley-Anne Scorgie about what net worth is and how to increase yours.

Bitcoin on the Brain: The Science Behind Your Cryptocurrency Cravings

Whether or not Bitcoin is in a bubble is up for debate. But there’s no denying the cryptocurrency mania that it started. We’ll talk to a behavioural economist about why your brain is going gaga for it. Then, we’ll look at an app called Voleo that combines stock trading with social networking. Plus, estimating the cost of education. University tuition isn’t the only financial factor to consider when saving for post secondary.

Your Brain On Bitcoin

We talk to Stephanie Bank about the popularity of the crypto-craze and the science behind crypto currency cravings.

Teaching Teens About Personal Finance

We talk to Thomas Beattie about Voleo. An app that will help teens with money that combines personal finance and social networking.

Managing Your Personal Finance

We talk to Ian Gillepsie about Banktivity. A software that will help you keep you organized financial by connecting all your accounts to help you stay organized.

Cost Of Education

We talk to Dan Bortolotti about the total cost of education when you make the jump to post-secondary schooling.

Cost Of Education

We talk to Dan Bortolotti about the total cost of education when you make the jump to post-secondary schooling.

The Science Behind Saving Money

We talk to Stephanie Bank about the psychological obstacles that are the cause of your inability to save money.

Dollar Street: The power of photography to illustrate the income gap

Picture the world as a street with every home lined up by income. The poorest live to the left, the richest to the right and everyone else lives somewhere in between. It’s a digital project called Dollar Street and we’ll talk to it’s co-founder Anna Ronnlund. Then, we’ll look at personalization at the robo-advivers with the co-founder of WealthBar.. And the Financial Post’s Melissa Leong on the price of happiness. Plus, the price of living in a big city. We’ll look at a new report from LowestRates that break down how much it costs millennials to live in Toronto.

Dollar Street

We talk to Anna Ronnlund from the website, Dollar Street. Which lets people compare where they are in world when it comes to different income brackets.

How To Buy Happiness

We talk to Melissa Leong as we dive into whether money can buy you happiness and at what point.

Cost of Living For Millennials

We talk to John Shmuel about how millennials we will be able to find a place to live in a big city.

Making Fintech More Personal

We talk to Tea Nicola, founder of WealthBar about how they are trying to make Fintech more personal instead of being robotic.

Tech Is Making You Broke

We talk to Melissa Leong about whether technology is making it easier to overspend.

Money, Manifestation and Miracles

We talk to author Meriflor Toneatto about transforming women's relationship with money.

How To Ask For A Raise

We talk to Manisha Thakor about why it is so hard to talk to your boss about a raise, especially for women.

Loyalty Programs: Are They Worth It

We talk to Kerry K. Taylor about how to get the best bang for your buck from loyalty programs without overspending.

What You Should Know About Your Portfolio

We talk to Manisha Thakor about the five things you should know about their investment portfolios to have financial success.

Plan A Budget Friendly Wedding

We talk to Barry Choi about how to create an awesome wedding being on a budget.

Celebrity Money Handlers: Who pays Oprah’s hydro bill?

Celebrities have the resources to avoid many mundane tasks. We’ll talk to Patricia Terrence, chartered accountant and business manager for entertainers about how the wealthy outsource their financial lives . Then, the author of “Attention Pays”, Neen James, on how tuning out distractions can help you reach your financial goals. And behavioural economist Sarah Newcomb on how social comparisons could be hurting your financial well-being. Plus, the latest on Artifical Intelligence in financial services with Accenture’s Jodie Wallis, and self-made millionaire Tahani Abu-raneh on success.

Celebrity Money Handlers

We talk to Patricia Terrence on how celebrities handle their money when it comes to banking, shopping, or getting a mortgage.

Pay Attention

We talk to Neen James about how to create extraordinary lives by unplugging from disruptions and distractions.

Managing Your Money With A.I.

We talk to Jodie Wallace about using Artificial Intelligence to help you manage your money.

Comparing Ourselves

We talk to Sarah Newcomb on how social comparissons can be hurting your financial well-being.

Breaking The Glass Ceiling

We talk to Tahani Aburaneh about breaking the glass ceilings in a male-dominated industry.

The Gender Goal Gap: Why on earth do women seem to expect less?

A new study from fintech company Mylo found that women set financial goals that are over 50 per cent smaller than men’s. We’ll find out more from Kelly Trihey, the head of the Montreal CFA Women in Investment Management Committee. And, robo-advisor Nest Wealth has launched a product making it easier for small businesses to offer Group RRSPs. We’ll talk to the company’s CEO Randy Cass. Then, financial independence requires certain “recipes” and “ingredients” in order to get cooking -- and saving. It’s called the Cashflow Cookbook, we’ll talk to it’s author Gordon Stein. Plus, how to make sense of the alphabet soup of financial advisor designations.

Financial Goal Gap

We talk to Kelly Trihey when it comes to savings and investing behaviours among Canadians.

Cashflow Cookbook

We talk to Gordon Stein about the best way to achieve financial independence with the right money recipe.

Small Business RRSP Opportunities

We talk to Randy Cass about how NestWealth help smaller companies and retirement savings with group RRSP's.

New Rules Of The Game

We talk to Christian Felber about the new ways of thinking and new ways of behaving in the broader economy.

Alphabet Soup of Titles

We talk to Naheed Gilani about the many financial credential titles in Canada which can be confusing with who to work with.

Less Is More: How Consuming Less Could Make You Happier

Can you imagine banning shopping for an entire year? Cait Flanders did it, and then wrote a memoir on her experience. We’ll talk to her about The Year of Less. And, we’ll take a closer look at peer-to-peer car-sharing company Turo. Then, millennials have decades to save for retirement. But they still need to minimize the hit of high investment fees. We’ll talk to money coach Steve Bridge. Plus, “Family Offices.” What regular people can learn from the wealthy. Investment advisor Emily Griffiths-Hamilton will be our guest.

The Year Of Less

We talk to Cait Flanders about how to live with less.

Would You Share Your Car

We talk to Cedric Mathieu about renting out your car through Turo, a car sharing app.

Do Investor Fees Cost Millennials

We talk to Steve Bridge about how Millennials could be missing on compound growth because of investors fees.

Investing in Marijuana

We talk to Renee Ellison about whether Canada's marijuana industry will be a boom or bubble.

What Is A Family Office

We talk to Emily Hamilton about what a Family Office is and when you should need one.

Toss It Away? No way! How Repair Cafes Help Save You Money

When something breaks, our first thought is to toss it. But to cut costs, you could learn to fix it. We’ll talk to Repair Cafe Toronto’s co-founder Paul Magder. Then, need a helping hand fighting big business? The Toronto Star’s Ellen Roseman will take us through the lessons she’s learned as a consumer advocate. And, what would you sacrifice to make your debt disappear? We have the report from MNP. Plus, we’ll talk to Carol Roth of Future File about a a legacy planning system that could save you money and stress.

Fix Your Broken Stuff

We talk to Paul Magder about Repair Cafes that are popping up to encourage you to fix your broken stuff to benefit the environment and save you money.

Teaching Good Money Habits To Kids

We talk to James Kassam about the Rooster Money app to help teach kids good money habits.

Consumer Advocacy

Toronto Star writer Ellen Roseman joins us to talk about how she has helped consumers fight back over the years.

Be Prepared For The Loss of a Loved One

We talk to Carol Roth about being prepared for the loss of a loved one to eliminate the stress and financial burden.

What Would You Give Up To Eliminate Debt

We talk to Sean Simpson about what Canadians are willing to give up to eliminate debt but why are they not doing it.

Hey Google! We Look At Google’s Top Personal Finance Search Trends

Okay, Google. Can you answer my money questions? We’ll talk to Millennial Money founder Grant Sabatier about Google’s top personal finance search trends. Then, Nest UK’s executive director joins us to talk about their new pension pilot program that doesn’t lock up your money. And, we’ll look at a new report from Proof on how much new Canadians trust banks. Plus, we’ll talk about estate planning and where to start, with CARP’s Laura Tamblyn Watts. And, we’ll get some strategies from financial expert Ed Rempel for minimizing tax on retirement income.

What’s Trending In Google

We talk to Grant Sabatier about the latest in Google search trends when it comes to personal finance.

Looking At New Ways To Run Pension Plans

We talk to Will Sandbrook from Nest about a new pension model that allows access to emergency funds to persuade employees to stay with them company's pension plan.

Canada’s Trust In Banks

We talk to Josh Cobden about which Canadians trust banks more and why.

Get Your Estate In Order

We talk to Laura Tamblyn Watts about proper estate planning to ensure your assets goes where you want them to go.

Minimize Tax On Retirement

We talk to Ed Rempel about tax saving strategies upon your retirement.

Costly Courtship: How To Talk To Your Partner About Money

Money can be a hot topic in relationships. We’ll get some tips from Kristin Wong, a financial columnist and author of “Get Money.” Then, “Just in Case Space.” Are you seriously going to pay $50,000 so you have a guest room for Grandma? Jim Yih on why you might be better off to put her up in a hotel. Plus, Frankie Flowers has some cost-conscious gardening tips. And, financial advisor Larry Lovis on his new book, “Mapping Your Retirement Road.”

Talking Money With Your Significant Other

We talk to Kristin Wong about navigating the difficulty of talking money with your life partner.

Price Of A Guest Room

We talk to Jim Yih and find out if that extra guest room is worth the cost.

Cost Conscious Gardening

We talk to Frankie Flowers from Cityline TV about how to save money to have the best garden you can.

Mapping Your Retirement Road

We talk to Larry Lovis about mapping your financial life to make your retirement better.

Negotiating Tips When You Need To Ask For More

We talk to Kristin Wong about the best way to negotiate when you are asking your boss for more money.

Trading curtains for cryptocurrency? How digital currency fits into the bartering community

Bartering platform Bunz was built on cashless trades---cookies for curtains, shoes for cleaning supplies. In a big shift, it has launched its own cryptocurrency. We’ll talk with Bunz CEO Sascha Mojtahedi about BTZ. Then, humans versus robots. Toronto Financial Services Alliance president Jennifer Reynolds on where technology can---and can’t---replace people. And, we’ll talk about the impact mental health issues can have on financial planning with Navigator Principal Anne Kilpatrick. Then, Shannon Lee Simmons shares some kid-friendly money primers divided by age. Plus, financial planner Tim Nash takes us through Ethical Market’s Green Transition Scoreboard.

Bartering With New Technology

We talk to Bunz CEO Sascha Mojtahedi about their new cryptocurrency bartering system, BTZ.

How Technology Is Changing Our Financial Institutions

We talk to Jennifer Reynolds about how technology is changing the financial sector and what can and can't replace people.

Mental Health and Financial Planning

We talk to Anne Kilpatrick as we discuss the impact mental health issues can have on financial planning.

What To Teach Kids About Money And When

We talk to Shannon Lee Simmons as she shares some kid-friendly money primers divided by age.

Investing in Green Energy Is On The Rise

We talk to Tim Nash about the surge of green energy investing and takes us through the Ethical Market's Green Transition Scorecard.

Spare Change & Societal Change: Charitable Donations in a Cash-Free Society

You want to contribute to charity. You believe it’s important. But it isn’t easy to find the money, or to remember to follow through. We’ll look at a new app from Mylo and CanadaHelps that’s working to change that, by rounding up your small purchases and allowing you to donate your spare change. Then, do you really need life insurance? Benjamin Felix has the questions you need to consider. And, why women need to save more than men for retirement---and how to do it---from personal finance expert Rubina Ahmed-Haq. Plus, we profile Prosper Canada’s new digital Learning Hub.

Donate Your Spare Change Easily

We talk to Shannon Craig about the Round Up To Give app which donates your spare change to worthy causes.

Do You Really Need Life Insurance

We talk to Benjamin Felix about whether life insurance is worth getting and who needs it.

Why Women Need To Save More Then Men For Retirement

We talk to Rubina Ahmed-Haq on why women need to put away more of their income to enjoy the same retirement life as men.

Learning Financial Empowerment Online

We talk to CEO Liz Mulholland about Prosper Canada's Learning Hub where Canadians can go online and learn to empower themselves financially.

Money and Moving In: What You Need To Talk About

We talk to Rubina Ahmed-Haq about having the money talk before moving in with your partner.

Expect The Unexpected: How To Budget For A Surprise Pregnancy

Having a baby is expensive, and it can be even more financially stressful if you’re unexpectedly expecting. Personal finance blogger Bridget Casey tells us how she budgeted through her surprise pregnancy. Then, you don't have to wait till 65 to take time off. We’ll talk about mini-retirements with journalist Eric Reed. And, do you really need an emergency fund? CFP John De Goey has some questions to consider. Plus, how to make owning that dream cottage a reality, with Meridian financial expert Allan Tran.

Budgeting An Unexpected Pregnancy

We talk to finance blogger Bridget Casey on how she budgeted for an unexpected pregnancy.

Are You Ready For A Mini-Retirement

We talk to Eric Reed about taking a mini-retirement instead of just a vacation.

Emergency Funds – Do You Really Need Them

We talk to Joey De Goey about when an emergency fund should come into play and if there is a need for it.

How To Make Owning A Cottage A Reality

We talk to Allan Tran about how to make owning that dream cottage a reality.

Budgeting Your Trip

We talk to Barry Choi as he gives us his best budget travel trips.

The Rise of the Reverse Mortgage: Opportunities and Concerns

Reverse mortgages are growing in Canada, but cash-strapped seniors should still proceed with caution. Personal finance columnist Rob Carrick goes through the advantages and disadvantages of reverse mortgages. Then, your guide to robo-advisors with MoneySense’s David Aston. How the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation can help you purchase a home. And, we learn more about the “FIRE” movement from Broke Millennial founder Erin Lowry. Plus, a new initiative from Common Wealth that’s working to create a retirement plan for nonprofit sector employees.

The FIRE Movement

We talk to Erin Lowry about the growing number looking to retire early by using the FIRE movement.

Is A Reverse Mortgage Right For You

We talk to columnist Rob Carrick about the rise in reverse mortgages, how they work and who are they right for.

Your Guide To Robo-Advisors

We talk to David Aston about which robo-advisors are the best to choose from and who are the best at what.

What Does The CMHC Actually Do

We talk to Romy Bowers, Chief Commercial Officer from the CMHC to break down what the CMHC do to help Canadians get mortgages.

The Common Good Initiative For Retirement

We talk to Alex Mazer about helping the non-profit sector get the resources to offer a workplace retirement plan for their employees.

10 Year Baby Window: When Women Take Maternity Leave Can Impact The Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap exists, but why does it exist? One factor might be the “10-year Baby Window.” We’ll learn more from the New York Times’ Claire Cain Miller. Then, breaking up with your financial advisor is hard. Adam Hennick has created “break up” greeting cards to do the job for you. We look at who shouldn’t be saving for retirement with Vancity’s John Vermeulen. And, how much kids are saving according to RoosterMoney’s Allowance Report. Plus, what Canadians can do about retirement fees.

Does Childbirth Affect The Gender Pay Gap

We talk to Claire Cain Miller if the age when women have kids affects the gender pay gap.

Split From Your Financial Advisor With Breakup Cards

We talk to Adam Hennick about his breakup cards that he designed when you're ready to split from your financial advisor.

Should You Save For Retirement

We talk to John Vermeulen about who shouldn't be saving for retirement and where you should be putting your money to be more productive for your financial well-being.

Kids Are Putting Their Allowance Into Savings

We talk to James Kassam about the findings on how much kids are saving from their allowances according to the Rooster App.

Are Fees Taking A Bite Out Of Your Retirement Fund

We talk to Steve Bridge on why retirement savings fees are such a big issue as well as tips and tricks on how to save on these fees.

Funding Higher Education: How To Use Loyalty Points To Pay Tuition

Everyone knows how expensive higher education can be. But what if you could use loyalty points to pay for it? There’s a program called HigherEdPoints and we’ll talk to its founder Suzanne Tyson. Then, we’ll look at a new platform called Butter that’s working to help you get the most out of your subscriptions. And, more newlywed millennials are keeping their bank accounts separate. We’ll find out why from The Atlantic’s Caroline Kitchener. And Kristin Wong takes us through her new book “Get Money.” Plus, Evolve CEO Raj Lala on how investors can profit from cyber security stocks.

Trade In Loyalty Points For Education

We talk to Suzanne Tyson about HigherEd Points, where you can turn in your AeroPlan points for payments towards post-secondary education.

How To Keep Track Of Your Digital Subscriptions

We talk to Derek Szeto about Butter, an app that tracks your digital subscriptions and helps you manage them and even get some cash back.

Married Millennials Are Financing Separately

We talk to Caroline Kitchener about how millennials are chosing to keep separate bank accounts when they get married.

Live The Life You Want

We talk to Kristin Wong about an easier way to manage your personal finances.

Invest In Cyber Security Trading

We talk to Raj Lala about investing in an exchange-traded fund focused on cyber security.

Pay to Play: Financial Aid For Touring Musicians

The music industry isn’t all glitz and galm. Sometimes a tour can actually cost an artist. We’ll look at a new program from Artist Growth and Pinnacle FInancial that’s offering financial aid to entertainers. Then, Gena Rotsein from Karma & Cents on how Generation Z is changing the business of philanthropy. We’ll discuss the OSC’s new report on Millennials and investing. TheAnswerIs’ David Jenkins gives us some simple investing tips for young people. Plus, Canada’s first medical marijuana program from Manulife Financial and Shoppers Drug Mart.

Getting A Hand When Going On The Road

We talk to Matt Urmy about the new tour finance program for Artist Growth and Pinnacle Financial to help musicians go out on the road.

Do Gen Z Have The Same Philanthropical Sense As Their Parents

We talk to Gena Rotstein that while Gen Z will be getting the biggest inter-generational wealth transfer in history they may not have the same philanthropical sense towards charity.

How Do Millennials Feel About Investing

We talk to Tyler Fleming about how millennials are cautious about investing and at times feel overwhelmed.

TheAnswerIs, A Website To Help Young Investors

We talk to David Jenkins about TheAnswerIs, a website offering young people advice on how to invest wisely and successfully.

A Comprehensive Approach To Medical Marijuana

We talk to Donna Carbell about Manulife and Shopper's Drug Mart's comprehensive approach to medical marijuana.

Crypto-Canada: Will Bitcoin join the beaver as a Canadian icon?

Cryptocurrency is a volatile market, but that hasn’t dampened investor interest. We’ll take a look into the future of the sector with Coinsquare CEO Cole Diamond. Then, beating your bias. Richardson GMP’s Craig Basinger will be here with some strategies to help you improve your decision making. Author and entrepreneur Jeff Wiener shares his strategy for how to allocate business profits. Plus, some tips to help you save money on your commute.

Do You Know Your Digital Currency Market

We talk to Cole Diamond from CoinSquare about the crypto currency market.

Investing With Biases

We talk to Craig Basinger about the biases that can affect how we invest.

Cut The Cost Of Commuting

We talk to Jessica Moorhouse with tips on how to cut down the cost of commuting.

An Entrepreneur’s Guide To Investing

We talk to author Jeff Wiener about the way for entrepreneurs to invest.

Financially Prepare To Be An Entrepreneur

We talk to Jessica Moorhouse on how to succeed as an entrepreneur financially.

Aging Alone: How Solo Seniors Can Prepare For The Future

While aging comes with its own set of challenges, doing it alone can make it even more difficult. Solo senior advocate Carol Marak has some tips on how to navigate retirement. Then, Frazer Rice is here with some money tips for the well-off from his book “Wealth, Actually.” And, we talk about how to “Beat The Bank” with author Larry Bates. Why women should protect their financial interests in a relationship from Meridian’s Amie Burke. Plus, autoTRADER’s Jacob Black on car shopping.

What Challenges Do Solo Seniors Face

We talk to Carol Marak about the challenges that people face if they are aging alone.

Cars For Kids

We talk to Jacob Black about buying a car for a young adult entering post-secondary schooling and what are some tips.

Beat The Bank

We talk to Larry Bates on how to better your bank and be successful with investing.

Become Your Financial Advisors Favorite Client

We talk to Frazer Rice on why you should become your Wealth Advisors favorite client.

Women Protecting Themselves Financially With Investing

We talk to Amie Burke on why women should protect themselves financially in a relationship and how to go about it.

Quber: An app that helps you manage your financial goals

We look at a new app called Quber, that helps you achieve your financial goals. Then, why Canadians are excited about credit card rewards programs with J.D. Power’s Jim Miller. And, teaching teens the value of money just got easier. Robin Taub on financial apps for teens. Plus, do students really need tenant insurance? Janine White from says they do. And, Canada’s ranking on the annual Natixis Global Retirement Index with David Goodsell.

Visualize Your Financial Goals With Quber

We talk to Jen Leger about using Quber, an app that helps you achieve your financial goals visually.

Canadians Love Credit Card Rewards Programs

We talk to Jim Miller about why Canadians are so excited about credit card rewards programs.

Financial Apps For Teens

We talk to Robin Taub about which financial apps would work best for teens and your family.

Why Students Need Tenant Insurance

We talk to Janine White about what tenant insurance is, what it is and why students need it.

Canada Moves Up In The Global Retirement Index

We talk to David Goodsell about Canada moving into the top ten in the Natixis Global Retirement Index and whether Canada is getting better or are other countries going the other way.

The Pros and Cons of Multi-Level Marketing

Have you ever had a friendship tested by a multi-level marketing pitch? It’s pretty common, according to writer James Fell. We’ll talk to him about “The 13 Multi-level Marketers You’ll Meet In Hell”. Then, we get real about retiring REALLY early. We’ll talk to “Mr. Prairie FIRE”, a staunch supporter of the FIRE Movement. And, students and credit cards can be a dangerous mix. We’ll talk to Alyssa Furtado from RateHub for some dos and don’ts.. Plus, Credit Canada’s Laurie Campbell with some tips on budgeting when you have an irregular income, and SmartSAVER’s Luke Connell on what you need to know about RESPs.

The Pros and Cons Of Multi-Level Marketing

We talk to James Fell about the business model of multi-level marketing and goes through some of the ones you will meet from his book, "The 13 Multi-Level Marketers You'll Meet In Hell".

Turning Your Retirement Dreams Into Reality

We talk to Mr. Prairie FIRE about the FIRE movement about what to do to retire really early.

Credit Card Do’s and Don’ts For Students

We talk to Alyssa Furtado about the do's and don'ts for credit cards and how students can manage them.

Budgeting On An Irregular Income

We talk to Laurie Campbell about budgeting on an irregular income. She also provides steps on how to do it right.

What You Need To Know About RESP’s

We talk to Luke Connell about what you need to know about RESP's and SmartSAVER which connects parents with grants available for those who are looking for additional assistance for post-secondary education.

Love & Money

Economics just got sexier. We’ll talk to Marina Adshade author of Dollars & Sex about what economics has to do with your romantic relationships. And, writing your will just got easier. Kevin Oulds, the founder of, says you can draft your will online in less than 20 minutes. Vanessa Stockbrugger of WomenCents will take us through her 4 E’s to financial power. Then, And Hugh Murphy of Credo Consulting tells us about how to get the most from your financial advisor. Plus, is sustainable fashion worth the price you pay? Outland Denim’s James Bartle makes his case.

Love, Sex & Economics

We talk to Marina Adshade, author of Dollars & Sex about what economics has to do with romantic relationships.

Planning A Will At Home

We talk to Kevin Oulds of Willful about making it easier to draft a will online and at home.

Developing Financial Confidence

We talk to Vanessa Stockbrugger from Womencents about educating women with tools to develop financial confidence.

Where Does Your Financial Advisor Stack Up

We talk to Hugh Murphy from Credo Consulting on their survey on where financial advisors stack up.

Sustainable Fashion

We talk to James Bartle from Outland Denim about socially responsible fashion.

What’s next for weed? The Cannabis Companies You’ve Never Heard Of

The big cannabis stocks have been volatile. We’ll talk to Patrick Wood, the CEO Tormont Group about some names you’ve never heard of. And, Alyssa Fischer of Mixed Up Money is here to talk to us about the problems of digital currency and the “What’s Another Dollar” mindset. Then, the many life insurance policy options for Canadians. Lorne Marr will help us navigate through them all. Gary Prenevost takes us through the steps of opening up the ideal franchise. Plus, what investors think of their firm's mobile banking app with Mike Foy.

What’s Next For Weed

We talk to Patrick Wood from the Tormont Group about the ways you can diversify your cannabis portfolio.

The Problems of Digital Currency

We talk to Alyssa Fischer, author of Mixed Up Money about the problems of digital currency and the "What's Another Dollar" mindset.

Investing in Franchises

We talk to Gary Prenevost about the ins and outs of opening up the ideal franchise.

The Importance of Life Insurance Policies

We talk to Lorne Marr about the many options of life insurances and navigating through the different policies.

Do Canadians Like Their Investing Mobile App

We talk to Mike Foy about whether Canadians like their mobile experience from their investors.

Faith and your finances: How financial coaches are connecting to faith-based communities

We’ll talk to financial expert Chris Hogan from Ramsey Solutions about financial coaching in faith based communities. And, Michelle Hilscher from BEworks is here with some tips on how behavioural economics can help you stay out of debt. Laura Paris from Shulman Law Firm has advice on how to separate your online life from spouse, during a divorce. And Jason Armstrong on how mortgage brokers get paid and why it matters. Plus Krista Kerr on how to manage multi-generational wealth.

What Is Financial Coaching

We talk to Chris Hogan from Ramsey Solutions about financial coaching in faith-based communities.

How Do Mortgage Brokers Get Paid

We talk to mortgage broker Jason Armstrong about how brokers get compensated and what it matters to you.

How Behavioural Economics Can Help You Stay Out Of Debt

We talk to Michelle Hilscher from BEworks with tips on how behavioural economics can help you stay out of debt.

Shirtsleeves To Shirtsleeves

We talk to Krista Kerr of Kerr Financial on how to manage multi-generational wealth.

Forgotten Accounts During A Divorce

We talk to Laura Paris from Shulman Law Firm about advice on how to separate the forgotten online accounts from your spouse during a divorce.

How Reliable is Your Car?

We’ll talk about the latest car reliability survey from Consumer Reports with Jon Linkov. And, business coach Elaine Froese (Phrase) is here to tell us how to discuss the undiscussable when it comes to money and family. Melaina Vinski from PwC tells us how behavioral economics can help you save for your retirement. Then, the five biggest mistakes most investors make with Dave Goodsell from Natixis. Plus, we’ll talk about the Investment Protection Clinic’s annual report.

Reliability At The Top When Looking For A New Car

We talk to John Linkov about the results from the Consumers Report's annual car reliability survey.

Discuss The Undiscussable With Business and Family

We talk to business coach Elaine Froese on tips when it comes to talking about agriculture family businesses and money.

How Behavioral Economics Can Help With Retirement Planning

We talk to Melaina Vinski from PwC about how behavioral economics can help save for your retirement.

Five Mistakes All Investors Make

We talk to Dave Goodsell from the Natixis Centre for Investor Insight about the five mistakes all investors make and how to avoid them.

Where To Turn When Your Investments Are Mishandled

We talk to Osgoode Hall Law Professor Poonam Puri and student Caseworker Adam Voorberg about the free legal advice that you can seek if you believe your investments were handled poorly and you can't afford a lawyer.

Helping First-time Homebuyers Secure a Down Payment

Calling all first-time home buyers. We talk to finance professor Moshe Milevsky about how to amass your down payment. And, Questrade’s COO Stephen Graham is here to discuss their new, lower cost portfolios. And, five things you can do now to save on taxes, with Echelon’s Omar Shaikh (Shake). Then, Ellen Bessner joins us to talk about her latest book, Communication Risk: How to bridge the client advisor gap to protect and grow your business. Plus, we’ll talk to about the ABC Financial Literacy program called Money Matters.

How To Get That Down Payment For Your First House

We talk to finance professor Moshe Milevsky about how to amass the down payment for your first home.

Questrade’s New Questwealth Portfolio

We talk to Questrade COO, Steve Graham about their new product, Questwealth Portfolios. An improved version of Questrade Portfolio IQ.

Love To Hate Tax Season But You Can Save

We talk to Echelon's Omar Shaikh about five things you can do now to save on taxes.

Communicate Better With Your Financial Advisor

We talk to author Ellen Bessner about how to communicate better with your financial advisor and how to overcome certain challenges.

Improve Your Financial Literacy

We talk about Money Matters, a national program that helps Canadians improve their financial literacy.

Retirement and Its Discontents: Why We Won’t Stop Working Even if We Can

If you had the choice to stop working right now, would you? Michelle Silver joins us to talk about her book, Retirement and Its Discontents: Why We Won’t Stop Working Even If We Can. Then, the Public Policy Forum’s Jennifer Robson is here to talk about their latest report, Millennial Money: Financial Independence and Well-Being For the Next generation. And, we talk about new cryptoasset educational initiatives from the OSC Investor Office with Tyler fleming. Andrew Dagys is here to tell us about his book, Stock Investing For Canadians For Dummies. Plus, we’ll talk to Invisor’s Josh Miszk about its goal-tracking program, Invisor GPS 2.0.

We Won’t Retire Even When We Can

We talk to author Michelle Silver about why people don't want to stop working even when they can retire.

Stock Investing For Dummies

We talk to author Andrew Dagys about his book Stock Investing For Canadians For Dummies and what is in the latest edition.

How Are Millennials At Financial Literacy

We talk to Public Policy Forum's Jennifer Robson about what challenges millennials face financially.

Crypto Investments and The Risks Involved

We talk to Tyler Fleming from the Ontario Securities Commission about the new crypto asset educational initiative.

Robo-Advisors Helping You Meet Your Goals

We talk to Invisor's Vice-President Josh Miszk about the new Invisor GPS 2.0, a robo-advisor set to help you meet your financial goals.

Freedom 25: How to Fund a Gap Year

A lot of young people want to put their plans on pause and take a year off after high school. We’ll talk to Michelle Dittmer, the co-founder of The Canadian Gap Year Association about how to make the numbers work. Then, the things Snowbirds need to think about when it comes to money, with Evan Rachkovsky from the Canadian Snowbird Association. We talk to Tony Steuer about his upcoming book, Get Ready! A Step-By-Step Planner for Maintaining Your Financial First Aid Kit and Amanda Munday, about a new co-working space called the Workaround that offers childcare. Plus, we have all the investment advice you’ll ever need --- and it supposedly fits on a index card!

Taking A Gap Year

We talk to Michelle Dittmer of the Canadian Gap Year Association about how young people can make the numbers work to take a gap year.

Snowbirds and Money

We talk to Evan Rachkovsky from the Canadian Snowbird Association about what Canadians should be thinking about when it comes to money if they are spending their winters down south.

Financial First Aid Kit

We talk to author Tony Steuer about his book Get Ready! A Step-by-Step Planner For Maintaining Your Financial First Aid Kit and takes us through his Critical Emergency Action List.

Take Your Kids To Work Everyday

We talk to Amanda Munday, founder of the Workaround which is a coworking office space for parents that offers child care while you work.

The Single Index Card

We talk to University of Chicago professor Harold Pollack about how personal finance doesn't have to be complicated and can fit on a single index card.

Retirement Communities with a Theme

Teachers, nuns and nudists. Themed retirement communities are a growing trend. We’ll talk to Sue Johansen from A Place For Mom about the idea, then profile one example here at home. Performing Arts Lodges has been in operation since 1993, serving members of the artistic community. We’ll talk to Adrian Luces and Patty Gail Peaker from PAL. And there’s a new price matching app out there, from Meridian. Andrew Homan will be here to tell us about “Price Drop”Plus, we talk to Mark Morissette, the CEO and founder of Foxquilt, a community based insurance service. And Mahima Poddar from Equitable Bank about its new CSV line of credit.

Themed Retirement Communities

We talk to Sue Johansen from A Place For Moms about the idea of themed communities for senior citizens.

Affordable Housing For Senior Members of the Professional Arts Community

We talk to Adrian Luces and Patty Gail Peaker from PAL Canada about the support and affordable housing they provide for seniors and disadvantaged members of the professional arts community.

Finding Inexpensive Insurance

We talk to Mark Morissette, CEO of Foxquilt. A new fintech company that sets out to harness the power of social groups to help consumers save money on home and auto insurance.

Merging Insurance and Lines of Credit Together

We talk to Equitable Bank's Mahima Poddar about their new product that combines insurance products and lines of credit.

Price Matching Post Purchase

We talk to Meridian's Andrew Homan about their new app called Price Drop, which finds out if there is a cheaper price on something you bought then allows you to get back the difference.

How to Fight About Money Without Ruining Your Relationship

You are going to fight about money at some point -- so you may as well learn how to do it well.

How to Pull Off a Money Makeover

A step-by-step approach to transforming your financial life. Start by choosing one area - just one - so you can focus on taking a few critical actions.

Happy Go Money: Getting the Most Delight for your Dollar

Want to know how to get the most delight for your dollar? We’ll talk to Melissa Leong about her new book, Happy Go Money. Kids are expensive. But many families pay a lot of money before they even bring their kids home, because they’re building their family through adoption. We’ll talk to a financial advisor for some advice on how to plan when you’re pursuing adoption. Then, how to overcome the financial hurdles many millennials face. Conor Richardson, Writer and CPA, joins us to tell us about his new book, Millennial Money Makeover. And, there’s a new season of “The Stats of Life”. Kip Spidell is here to tell us about all of the surprising financial statistics you need to know. Plus, Larry Swedroe is the co-author of Your Complete Guide to a Successful and Secure Retirement. He joins us to tell us more about this book.

Get The Most Delight For Your Dollar

We talk to financial columnist Melissa Leong about her new book Happy Go Money, how to make money and happiness work for you.

Building Family Through Adoption

We talk to Jennifer Myers from SageVest Wealth Managment about the cost of adoption and how to plan your finances.

Millennial Money Makeover

We talk to author Conor Richardson about his new book Millennial Money Makeover which has strategies to turn your finances around when you are still young.

The Story of Statistics

We talk to the producer of "The Stats of Life", a documentary series on CBC centering around money and families.

Have a Successful and Secure Retirement

We talk to author Larry Swedroe about his book Your Complete Guide To A Successful and Secure Retirement on what is important to have a less stressful retirement.

Money Etiquette: Emily Post for Personal Finance

How to handle money etiquette issues with your family and friends.

Family and Finances: How to Handle the Fireworks That Can Explode in Our Relationships

Have a tough financial situation with a family member or friend? Here’s how to handle it.

Millennials and Investing: Helping the Next Generation Get Into the Game

Investing is the key to financial success for millennials. But, for a whole bunch of reasons, many aren’t taking the leap.

Set It and Forget It: How to Set Up An Automated Savings Plan

Automated Savings allows you to pay yourself first.

Brains and Bank Accounts: How Psychology Can Help You Reduce Spending and Eliminate Debt

Resisting the urge to spend is hard. Here are some tricks to help you reduce spending and debt.

In the Groove to Move? How to Know When You’re Ready to Sell Your Home

You’re finally thinking about selling your nest. There are many financial and emotional factors to consider before you make that big move. Here are some tips to help you sort out the pros and cons.

Bits & Bytes: The Answers to All of Your Cryptocurrency Questions

You most definitely have heard of cryptocurrency. But what is it? And why should you care?

How Much Money Do You Need to Save So You Retire Comfortably?

The earlier you start saving for retirement, the better. But how do you start? Here are some tips that can help you retire comfortably.

Tips for Finding a Financial Advisor

A great advisor can make a huge difference in your financial well-being. But how do you go about choosing one? Here are some ways to identify candidates and criteria to use to screen them.

Shift Change: How to Make the Move From “Saver” to “Spender” During Retirement

You’ve been a “saver” for as long as you can remember. Now, you’re transitioning into retirement. Here’s how you can shift from being a “saver” to a “spender” without fear and anxiety.

How Much Money Should you Set Aside for Retirement?

Everyone’s retirement plan is different. Here are the various factors to consider when deciding how much money you should set aside for each stage of your retirement.

How To Minimize the Taxes on Your Kids’ Inheritance

Taxes can get really tricky when it comes to estate planning. What are some ways to minimize the tax you pay?

Why You Should Still Contribute to your TFSA Even When You’re 68

Saving inside a TFSA never gets old.Here are some arguments in favour of continuing to make contributions even well after you’re retired.

How to Withdraw Money from a Spousal RRSP

The idea behind a spousal RRSP is to split your retirement income so you can pay less tax as a couple. Here’s a breakdown of how to withdraw from a Spousal RRSP.

Think “Simple” When Investing in RESPs

What is the simplest and most cost-effective way to invest in RESPs? Here’s what you do.

Four Common Investment Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Investors make plenty of mistakes when it comes to investing. Here are the top four and how to avoid them.

How Much is Too Much When Investing in Canadian Stocks?

Are you investing too much in Canadian Stocks? Diversify your portfolio and explore the larger markets out there.

Millennials Think Differently When it Comes to Personal Finance

How do Millennials think and behave when it comes to money?

How to Budget When You’re a Student

If you’re a student venturing off to college or university, follow these simple budgeting tips.

Kids’ Education Savings: RESPs Are The Way To Go

There is no such thing as a free lunch. But the RESP is as close to one as you’re likely to get, when it comes to saving.

When to Throw Money at the Problem

The idea of spending money to make a problem go away comes with its negative connotations but here’s how it can work.

How to Prepare for a Job Layoff

If you’re worried about your job security or want to know what to do in the case of a layoff, here are some tips to help you feel more prepared.

Teaching Your Kids About Money

It’s good to prepare your kids for their financial futures at a young age. But what’s the best way to do it? Here’s some advice on how to teach your kids about financial literacy.

The Best Credit Cards in Canada

Is there such a thing as the best credit card in Canada? There are a number of factors to look at when determining the best card for your needs.

Making Debt Disappear

Making debt disappear is easy in theory. You either increase your income or cut your spending. But how do you take action?

All the Things Canadians Have to be Thankful For

As Canadians, we have a lot to be thankful for. Here’s a breakdown of some of the things us Canadians are fortunate to have.

Financial Mistakes and What to do About Them

Ever wanted a financial “do-over”? We’ve all made an impulse purchase at least once in our lives. Here’s what to do about those common financial mistakes.

How to Achieve Financial Independence

Financial Independence, Retire Early. This ideal concept is a growing movement but how does one achieve financial independence?

Financial Planning When You’re a Solo Senior

Living single is quite common. For seniors, living on their own can be challenging at times. Here’s how to overcome some of those challenges.

Spending Money on Experiences

Instead of spending your money on materialistic things, why not try spending your money on real-life experiences?

The 11 Types of Financial Friends You’ll Meet At Least Once in Your Lifetime

There are 11 Types of Financial Friends, argues Wendy Robinson. We’ll look at which types dominate your life and want to do about it. And we’ll talk about a new personal finance book that asks a fundamental question: Do You Really Need It? Author Pierre-Yves McSween is our guest. And Tanja Hester is here to talk to us about her new book, Work Optional: Retire Early the Non-Penny Pinching Way. Plus, we’ll talk about Private Lending with real estate expert Limor Markman. And how to calculate Opportunity Cost with author Robert Brown.

11 Types Of Financial Friends

We talk to Wendy Robinson about the list of 11 types of financial friends that you have she has put together.

Deciding If You Really Need It

We talk to author Pierre-Yves McSween about his book Do You Really Need It about making better money choices.

You Can Be In Real Estate Without The Hassle Of Being A Landlord

We talk to Limor Markman from Financially Fabulous about how to invest in real estate with being a landlord.

What Is The Opportunity Cost

We talk to author Robert Brown about his book Wealthy Like Rabbits about how to assess your spending decisions.

Can Work Be Optional

We talk to author Tanja Hester about her new book Work Optional: Retire Early The Non-Penny-Pinching Way.

Highlights of Million Dollar Neighbourhood on the Oprah Winfrey Network

Highlights from the reality TV show Million Dollar Neighbourhood. The goal is to boost the town's net worth by $1 million dollars over a span of 10 weeks.

Move over “Goodnight Moon”. There’s a new bedtime story — about money

The Adventures of Princess Mikaila and Prince Pete. A new bedtime story, that promises tol teach your kids about money. Then, Shannon Lee Simmons talks about her latest book Living Debt Free. Jim Yih reviews the most common investor mistakes retirees make. Ninja Budgeter’s Mike Greig discusses how to tell if that used car is a lemon. Plus, a home maintenance service, called “Setter”.

Getting Debt Under Control Without Stress

We talk to Shannon Lee Simmons about her book Living Debt Free and how you can come up with a debt repayment plan that works for you.

Have Someone Maintain Your House For You

We talk to Andrew Black from Setter, an app that helps you oversee the maintenance of your house.

Teaching Your Kids About Money

We talk to Mark Tilden from KidsSmartMoney about his book The Adventures of Princess Mikaila and Prince Pete with the aim to teach kids about money.

Common Investment Mistakes By Retirees

We talk to Jim Yih about some common investment mistakes made by retirees.

Listen Up: How to find the perfect pair of headphones

Headphones range dramatically in price and performance. We’ll talk to Laura Dragan tester of over 1,000 pairs - about what to look for. And, Sharon Hartung is here to tell us about her new book Your Digital Undertaker: Exploring Death in the Digital Age in Canada. Then, Ninja Budgeter’s Mike Greig discusses how to tell if that used car is a lemon. Plus, white collar retirement planning with Manulife’s Kurt Rosentreter. And, how ETFs may be increasing the cost of financial advice with Rona Birenbaum.

How To Find The Perfect Pair Of Headphones

We talk to Laura Dragan, who has tested over 1000 pairs of headphones, on how to find the perfect pair. 

ETF’s Are Increasing The Cost Of Financial Advice, What Can You Do

We talk to Rona Birenbaum, found of Caring For Clients, about what as an investor you can do about how ETF's are increasing the cost of financial advice.

White Collar Retirement Planning

We talk to Kurt Rosentreter from Manulife about the 3 big financial goals that often come together at almost the same time.

How To Pick Out The Right Used Car

We talk to Mike Greig, the Ninja Budgeter about 13 simple ways to tell if the used car you are looking at is a bad idea.

Don’t Forget Your Digital Life In Your Estate

We talk to author Sharon Hartung about making sure you don't forget your digital life in your estate planning.

Resolver: An online tool to help you fix customer service complaints

Got a complaint about a certain business or service? Resolver can help you get it fixed. Tom Smith is here to tell us about how this online-tool can help you complain effectively. We’ll talk to ProShare’s Steve Cohen about “PAWZ”, a new pet industry ETF. And, Jenifer Bartman is here to tell us about her new book Defusing the Family Business Time Bomb. Then, an opera singer turned financial planner? Chris Enns, founder of Rags to Reasonable, joins us to talk about “financial misfits”.

What Happens To Businesses When Boomers Retire

We talk to author Jenifer Bartman about her book, Defusing The Family Business Time Bomb and the challenges that arise when boomers retire.

Where To Complain When You Have To

We talk to Tom Smith from Resolver Canada about their online tool which can help you complain effectively.

Investing In The Pet Industry

We talk to Steve Cohen from ProShare about their new pet care exchange traded fund, PAWZ.

You Don’t Have To Feel Like A Financial Misfit

We talk to Chris Enns on how he went from "financial misfit" to financial planner and how he is helping other misfits.

How Car Shopping Is Becoming Less Anxious

We talk to TMG International's John Bardawill about what is changing at car dealerships and how buyers can make car purchasing a better experience.

Immigrants and money: Overcoming the barriers

If you’re new to Canada, navigating the financial world can be challenging, for a whole number of reasons. RBC’s Ivy Chiu is here to talk about some solutions. We’ll profile FeeDuck, a new online tool that connects you with a professional real estate agent. And, insight into the gender gap in personal finance with CPA. Plus, new software called Passiv, that helps you manage your passive-investing portfolio.

The Challenge Of Navigating The Financial World For Newcomers

We talk to Ivy Chiu from RBC about the initiatives they have to help newcomers navigate the challenges of the financial world.

Matching Up With A Real Estate Agent With FeeDuck

We talk to FeeDuck's co-founder Warren Mascarenhas about their online tool that makes it simple to find a real estate agent that fits your needs.

How To Make Passive Investing Work For You

We talk to Brendan Lee Young who co-founded Passiv, a web-based software program that helps you manage your investments with a passive strategy.

A Look At The Gender Gap In Personal Finance

We talk to financial expert Robin Taub about the findings from a new study done by CPA Canada and is there really a gender financial gap or is it more a personality gap.

Financial Concierge: Helping Seniors Manage Their Money

A service specifically for seniors that helps them organize their personal finances. Jill Chambers from Financial Concierge is here to tell us how it works. And, Bank on Yourself: Why every woman should plan financially to be single even if she is not with authors Leslie McCormick and Ardelle Harrison. Then, a new study from Echelon Wealth Partners that explores the barriers women face when it comes to controlling their finances. And, a new retirement system that considers today’s rapidly changing workforce. Plus, a look at five years of data from the Advocis Financial Advisors Index.

Helping Seniors Organize Personal Finance

We talk to Jill Chambers from Financial Concierge about their service specifically for seniors that helps them organize their personal finance.

Money And The Single Girl

We talk to authors Ardelle Harrison and Leslie McCormick about their book Bank On Yourself: Why Every Woman Should Plan Financially To Be Single, Even If She Is Not and the need to plan differently.

The Barriers Women Face In The World Of Personal Finance

We talk to Debbie McGrath from Echelon Wealth Partners about their white paper, Why Not Now. Which is about the many barriers women face in the world of personal finance.

Understanding Where The Markets Are Going

We talk to Western University Chuck Grace and Advocis president Greg Pollock about the Advocis Financial Advisors Index they developed and what it can tell us about the markets and the future. 

Retirement Planning Is A Challenge Without Company Benefits

We talk to Common Wealth's Alex Mazer about portable non-employer retirement benefits when you don't have access to company benefits or a defined contribution plan.

Bon Voyage: An Employer Matched Travel Savings Program

A employer-matched travel savings program that helps employees turn their dream vacation into a reality. Vacation Fund’s Co-founder and CEO Erica Pearson is here to tell us how it works. And, consumer advocate Christopher Elliott on why you should consider cutting your rewards cards into tiny pieces. Then, Phil Buchanan tell us about his new book Giving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count. Plus, a new digital bank on the scene called motusbank. And the results from the 2019 Household Debt Survey.

Vacationing With Help From Your Employer

We talk to Vacation Fund CEO, Erica Pearson, about their new employer-matched travel savings program.

Reward Cards, Are They Really Beneficial

We talk to Christopher Elliott, found of Elliott Advocacy, about why you should cut your rewards cards into tiny pieces.

Give Where It’s Impactful

We talk to author Phil Buchanan about his new book, Giving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count.

Making Way For A New Digital Bank

We talk to Motusbank's COO, Dave Baldarelli about Canada's newest digital bank.

How Canadians Can Tackle Their Household Debt

We talk to consumer advocate for FP Canada, Kelley Keehn about the results of the 2019 Household Debt Survey and how Canadians can tackle their debt.

Money & Conflict: How to deal with the drama and get your finances on track.

Conflict gets a bad name. Liane Davey argues it is a key component in healthy relationships. We’ll talk about her book The Good Fight and how it relates to money. And, building confidence with money starts with some basic math. Vanessa Vakharia will be here to talk about her book Math Hacks. Then, family lawyer Laura Paris on dogs and divorce. Plus, a primer on open banking from Payments Canada, and a new financial podcast from Manisha Thakor called TrueWellth.

Money & Conflict: Key Components In A Healthy Relationship

We talk to author Liane Davey about her new book The Good Fight and how conflict is critical for a healthy relationship.

Math Is Important To Managing Money

We talk to author Vanessa Vakharia about her book Math Hacks to help kids feel comfortable about money by helping them with .

Defining Success In Many Ways

We talk to Manisha Thakor from Brighten Jones about her new podcast, TrueWELLTH. Helping people focus on what matters to them the most.

Pets And Divorce

We talk to Laura Paris from the Shuman Law Firm about changes that could be coming to Canada in regards to the Family Law Act and why couples should consider their pets in any separation agreement.

Open Banking

We talk to Justin Ferrabee, COO of Payments Canada about what you need to know with open banking.

The 6 Money Tasks to do Every Work Anniversary

I think I’ve found a way to make a meaningless work anniversary actually mean something. We can use it as a catalyst, a prompt, or a trigger to take on some tasks related to your money at work. 

‘Financial infidelity’ is shockingly common in couples, says recent poll

“To love, honour and…tell the truth about money.” Does there need to be an addition to the standard marital vows in our culture?

Do Your Finances “Spark Joy”?

The KonMari Method is based on one, fundamental question: Does the item you are holding in your hands “Spark Joy”? If it does, keep it. If it doesn’t, thank it and then get rid of it.

Debunking Debt Collection Agency Myths

What happens when the debt collector calls? Insolvency trustee Doug Hoyes talks about your rights, and how to handle the calls. Then, finding the perfect financial advisor can be a tough task. Robert Irwin, Co-founder of Match Worth, is here to tell us how its online tool can help you find the advisor that’s right for you. And, Nest Wealth’s Randy Cass tells us about the “holy trinity” of retirement savings. Plus, what this year’s J.D. Power investor satisfaction survey says about Canada’s investment firms.

Debunking Collection Agency Myths

We talk to insolvency trustee Doug Hoyes about how to deal with debt collection agencies as well debunk some common myth.

How To Find A Great Financial Advisor

We talk to Robert Irwin from MatchWorth about helping people make the perfect match with a financial advisor.

The Only Things Certain – Death and Taxes

We talk to John Natale from the AVP of Tax and Retirement Services at Manulife Financial about what you really need to know about death and taxes.

When To Start Worrying About Retirement Savings

We talk to Randy Cass, founder of NestWealth about this "Holy Trinity" of retirement savings and if you follow these steps saving for retirement will be a lot less challenging.

How Canadians Feel About Investor Firms

We talk to Mike Foy from J.D. Power about its latest survey. He’ll tell us what why satisfaction with Canadian investor firms is slipping and what it means for investors and the firms.

Disability Rights 101. All you need to know if you get injured

What happens when you’re injured? Personal Injury lawyer Meghan M. Hull Jacquin is here to with some disability rights 101. Then, holding your financial advisor accountable. Author and advisor John De Goey joins us to tell us about his new book STANDUP to the Financial Services Industry: Protecting Yourself From Well-Intended But Oblivious Advisors. And, Canada’s cashless future. We talk to Equitable Bank’s CEO Andrew Moor about the benefits and drawbacks of going digital. Plus, we talk to author Jennifer Buchanan about her new book Wellness Incorporated: The Health Entrepreneur’s Handbook.

What Happens When You Are Injured

We talk to personal injury lawyer Meghan M. Hull Jacquin about disability rights 101 and what options you have if you are injured off the job.

Keeping Financial Advisors Accountable

We talk to author John De Goey about his new book STANDUP to the Financial Services Industry: Protecting Yourself From Well-Intended But Oblivious Advisors and how we can keep financial advisors accountable for their mistakes.

How To Build A Sustainable Business

We talk to author Jennifer Buchanan about her book, Wellness Incorporated: The Health Entrepreneur's Handbook on how to build a sustainable business in the health and wellness sector.

A Cashless Future

We talk to Equitable Bank's President and CEO Andrew Moor on why he believes it is time to move to a cashless society.

Creating Their Own Content

We talk to WealthSimple's creative director Mike Giepert on financial institutions' approach on creating their own content.

The Latte Factor: Personal Finance Expert David Bach on his newest book

Maybe it’s time to rethink your daily five dollar latte. David Bach is here to tell us about his latest book, The Latte Factor and how you can live a rich life by making even the slightest changes. Then, Izet Elmazi is a portfolio manager at Bristol Gate Capital Partners. He joins us to tell us about how they use artificial intelligence and machine learning to help you invest. And, AI is also changing how we budget. RBC’s new mobile banking feature NOMI Budgets uses AI to personalize a budget for each user. Senior Vice President of Digital Peter Tilton is here to tell us more. Plus, a new online tool that helps you find the perfect financial advisor. AdvisorSavvy’s founder Solomon Amos joins us to tell us how it works.

Time To Rethink Your Daily Five Dollar Latte

We talk to author David Bach about his latest book, The Latte Factor and how you can live a rich life by making even the slightest changes.

How AI Is Changing The Way We Invest

We talk to Senior Portfolio Manager Izet Elmazi from Bristol Gate Capital Partners on how they use AI and machine learning to create a unique set of investment products.

How To Find A Great Financial Advisor

We talk to AdvisorSavvy's founder Solomon Amos on how this online service will help you find that perfect financial advisor with a collection of feedback to help you find, compare and rate local advisors.

Using AI To Create Personalized Budgets

We talk to RBC's Senior Vice President of Digital Peter Tilton about their new app, NOMI. Which helps non-budgeters manage their finances.

Income Share Agreements: Exploring a new model of educational funding

Homeownership is the goal for many young families. Sometimes parents are willing and able to their kids reach that goal in the form of a gift or a loan. Meridian’s Jason Davenport is here to help us weigh the pros and cons in investing in property for our adult children. Then, Economist Linda Nazareth joins us to talk about Income Share Agreements, a new model of educational funding that’s on the rise in the U.S. and could potentially be making headway in Canada as well. And, a test to determine your emotional relationship to money. John Christianson is here to tell us about his Money EQ test. Then, Borrowell’s Eva Wong is here with tips on how to correct or dispute mistakes on your credit report. Plus, how to calculate how much you can spend in retirement with actuary Fred Vettese, author of Retirement Income for Life.

Helping Your Kids Buy Property

We talk to Meridian Credit Union financial expert, Jason Davenport on the ins and outs with helping your kids buy a property.

A Different Look At Educational Funding

We talk to economist Linda Nazareth about a new model of educational funding called "Income Share Agreement" and it's making it's way into Canada.

Living A Truly Wealthy Life

We talk to the found and CEO of Highland Private Wealth Management, John Christianson about his Money EQ Test that helps people explore their emotional relationship to money.

Fixing A Mistake On Your Credit Report

We talk to the COO of Borrowell, Eva Wong about how to go about correcting an error that shows up on your credit report.

How Much To Spend During Retirement

We talk to Fred Vettese about how to figure out if you are spending too much or too little during retirement.

The Tough Ones: How to get a mortgage when your situation isn’t simple

How to get a mortgage when your situation isn’t simple. Robert McLister, founder of is here with some solutions for securing tough mortgages. Then, want to know how to get the most delight for your dollar? We’ll talk to Melissa Leong about her new book, Happy Go Money. And, an inspiring platform that helps women achieve financial success. Bola Sokunbi is here to tell us about Clever Girl Finance. Then, ditching the desk. Michael Consento, CEO of My Blue Umbrella, joins us to talk about how to get your finances in order before turning your side hustle into a full-time business. Plus, editor-in-Chief of MoneySense Sandra Martin on what’s next for the online personal finance magazine.

How To Get A Mortgage When Life Isn’t Simple

We talk to Robert McLister, founder of the mortgage rate comparison site RateSpy, about solutions on ways to get a mortgage when your life isn't that simple.

How To Find Your Groove Regardless Of Your Bank Balance

We talk to the Bola Sokunbi, the creator of the platform Clever Girl Finance. A guide to help women achieve success throughout their own financial journeys.

Moneysense: 20 Years Later

We talk to Moneysense's new editor-in-chief, Sandra Martin on repositioning itself for the future after purchased it from Rogers Media.

Getting Your Finances In Order To Pursue Your Dreams

We talk to the CEO of My Blue Umbrella, Michael Contento about all the things you need to know before becoming your own boss.

Career Rookie: A Get-It-Together Guide for Grads, Students, and Career Newbies

Calling all recent graduates! Don’t know what you want to do with your life? You’re not alone. Sarah Vermunt talks about her latest book Career Rookie: A Get-It-Together Guide for Grads, Students, and Career Newbies. Then, how do financial advisors get paid? Sandi Martin of Spring Financial Planning is here to take us through the options. Phil Buchanan, the president of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, is here with some fundraising etiquette tips. And, Focusmate, a new tool that can help you beat procrastination and increase productivity. Plus, personal finance expert Lesley-Anne Scorgie on parental leave pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Calling All Recent Graduates

We talk to author Sarah Vermunt about her latest book, Career Rookie: A Get-It Together Guide for Grads, Students and Career Newbies for when you don't know what to do with your life.

How To Work With A Fee-Based Advisor

We talk to Sandi Martin, a financial planner and partner at Spring Financial Planning on what exactly is a fee-based advisor and how you can work with one.

Parental Leave Pitfalls

We talk to Lesley-Anne Scorgie about what parental pitfalls there are and what you should be aware of before you go on leave.

Making Fundraising Less Awkward

We talk to the president of the Center For Effective Philanthropy, Phil Buchanan as he takes us through some fundraising etiquette tips.

How To Stop Procrastination When You Are Working From Home

We talk to Taylor Jacobson, the founder of FocusMate. Software made to help you improve the way you work.

Second Opinion: How to get an objective report on your financial advisor

Karin Mizgala from Money Coaches Canada is here to tell us about their investment report card that helps you assess your financial advisor’s performance. Then, estate planning for immigrants. Dentons’ Pia Hundal is here to tell what new Canadians should know when drafting their will. Salman Ahmed from Steadyhand joins us to tell us about financial stewardship. And, finding out what success really means to you. Author Laura Gassner Otting is here to tell us about her latest book Limitless: How to ignore everybody, carve your own path, and live your best life. Plus, Rewirement: Rewiring the way you think about retirement with Carson Group’s Jamie Hopkins.

Get a Second Opinion

We talk to the co-founder of Money Coaches Canada, Karin Mizgala on their On Your Side Investment Report Card service and why you should get a second opinion on your investment portfolio.

Estate Planning For Immigrants

We talk to Pia Hundal, partner in Dentons’ Litigation and Dispute Resolution group on what new Canadians should know about estate planning when drafting a will.

Carving Your Own Path

We talk to author Laura Grassner Otting about her book Limitless: How to ignore everybody, carve your own path, and live your best life andon finding purpose in work and life.

Be A Better Steward With Money

We talk to Salman Ahmed, a portfolio manager at Steadyhand about how we can all be better stewards when it comes to our own money.

Retirement Savings vs Retirement Income Planning

We talk to Jamie Hopkins, director of retirement research at the Carson Group about his latest book Rewirement: Rewiring the way you think about retirement and how you can make it less challenging.

The Financial Responsibility of Owning a Pet

Owning a pet takes a lot of commitment. It also comes with a huge financial responsibility. Here are some financial planning tips you need to know about before deciding to get your very own furry best friend.

How to Know If You’re Investing Wisely

Here are three guidelines to help you know if you’re investing wisely.

What to Do When the Collection Agent Calls

Don’t know what to do when the collection agent calls? Here’s how to dig yourself out of a mountain of debt.

How to Invest Your Inheritance Money

No idea what to do with your inheritance money? Bruce shares some advice on how to make this investment a meaningful one.

Budgeting for a Home Renovation

Planning to renovate your home? You’ll need a budget for that. Here are some tips that can help make sure your next home renovation project doesn’t break the bank.

Breaking down the Federal Budget

What does the federal budget mean for your bank account? Bruce Sellery takes us through all you need to know.

All You Need to Know About Apple’s New Credit Card

Apple is launching a new credit card this summer. How does it work? Is it worth it? Bruce Sellery weighs in.

Teaching Your Kids About Money

Want to teach your kids about money but have no idea where to start? Bruce Sellery discusses what to focus on first.

Consumer Debt in Canada Is an Issue—but No Need to Panic

According to a recent Ipsos Reid survey, a high number of Canadians are flirting with financial insolvency. But it might not be as bad as it appears.

Fake Financial News and How to Spot It

#FakeNews is bombarding your social media channels. Here are some tips on how to spot fake financial news before it affects your wallet.

How to Get Your Will in Order

When the legendary singer Aretha Franklin died last August, it was reported that she hadn't left a will but now 3 separate handwritten wills have emerged. We can learn a thing or two from this unfortunate situation.

Budgeting for Your Kids’ Summer Activities

It's never too early to start making a plan to fund your kids' extracurricular activities. Bruce has some tips on how to create a budget.

What to Consider Before Making a Mid-Life Career Change

Thinking about making a mid-life career change? Here is everything you should consider before making the big move.

Open Banking: Do We Need It?

Open banking is the hottest new banking trend. But what is it? Do we really need it? Bruce has all the answers for you.

When to Use Online Reviews

Nowadays you can find a review on just about anything. There are review websites for restaurants, hotels and even prisons. But it's important to know when you should trust review sites or just trust your gut. Bruce discusses how to use review sites to get the best value for your money.

Digital Nomads: The best and cheapest places to work abroad.

Kat Kalashian, the editor of Live and Invest Overseas, is here to tell us the six best and cheapest places to live and work abroad. Then, selling your house without a traditional real estate agent. Leanne Taylor from will try to convince you you’re not insane. And, all you need to know about consignment store franchises. OutGROW OutPLAY’s Casandra Robinson is here with insight into the business behind the blue jeans. Plus, Teaching your kids about money through chores. The CEO of RoosterMoney, Will Carmichael, is here to highligh the top 10 most lucrative kids chores. And, Jean-Philippe Provost will explain how Mercer Invest Wise could help you save money at work.

The Best and Cheapest Places To Live and Work

We talk to the author of Live and Invest Overseas, Kat Kalashian about what are some of the best and cheapest places to live and work abroad.

Reduce The Stress Of Buying A House

We talk to Leanne Taylor from about how they are trying to help you buy a house without the high price.

Helping Your Wallet With Consignment Stores

We talk to the co-fouder of OutGROW OutPlay, Casandra Robinson about how their children's consignment pop up concept franchise works and how they are keeping costs down for parents.

The Most Lucrative Chores For Kids

We talk to Will Carmichael, the CEO of RoosterMoney about which chores are the most lucrative for kids to earn money.

Reducing The Financial Stress On Employees

We talk to Jean-Phillipe Provost, senior partner and wealth business leader for Mercer Invest Wise on their investing solution by eliminating financial stress faced by employees and help them achieve their financial goals.

Chores Galores: Hire and Fire Your Kids is an app to organize the whole family

Clear. The. Table! Jody Swain is here to tell us how the Hire and Fire Your Kids App can teach your kids about money and responsibility. Then, factoring cannabis into your budget. Money After Graduation’s Bridget Casey shares her tips. And, Mack Rogers, from ABC Life Literacy Canada is here to tell us about their latest Money Matters program for people with diverse abilities. Plus, a financial checklist for newcomers to Canada with Enoch Omololu, founder of Savvy New Canadians. And, Hadielia Yassiri from Forthlane Partners on the firm’s four quadrant approach to wealth.

Making Room In Your Budget For Cannabis

We talk to Money After Graduation's Bridget Casey about how to factor cannabis into your budget with all the costs that factor into being a user.

Hiring and Firing Your Kids

We talk to Jody Swain, founder of the Hire and Fire Kids app about teaching kids the value of money and work with a fun game.

Changing Way Families Engage With Their Wealth

We talk to Hadielia Yassiri, head of Strategic Wealth Planning for the Forthlane Partners and their "Four Quadrant Approach" to get families to change their ways to look at wealth.

Helping New Canadians Manage Their Money

We talk to Enoch Omololu, founder of Savvy New Canadians about the financial checklist they have developed for newcomers to Canada to help them manage their money when customs are different.

The Importance of Having Strong Financial Literacy Skills

We talk to Mack Rogers, Executive Director of ABC Life Literacy Canada about the program they have developed to help build financial literacy skills.

Pets and your estate plan: Really? Yup. Really.

Pets are family too, so you might want to include them in your will. Amy Dietz-Graham, from BMO Nesbitt Burns will tell us how. Then, myths about active versus passive investing abound. Todd Schlanger from Vanguard is here to dispel them. And, Church+State CEO Ron Tite is here to tell us about his new book, Think. Do. Say: How To Seize Attention and Build Trust in a Busy, Busy World. Plus, managing the risk of cognitive impairment in your estate plan James Hunter from Echelon Wealth Partners. And, Judy Paradi and Paulette Filion on their book Invest in Her: The Smart Financial Advisor’s Guide to Winning Female Clients in 6 Easy Steps.

Be More Female Focused In Advising

We talk to Judy Paradi and Paulette Filion, co-founders of, about their book INVEST(IN)HER: The Smart Financial Advisor's Guide to Winning with Female Clients in 6 Easy Steps.

Estate Plans For Pets

We talk to Amy Deitz-Graham from BMO Nesbitt Burns about their focus on making pets a part of your estate plan so they are not forgotten.

Managing Cognitive Impairment In Estate Planning

We talk to James Hunter, head of Wealth Management at Echelon Wealth Partners about safeguarding your personal wealth before there is any cognitive impairment.

The Myths and Misconceptions of Passive and Active Investing

We talk to Todd Schlanger, senior investment strategist at Vanguard, as he debunks the myths and misconceptions of both passive and active investing.

Becoming More Effective With Your Money

We talk to marketing executive and speaker Ron Tite about his new book, Think. Do. Say. and its' organizational approach for you to manage your money.

Why you should consider giving your teen a credit card

Teens and credit cards: why giving your teen plastic money might just be a good thing with the Globe and Mail’s personal finance columnist Rob Carrick. Then, an online resource that helps you find your family a home near the school of your dreams. Carolyn Keesh, co-founder of SchoolQ is here to tell us how it works. And, Math guru and musician Vanessa Vakharia tells us why math is a musicians best friend. Plus, a trivia game that helps you pay off your student loans with Givling’s chief marketing officer Seth Beard. And, debunking common retirement myths and pitfalls with certified financial planner and money coach, Steve Bridge.

Teens And Credit Cards

We talk to the Globe & Mail's personal finance columnist, Rob Carrick, on why giving your teen a credit card might be a good thing.

Schools Matter When Buying A House

We talk to the co-founder of SchoolQ, Carolyn Keesh, about how they are helping families determine the quality of local schools when buying a house.

The Connection Between Math And Music

We talk to The Math Guru, Vanessa Vakharia, on why math should be a musician's best friend.

Winning At Trivia Means Paying Off Your Student Loans

We talk to Givling's Chief Marketing Officer, Seth Beard, about people being able to help pay off their student loan with the Givling online trivia game.

Maximizing Your Income For Retirement

We talk to financial planner, Steve Bridge, on the many myths and pitfalls out there that may be preventing you from making the most out of your retirement savings.

The Importance of Financial Inclusion

Some Canadians may have difficulty accessing appropriate financial services. There are about one million Canadian adults who are "unbanked" meaning they don't have a bank account. This is why financial inclusion is important. Bruce Sellery tells you more about what financial inclusion is and why we shouldn't take the financial services we receive for granted. 

Navigating Home Renovations

Home renovations aren't easy. That six-week basement renovation took longer than expected and may have even gone over budget. But what is a non-disparagement clause? And what does it have to do with your home renovation? Bruce Sellery breaks it down for you. 

HERO: Canada’s first eGaming and eSports ETF

The eSports industry is growing and now you can get involved through Canada’s first gaming ETF. Raj Lala, president and CEO of Evolve ETFs is here to tell us about HERO. Then, figuring out your final wishes. Sue Jacques, consultant and former death investigator takes us through her R.I.P Bucket List Worksheet. And, Stephanie Wolfe, Money coach and founder of the Wolfe Collective, is here to tell us how financial stress impacts women and how to relieve it. Plus, an investment product that reflects vegan values. Claire Smith, CEO of Beyond Investing tells us more about the first ever Vegan ETF. And, Robert Price founder and CEO of Bōde, a real estate platform for savvy consumers , joins us to tell us how it works.

Plan Your Final Wishes With The R.I.P Bucket List

We talk to Sue Jacques about the difference between your will and your wishes and using her R.I.P Bucket List to make sure you get what you want.

Investing In Vegan On The New York Stock Exchange

We talk to Claire Smith, CEO of Beyond Investing, about the first vegan ETF on the New York Stock Exchange.

Causes Of Financial Stress

We talk to Stephanie Wolfe, an accredited financial counselor and founder of the Wolfe Collective, about the causes of financial stress and what you can do about it.

Playing Investment Games

We talk to Raj Lala, President and CEO of Evolve ETF, about the new gaming ETF, HERO and how big eSports is becoming.

Using Technology To Buy and Sell Your Home

We talk to the founder and CEO of Bōde, Robert Price, about how their online platform that uses technology to help you buy and sell your home without the use of real estate agents.

Tips for improving your credit score

You know it’s important to have good credit but how exactly can you improve your credit score? Julie Kuzmic, Equifax Canada’s director of consumer advocacy, shares her tips on how to build up good credit. Then, all you need to know about the stock market. Michele Schneider goes over the basics in her latest book Plant Your Money Tree. And,George Papazov, founder and CEO of TRADEPRO Academy, is here to tell us more about this online training platform to help anyone learn the basics of trading. Plus, Phil Buchanan tells us about his new book Giving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count.

How Your Credit Score is Calculated

We talk to Equifax Canada's director of consumer advocacy, Julie Kuzmic, about where do you get your credit score from, how is it calculated, how to improve it and what does it all mean.

Is Day-Trading Still A Thing?

We talk to the founder and CEO of TRADEPRO Academy, George Papazov, on how people are still trading stocks in their PJ's. As well how others can learn more about the world of trading from their academy.

Where To Learn More About Investing

We talk to Michele Schneider, director of trading education from Market Gauge, about her book Plant Your Money Tree on how to understand the stock marketing better.

Full Episode: Helping your adult children buy their first home

Are you thinking of financially helping your adult children buy a home? Alan Desnoyers, Senior Vice-President of BMO Private Wealth, is here to tell you how much is too much. Then, how your assumptions about money may be getting in the way of your goals. Sarah Vermunt, career coach and founder of Careergasm, is here to take us through these assumptions and how to get over them. And, Equifax Canada’s Julie Kuzmic will tell you how to improve your credit scores and how long it will take to do it. And, Jacob Jackson from the Lean House Effect, presents his argument for why there’s no point in credit card points. Plus, economist Keisha Blair’s latest book, Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help you Find Purpose, Prosperity and Happiness.

Financial Wellness Tips

We talk to author Keisha Blair about how she strengthened her financial identity and wellness after her husband unexpectedly died at a young age. Her book Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help you Find Purpose, Prosperity and Happiness offers financial wellness tips specifically geared towards women.

Helping Your Adult Kids Buy A House

We talk to the Senior Vice President of BMO Private Wealth, Alan Desnoyers, about whether parents should help their kids buy their first house and if so how much should they give.

The Top Five Money Assumptions

We talk to career coach and author of Careergasm and Career Rookie, Sarah Vermunt, about the top five money assumptions and how they are getting in your way.

Improving Your Credit Score

We talk to the Director of Consumer Advocacy for Equifax Canada, Julie Kuzmic, on how to improve your credit score and how long it is going to take.

Get Rid Of Your Points Credit Card

We talk to Jacob Jackson, founder of the Lean House Effect, on why switching to a cashback credit card is better for your bank account and also better for the planet.

Full Episode: You Are Awesome: How to be resilient in times of failure

Learning to get back up again after you fall. Neil Pasricha is here to tell us about his latest book You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle With Failure, and Live and Intentional Life. Then, more of your questions about credit answered. Author and personal credit expert Richard Moxley shares insight from his book The Credit Game: Rules Every Canadian Must Know to Win. And, battling debt. Laurie Campbell, CEO of Credit Canada is here to tell us about a recent survey highlighting the challenges Canadians face when it comes to debt. Plus, improving access to financial advice with Philip Barrar, founder and CEO of Mylo.

Learning To Get Back Up Again After You Fail

We talk to author, Neil Pasricha , about his book You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life on being resilient in life.

Credit is a Game

We talk to author, Richard Moxley, about his book The Credit Game: Rules Every Canadian Must Know to Win.

Tips On Getting Out Of Debt

We talk to Credit Canada's CEO, Laurie Campbell, on how Canadians are tackling their debt with optimism and tips on how you can get out of debt.

Improving Financial Success For Canadians

We talk to the founder and CEO of Mylo, Philip Barrar, on how they are helping Canadians with their banking and financial advice app.

Is Travel Insurance Enough to Protect Your Holiday?

Bruce discusses how you can protect yourself when travel companies fail. Can you turn to credit companies if travel insurance isn't enough?

What Credit Card Features Matter

Bruce discusses which credit card features are important when deciding which card is best for you. 

A Look At Facebook’s Digital Currency

Facebook is planning to launch its very own digital currency called Libra. But is Facebook's plan to make a more efficient payment system worth it for the millions of users who use the platform every day? More importantly, is it safe?

Full Episode: ‘Buy now, pay later’: You can. But should you?

Sezzle lets you ‘buy now’ and ‘pay later’.  But is an installment payment plan right for you? Patrick Chan, General Manager of Sezzle’s Canadian business, is here to tell us how it works. Then, David O’Leary, founder of Kind Wealth, tells us about subscription based fee-only advice. And, choosing the right life insurance plan. PolicyMe’s Laura McKay, tells us about the comparison site.  And, Sarah Asebedo, certified financial planner and lead author of a new study from the American Psychological Association, on how personality traits can affect retirement spending. Plus, Kornel Szrejber is here to tell us about Build Wealth Canada.

The Better Way To Choose Life Insurance

We talk to PolicyMe's co-founder and President, Laura McKay, on how they are helping Canadians find what is the best life insurance policy is for them.

The Difference Between Fee-Based and Fee-Only Financial Advice

We talk to the founder of Kind Wealth, David O’Leary, on the different costs associated with financial advice.

How Do Personality and Psychological Characteristics Affect a Portfolio

We talk to certified financial planner, Sarah Asebedo, on the findings from her study on how personality and psychological characteristics affect a portfolio.

Buy Now, Pay Later

We talk to Sezzle's Canadian general manager, Patrick Chan on how they work as an installment payment company.

Helping Canadians With Their Finances

We talk to Kornel Szrejber on the resources his website, Build Weath Canada offers to help get Canadians a handle on their finances.

Full Episode: Do budgeting apps really help you save money?

Living the “need less, want less” lifestyle. Michael Burns, president and CEO of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, tells us about its “Saving is the New Savings” initiative. Then, Sara Johnson, director of wealth planning at BMO Private Wealth, tells us how you can add art to your investment portfolio. And, do budgeting apps really save you money? Chuck Howard, from the University of British Columbia brings us his findings on the question. Plus Adrian Spitters’ new book Who’s Investing Your Money? And Mack Rogesr on the Family Literacy First program from ABC.

Living The “Need Less, Want Less” Lifestyle

We talk to Michael Burns, President and CEO of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation about their new Saving Is The New Savings initiative.

Do Budget Apps Work

We talk to Chuck Howard, a PHD student at the University of British Columbia on his study of whether budgeting apps really work.

Adding Art To Your Portfolio

We talk to Sara Johnson, the director of wealth planning at BMO Private Wealth about adding art to your portfolio and what you should consider when it comes to gifting art.

Keeping your Family’s Wealth

We talk to author Adrian Spitters about his latest book, Who's Investing Your Money, that has tips for choosing the best financial advisor that can help you build and grow your family's business wealth.

Helping Adults Improve Their Financial Literacy Skills

We talk to both the executive director of ABC Life Literacy Canada, Jim Saclamacis, and the head of branch network for HSBC Canada, Mack Rogers, on the organizations latest Family Literacy First program.

McGill University’s free online personal finance course

A new, online program from McGill is trying to bridge the financial literacy gap. Professor Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou, Dean of the Desautels Faculty of Management, will be here to tell you about the McGill Personal Finance Essentials. And, Rasha Katabi, CEO of Brim Financial, is here to tell us how you can use credit card points to your advantage. Then, an app called FlipGive that can help your sports team raise money. Plus how to convert your RRSPs to RRIFs with Carol Bezaire, Vice President of tax, estate, and strategic philanthropy at Mackenzie Investments. And, we’ll talk to Jason Pereira, the newly launched Financial Planning Association of Canada.

Learn To Take Charge Of Your Finances

We talk to the Dean of McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management, Professor Isabelle Bajeux-Bes-nai-nou about their Personal Finance Essentials online program that is trying to bridge the financial literacy gap.

Improving Client Relations

We talk to Jason Pereira, senior financial consultant at Woodgate Financial about the new group, Financial Planning Association of Canada which has created standards for its members to help the focus on improving relationships with their clients.

Using Credit Card Points To Your Advantage

We talk to the CEO of Brim Financial, Rasha Katabi about the different ways Canadian consumers can use credit cards and credit card points to their advantage while shopping.

What Happens After You Save For Retirement

We talk to Carol Bezaire, VP of tax, estate, and strategic philanthropy at Mackenzie Investments about what happens to your investments when you are transitioning to retirement.

FlipGive: An Alternative to Team Fundraising

We talk to the CEO of FlipGive, Mark Bachman about how their app gives teams an alternative to traditional fundraising to earn cash.

Full Episode: Tracking your net worth

Tracking your net worth. Fred Khonje, also known as Prairie Fire, is here to tell you why and how you should do the calculation. And, we’ll talk to Chris Varelas, founding partner of Riverwood Capital, about his book How Money Became Dangerous: The Inside Story of our Turbulent Relationship with Modern Finance. Then, themed retirement communities are a growing trend -- for teachers, nuns and nudists (!) We’ll talk to Sue Johansen from A Place For Mom about the idea. Plus, Melissa Shin from Advisor’s Edge is here with a look at the decade ahead in the financial advice industry.

The Complexity of Modern Finance

We talk to the founding partner of Riverwood Capital and author of How Money Became Dangerous: The inside story of our turbulent relationship with mondern finance, Chris Varelas. He gives us three action items for financial reform.

Everyone Has A Net Worth

We talk to the one known as Prairie FIRE Canada, Fred Khonje, on why you should be tracking your net worth.

A 10 Year Outlook On The Financial Advice Industry

We talk to Melissa Shin, the editorial director of Advisor's Edge, on what to expect in the financial advice industry over the next 10 years.

Full Episode – The Seven Deadly Financial Sins

Leaving your nine to five job to pursue your dream. Deborah McGrath, Chief Marketing Officer at Echelon Wealth Partners, shares her tips for managing your money when you’re starting your own business. And, Castlemark’s Robyn Thompson joins us to talk about the seven deadly financial sins and how to remain virtuous. Then, an online resource for those looking to narrow the financial confidence gap. Kim Kukulowicz, Senior Vice President at Equitable Bank, tells us about “stnce”. Plus, John De Goey is here to explain the mission of the FP Canada Research Foundation.

The Seven Deadly Financial Sins

We talk to Robyn Thompson, CFP and founder of Castlemark Wealth Management, about how to be a bit more "saintly" with your money.

What’s Coming Up In The Next Decade For The Financial Advice Industry

We talk to Fern Karsh of FAIR Canada about what is next for the financial advice industry in the next 10 years.

Improve Financial Planning Through Research

We talk to John DeGoey, chair of the FP Canada Research Foundation about its' objective to improve financial planning through research.

Taking Time To Learn About Personal Finance

We talk to Kim Kukulowicz, senior vice president of residential sales at Equitable Bank, about stnce. An online personal finance resource hub she founded.

Tips To Become An Entrepreneur

We talk to Deborah McGrath, chief marketing officer and chief client officer at Echelon Wealth Partners, about tips for entrepreneurs before they decide to take the leap on their own.

The Financial Game of Life

Bruce Sellery takes a look at the new augmented reality version of the classic board game Monopoly. 

Why More Seniors Are Choosing to Stay in the Workforce

More and more seniors are choosing to stay in the workforce. Bruce Sellery explains why they are continuing to work longer past the average age of retirement. 

How Inflation Can Impact Your Financial Health

Understanding how inflation can impact your financial health is important. Bruce Sellery shares all you need to know about inflation and how it works. 

Will Meal-Kit Services Help You Cut Spending?

Are meal-kits the answer to saving a few bucks? Bruce Sellery breaks down how you can eliminate credit card debt and save on groceries. 

Setting Your Holiday Budget

The holidays can be stressful especially when it comes to spending. Bruce Sellery shares his expert advice on how to create a holiday budget and stick to it. 

Slaying Your ‘Debt Snake’

Bruce Sellery explains how you can use behavioural economics to squash your credit card debt. 

How to Fix a Bad Credit Score

If you received a bad credit score it's not the end of the world. But it does take some time for it to improve. Bruce Sellery shares his tips for getting your credit score back on track. 

Should You Help Your Adult Child Buy a House?

Bruce Sellery takes you through all the factors you should consider before deciding to help your adult child buy a house. 

Full Episode – Banking on a bonus: What to do if you’re lucky enough to get one

What you should and shouldn’t do with your year-end bonus. Jeremy Straub, the CEO of Coastal Wealth, shares his tips. Then, filing for bankruptcy. Doug Hoyes, Licensed Insolvency Trustee at Hoyes, Michalos & Associates, takes us through the different options for Canadians. And, Jiten Puri, the CEO of PolicyAdvisor, tells us how this online service works and how can help users navigate different insurance policies. Plus, we’ll talk to Aurèle Courcelles from IG Wealth Management about the Old Age Security benefit and how to minimize clawbacks. And, FP Canada’s Cary List is here to talk about what to expect in the the decade ahead in the financial advice industry.

Paying Off Your Debts

We talk to Doug Hoyes, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee at Hoyes, Mile-Alos & Associcates, about the different ways to pay off your debt including filing for bankruptcy.

Buying The Right Insurance

We talk to the CEO of PolicyAdvisor, Jiten Puri, about how their service helps you find the insurance policy that is right for you.

What To Do With Your Year-End Bonus

We talk to Jeremy Straub, the CEO of Coastal Wealth, about the do's and don'ts of what do to with that year-end bonus that you get.

How Old Age Security Fits In

WE talk to Aurèle Courcelles from IG Wealth Management about how Old Age Security works and how to minimize clawbacks.

The Standard In The Financial Advice Industry

We talk to Cary List, president and CEO of FP Canada, about how rules and requirments for the financial advice industry will look like over the next decade.

Full Episode: Understanding your disability coverage

Getting a handle on your money is the intersection of how you think and what you do. Financial literacy Youtuber and entrepreneur Jaspreet Singh focuses on the former. He’s here to tell us about the “Minority Mindset”. Then, understanding disability insurance. Personal injury lawyer Nainesh Kotak shares his tips on shopping for a policy, and filing a claim. We’ll look at a new online course that helps you get rid of your debt. Lisa Ernst, executive director of Savvy Ladies, and Dominate Your Debt’s Rebecca Eve Selkowe are here. Author Harry Stout talks about his new book The FinancialVerse: A Common Sense Approach for Your Money. Plus Greg Pollock, President and CEO of Advocis, on The Decade Ahead: What to expect in the financial advice industry.

Becoming Financially Successful

We talk to YouTuber, entrepreneur, and founder of the "Minority Mindset" Jaspreet Singh. He shares his tips on how to become financially successful.

Navigating Insurance Claims

We talk to Nainesh Kotak, a personal injury lawyer at Kotak Law, about how to navigate the process when you are filing a disability claim with your insurance company.

How To Get Rid Of Your Debt

We talk to Lisa Ernst, executive director of Savvy Ladies and Rebecca Eve Selkowe, a financial wellness expert and instructor on the course they are running called Dominate The Debt. A six-week course designed to bring financial education to women.

Understanding The Financial Universe

We talk to author Harry Stout about his book The FinancialVerse: A Common Sense Approach For Your Money.

Financial Advice In The Next Decade

We talk to the president and CEO of Advocis, Greg Pollock, about what the next decade will be like for advisors in the financial industry.

Full Episode: Income Tax for Gig Economy Workers

More people than ever are participating in the gig economy. But are they doing right by the CRA? Lisa Gittens, Senior Tax Expert from H&R Block Canada, discusses some important tax implications. And Jeff Loomis, executive director of Momentum, is here to tell us how fintech can help lower income Canadians grow their savings. Then, Christine Ibbotson, on her new book How to Retire Debt-Free and Wealthy,and Larry Wilson on his new book Living Your Dream: A Practical Resource to Enhance Personal Wealth Creation and Management. Plus the Five Year Countdown to Retirement. Dilys D’Cruz, Head of Meridian Financial Wealth, takes us through the steps.

Tax Implications In The Gig Economy

We talk to Lisa Gittens, a senior tax expert from H&R Block Canada about how to navigate the tax implications when working in the gig economy.

Financial Service Tools For All Levels Of Income

We talk to the executive director at Momentum, Jeff Loomis, about how they are looking at different ways to support lower income earners with financial services.

Retiring Wealthy

We talk to author Christine Ibbotson about her book "Retire Debt-Free and Wealthy"

Planning Your Finances

We talk to author Larry Wilson about his book "Living Your Dream: A Practical Resource to Enhance Personal Wealth Creation and Management". Which provides readers with easy to understand advice to help you plan your finances.

Five Year Countdown To Retirement

We talk to Dilys D'Cruz, head of Meridan Financial Wealth and takes us through the five year countdown to retirement plan.

Full Episode: The Sleep-Easy Retirement Guide: Is this new book better than cocoa and melatonin?

Is planning retirement planning causing you stress? Personal finance writer David Aston tells us about his new book, The Sleep-Easy Retirement Guide: Answers to the 12 biggest financial questions that keep you up at night. Then, Kelley Keehn, author of Talk Money to Me, shows you how to stop leaving money on the table. And, Anne Taylor, founder of Directions Coaching, has tips on how to monetize your soft skills, from her book Soft Skills, Hard Results: A practical guide to people skills for analytical leaders. Plus, a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute called One More Case for Longer-Term Mortgages: Financial Stability.

Talking About Money

We talk to author Kelley Keehn about her latest book 'Talk Money To Me: Save Well. Spend Some and feel good about your money.

The 12 Biggest Retirement Financial Questions

We talk to personal finance writer David Aston about his article 'The Sleep-Easy Retirement Guide. Which answers the 12 biggest financial questions that keep you up at night.

The Ten Commandments Of Investor Behaviour

We talk to behavioural finance expert, Daniel Crosby, as shares his ten commandments and how they can help advisors manage their clients' needs.

Monetizing Soft Skills

We talk to the founder of Directions Canada, Anne Taylor, about her latest book called 'Soft Skills, Hand Results: A practical guide to people skills for analytical leaders.

Full Episode: Getting the complete picture on your investments

Keeping track of various investment accounts can be complicated. Simon Boulet, CEO of Wealthica, is here to tell us how his fintech start-up will make it easier. And, how to raise your money smart kids. John Lanza introduces us to his Money Mammals, a cast of cute, cuddly animals that know a thing or two about personal finance. Then, managing the change from worker bee to retiree. Patricia Doyle, author of Retirement Transition, is here to share her tips on how you can best prepare for this stage in your life. Plus, Steven Arnott shares his Snowman’s Guide to Personal Finance. And, global asset manager Legal & General on why they are taking the Climate Impact Pledge.

Keeping Track Of Your Investments

We talk to the CEO of Wealthica, Simon Boulet, on how they are giving you the option of keeping all of your investments in one portfolio so you can stay on track.

The Money Mammals

We talk to the creator of The Money Mammals, John Lanza. The Money Mammals are designed to help teach young people about money through songs, videos and books.

Transitioning Into Retirement

We talk to author, Patricia Doyle, about her book and blog, Retirement Transition.

Building A Snowman

We talk to author, Steven Arnott, about his book Snowman's Guide to Personal Finance.

The Climate Impact Pledge

We talk to John Heppner, head of US stewardship and sustainable Investments at Legal & General. We discuss taking on the climate impact pledge and nudging other companies to do the same.

Full Episode: Retirement Special

Themed retirement communities are a growing trend, for teachers, nuns and and even nudists (!) We’ll talk to Sue Johansen, from A Place For Mom, about the idea. And, if you had the choice to stop working right now, would you? Michelle Silver joins us to talk about her book, Retirement and Its Discontents: Why We Won’t Stop Working Even If We Can. Then, Melaina Vinski from PwC tells us how understanding behavioral economics can help you save for your retirement; Actuary Fred Vettese on how to calculate how much you can spend in retirement. Plus, personal finance expert Rubina Ahmed-Haq on why women need to save more than men for retirement---and how to do it.

Retirement Special: How Behavioral Economics Can Help With Retirement Planning

We talk to Melaina Vinski from PwC about how behavioral economics can help save for your retirement.

Retirement Special: White Collar Retirement Planning

We talk to Kurt Rosentreter from Manulife about the 3 big financial goals that often come together at almost the same time.

Retirement Special: We Won’t Retire Even When We Can

We talk to author Michelle Silver about why people don’t want to stop working even when they can retire.

Retirement Special: How Much To Spend During Retirement

We talk to Fred Vettese about how to figure out if you are spending too much or too little during retirement.

Retirement Special: Why Women Need To Save More Then Men For Retirement

We talk to Rubina Ahmed-Haq on why women need to put away more of their income to enjoy the same retirement life as men.

Retirement Special: Themed Retirement Communities

We talk to Sue Johansen from A Place For Moms about the idea of themed communities for senior citizens.

Full Episode: Is Funeral Expense insurance really worth it?

Many Canadians are paying higher investment fees than they have to. Dale Roberts, creator of the Cut The Crap Investing blog, is here to tell us why he believes in lower fees. And, financial planning for the 12 Million single Canadian out there. Amy Dietz-Graham from BMO Private Wealth identifies what’s different and how to manage it. Then, would you talk about your money at the office? Nathan Hamilton, from The Ascent reviews their latest study called Money Talk: Over One Thousand Employees Discuss Taboo Topics at Work. Plus, 8,000 days. Michael Lynch of Hartford Funds on how to divide up the massive number of days into just four phases. Plus, all you need to know about funeral insurance with Lorne Marr from LSM Insurance.

All About Funeral Insurance

We talk to Lorne Marr, director of business development at LSM Insurance, about what funeral insurance is and does it make financial sense.

Retiring By Yourself

We talk to Amy Dietz-Graham, a portfolio manager and investment advisor at BMO Private Wealth, about retiring on your own and what that has to do with your finances.

Benefitting From Lower Fees

We talk to Dale Roberts from Cut The Crap Investing about understanding how investment fees work and how lower fees could benefit Canadians.

Discussing Taboo Topics At Work

We talk to Nathan Hamilton, director and industry analyst at the Ascent, about their new study called Money Talk: Over One Thousand Employees Discuss Taboo Topics At Work.

The Four Phases Of Retirement

We talk to the managing director of strategic market for Hartford Funds, Michael Lynch on what the four phases of retirement are.

Full Episode – Resilience: How to overcome the financial potholes you’ll face

Many Canadians are unaware of the high costs associated with divorce. Shulman Law Firm’s Laura Paris is here to take us through these often surprising costs. And, the expensive road to healing. Lisa Coxon, editor and writer for is here to tell us about the financial costs of trauma. Then, reaching your financial goals without having to leave your couch. Credit Karma’s Monisha Sharma is here with some tips on how to kickstart your savings. Plus, personal finance blogger Tom Drake will be here to tell us about MapleMoney. And, a cautionary tale on RRSPs with Next Chapter’s Lesley Poole.

When Plans Don’t Work Out

We talk to Lesley Poole, president of Next Chapter, about navigating through the most difficult changes in life - like retirement.

The Cost of Divorce

We talk to Laura Paris, an associate lawyer at Shulman & Partners LLP, about the divorce process and the most surprising costs people are not aware of.

The Financial Cost Of Trauma

We talk to an editor at, Lisa Coxon, about what unexpected expenses come with a trauma experience.

Kick-Start Your Savings Routine

We talk to Credit Karma's Monisha Sharma about some tips that can help kick-start your savings routine without getting off track.

Money Hacks That Can Improve Your Personal Finances

We talk to the creator of MapleMoney Tom Drake, about his financial experiments and money hacks for those looking to improve their personal finance. Connect with MapleMoney on Twitter and Facebook.

Dealing with Financial Challenges amid the COVID-19 Outbreak

Bruce Sellery spoke with Global News Morning Calgary about dealing with financial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to Deal with Financial Stress During a Pandemic

Non-essential businesses have had to close until further notice because of the COVID-19 pandemic leaving many Canadians unable to earn an income right now. Bruce Sellery shares his tips on how to manage financial stress during this time.

Getting Your Financial Footing Back During a Pandemic

Not all Canadians are going through the same thing when it comes to managing their money during a pandemic. Millions of Canadians have been laid off during these unprecedented times while some are working from home. Bruce Sellery spoke with Cityline's Tracy Moore about the steps you can take to regain your financial footing depending on your current situation. 

Full Episode – Navigating your finances in this “New Normal”

Planning for financial change during a divorce. Dilys D’Cruz, from Meridian, will talk about how to navigate through this change. And, Matthew Ardrey, vice president and portfolio manager at triDelta Financial Partners Inc., will share some tips on whether or not you should keep your pension or take its commuted value. Then, sending money abroad. Nick Lembo from TransferWise tells us how this app lets you send money without the hidden fees. Plus, Michael Tracey will be here to tell us about the Ontario Securities Commission's 2020 Investor Experience Survey. And, Canada Life’s new RESP employee benefit with Ryan Weiss.

How The Pandemic Has Impacted The Divorce Rates

We talk to the Vice President of Wealth Management at Meridian, Dilys D’Cruz,  about the pandemic has impacted divorce rates and how you can plan for a financial change during this time. Find Dilys on Twitter 

Making Transfer Fees More Transparent

We talk to Nick Lembo, Head of Growth for the Americas for TransferWise, about how their app differs from using a bank and how it can save you money in the gig economy. You can find Nick on Twitter | Facebook

Should You Keep Your Pension Or Take The Commuted Value

We talk to the vice president and portfolio manager at TriDelta Financial Partners Inc., Matthew Ardrey, about how to make the decision on keeping your pension or taking the commuted value. Find Matthew on Twitter

How Employers Can Help Parents Save For Their Kids Education

We talk to Canada Life’s vice-president of product and experience, Ryan Weiss, about their new RESP employee benefit that can help parents save for their kids education. Find Ryan on LinkedIn

How Has The Pandemic Impacted Investors And Their Decisions

We talk to Michael Tracey, senior advisor of behavioural insights of the investor office at the OSC, to give us insight on how the pandemic has impacted investors and their decisions. Find Michael on Twitter

Full Episode – Life for the Ultra Wealthy

If only you’d got a job at Microsoft in the early 1990s.  Well, Jennifer Risher did, and it made her very wealthy.  We’ll discuss her new book.  We Need to Talk: A Memoir About Wealth.  “Buy-now-pay-later” is a compelling idea.  But it comes at a cost.  We’ll talk to Wayne Pommen from PayBright to find […]

Why You Might Need A Little Bit Of Math To Help Kickstart Your Financial Goals

We talk to financial coach and creator of the Math Plus Mindset approach, Hadriano Leo, to tell us about the “money mindset” and why you might need a little bit of math to help kickstart your financial goals. Connect with Hadrio on Facebook & Twitter

Insight into the World of Wealth

We talk to author Jennifer Risher about her book, We Need To Talk: A Memoir About Wealth. Check out Jennifer’s website for more information.

Tax Tips From The Grumpy Accountant

We have The Grumpy Accountant, Neal Winokur, join us to give us some tips when it comes to filing taxes. Connect with Neal Winokur aka The Grumpy Accountant on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

Buy Now, Pay Later Services

We talk to Wayne Pommen, president and CEO of PayBright, a service that lets you pay for products in installments. We get an inside look on how this services works. Connect with Wayne on Twitter and LinkedIn

A Will Should Be At The Top Of Your List

We talk to the co-founder of Epilogue, Daniel Goldgut, about how Canadians can easily create a will online with them. Connect with Daniel @ Epilogue at Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

Full Episode: Canada’s first-ever Black Entrepreneurship Program

The Federal Government has launched Canada’s first-ever Black entrepreneurship program, in partnership with the financial industry. Christine Bergeron from Vancity will be here to talk about how it works. Then, is gold overbought? Oversold? Or just right? Som Seif from Purpose Investments is a believer and he’ll tell us why. And, how investor behaviour has […]

How Canada’s First-Ever Black Entrepreneurship Program Will Work

We talk to the interim CEO of VanCity, Christine Bergeron about their involvement with the first ever Black Entrepreneurship Program that the Federal Government started. To find out more connect with Christine on Twitter and LinkedIn as well about Vancity on Twitter and LinkedIn

Having a Real Conversation About Investing In Gold

We talk to Som Seif at Purpose Investments about why we should be paying attention to investing in gold right now. To find out more connect with Som on Twitter

Spotlighting J.D. Power’s 2020 Canada Credit Card Satisfaction Study

We talk to John Cabell from J.D. Power about the results from their 2020 Canada Credit Card Satisfaction Study. To find out more connect with John on Twitter

Putting The Spotlight on Mint Worthy

We talk to Vanessa Bowen about her personal finance blog Mint Worthy. To find out more connect with Vanessa on Instagram and Facebook and check out her blog, Mint Worthy.

The Crazy Ride of the Stock Market and Online Investment Trends from the Last Six Months

We talk to the President of BMO’s InvestorLine, Silvio Stroescu and the online investments trends that he has seen in the last six months. To find out more connect with Silvio on Twitter and Facebook

Full Episode: A history lesson on economic violence and anti-black racism

Different communities have endured “Economic Violence” for many years. Personal finance expert Lynnette Khalfani-Cox will be here to tell us how African-Americans have specifically been impacted. Then, could you function in a world without traditional currency? John Porter from BarterPay will tell us how he’s trying to match businesses to trade goods and services instead […]

Economic Violence

We talk to personal finance expert and founder of the Money Coach, Lynette Khalfani-Cox, about how black communities and not only facing racial violence but they also face something known as economic violence. To connect with Lynette you can find her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

The Growth of the Bartering Economy

We talk to the president and CEO of BarterPay, John Porter, about how the bartering economy will grow in the future. To connect with John find him on Twitter.

The Growing Trend of Personal Bankruptcies and What Can Be Done

We talk to Shawn Stack from Brownwich and Smith about the expecting increase in personal bankruptcies and what can be done about it. You can find Shawn on Twitter and Facebook.

Why You Need an Opportunity Fund and Not An Emergency Fund

We talk to Pax Planning’s Natasha Knox on why she refers to an emergency fund as an ‘opportunity fund’. Reach out to Natasha on Twitter and Facebook.

DIY Investing

We talk to Lucy Becker from IIROC about whether DIY investing is the right thing for you. Connect with Lucy on Twitter and Facebook

Full Episode: KiddieNomics: A Personal Finance Zoom Class For Kids

Teaching your kids all about money. Stacy Brown and her nine-year-old daughter Miki tell us about their personal finance Zoom class for kids called KiddieNomics. Then, assessing your financial advisor. Jesse Kaufman tells us how his AdviceCheck service determines if your advisor is doing a good job. And, online grocery shopping isn’t cheap. Sylvain Charlebois […]

Personal Finance For Kids With KiddieNomics

We talk to Stacey Brown and her nine-year old daughter Miki about getting kids engaged in the world of personal finance with their weekly webinar for kids called KiddieNomics. Find out more about KiddieNomics on Instagram and watch their show on YouTube .

Living for FIRE Movement

We talk to Chrissy Kay about her blog Eat Sleep Breathe FI‘ on how she is truly living the FIRE Movement, which stands for ‘Financial Independence, Retire Early‘. Connect with Chrissy on Twitter, Instagram , Facebook or find out more on the podcast, Explore FI Canada.

How The Pandemic Has Affected The Price of Food

We talk to Sylvain Charlebois, senior director of the ‘Agri-Food Analytics Lab’ at Dalhousie University about how the pandemic as affected food sales and the price we pay for groceries. Connect with Sylvain on Twitter

Get A Second Opinion On Your Financial Advisor

We talk to the founder and CEO of AdviceCheck, Jesse Kaufman, on how their platform provides investors with assessments of financial advisors to get a second opinion to make sure they are on the right track. Connect with Jesse on Facebook and Linkedin.

The Use Of Factor Investing with ETFs

We talk to Benjamin Felix, a portfolio manager at PWL Capital, about the use of factor investing with ETFs and if it’s really worth it. Check out his white paper on factor investing here. Connect with Benjamin on Twitter. Subscribe to his YouTube channel, Common Sense Investor and podcast Rational Reminder.

Full Episode: Finding Your Dream Job During The Pandemic

Don’t give up on your dream job just because there’s a pandemic. Tracy Timm tells us about her recent book Unstoppable: Discover Your True Value, Define Your Genius Zone, and Drive Your Dream Career. Then, a blast from the stock market’s past. Gene Natali tells us about the Time Portal App that lets you see […]

Chasing Your Dreams And Finding The Job You Love

We talk to Tracy Timm, the author of ‘Unstoppable: Discover Your True Value, Define Your Genius Zone, and Drive Your Dream Careers’,  and the founder of the Nth Degree Career Academy as she shares us her tips on how you can find the job you love. Find out more from Tracy on Twitter , Facebook and […]

Turning Back Time With The Stock Market

Gene Natali, CEO of Troutwood, joins us to tell us more about their Time Portal App where you can go into any period in history to see how an investment in the stock market might have worked. Connect with Gene on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn

Buying Your First Home With A Hybrid Mortgage

We talk to Meridian Credit Union’s Director of Product Development, Carolyn Devic, to find out more about their hybrid mortgage for those looking to buy their first home.

Designing A Retirement Income

We talk to Kurt Rosentreter, a Senior Financial Advisor at Manulife Securities, about managing your retirement cash flow and designing a retirement income to lower the tax. Connect with Kurt on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin

Picking The Right Retirement Income Option

We talk to Scott Johnston, the resident expert of ETF’s for Vanguard about their recently launched Vanguard Retirement Income ETF Portfolio as well as the different retirement income options that are out there. Connect with Vanguard on Twitter and Linkedin

Full Episode: Investing In Women-Led Businesses

Investing in talented female entrepreneurs pays off, says Shelley Kuipers. She’s a co-founder of The51, a financial feminist platform that provides access to capital for women-led businesses. Then, why and when you should get a Power of Attorney.  Suzana Popovic-Montag from Hull and Hull LLP takes us through everything we need to know about POAs. […]

5 Minute Money Tasks

Accomplish ‘5 minute money tasks’ with a newsletter from Easy Money by Policygenius. We talk to the deputy managing editor of Easy Money, Hanna Horvath about their newsletter. Connect with Hanna on Twitter and sign up for the newsletter.

Finance Is A Source For Good

We talk to JC de Swaan, lecturer in the economics department at Princeton University, about his latest book ‘Seeking Virtue in Finance: Contributing to Society in a Conflicted Industry. Find JC on the Princeton University site.

Investing In Women-Led Businesses

We talk to the co-founder of The51, Shelley Kuipers, about how women face systemic barriers in starting companies and how they want to change that with their platform. Connect with The51 on Twitter and Instagram

Financial Blogger Spotlight: Tawcan

As part of our financial blogger spotlight we focus on Bob Lai and his blog, Tawcan. Connect with Bob on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram .

The Importance of Power of Attorney

We talk to Suzana Popovic-Montag, a managing partner at Hull and Hull LP, about having a Power of Attorney and why it is important. Connect with Suzana on Twitter and find out more about Hull and Hull LP on Facebook.

Full Episode: Signed, Warren Buffett: Lessons from shareholder letters

Why you should read a company’s shareholder letter. Lawrence Cunnigham takes us through his book Dear Shareholder. Then, keeping great food affordable. Cookbook author Claire Tansey shares tips from Dinner, Uncomplicated for making a tasty home cooked meal without breaking the bank. And, the financial challenges that come with preparing for a serious illness. Connie […]

Making Great Food Affordable

Food expert, Claire Tansey, heard on CBC Radio and seen on Cityline joins us to talk about how to make great food affordable. Connect with Claire on Facebook.

Endowments For Families

We talk to Vince Annable, the founder of Wealth Strategies Advisory Group and the Household Endowment Model. He breaks down why the endowment model can also make sense for families. Find out more about The Household Endowment on Facebook.

Planning For Illness and Death

We talk to the founder of Patient Pathways, Connie Jorsvik, a senior healthcare navigator and patient advocate. She is here to tell us about her book “Advance Care Planning: Prepare for Serious Illness by Sharing your Wishes for Future Health and Personal Care.” You can find out more about Patient Pathways on Facebook.

Dear Shareholder: What You Can Learn From Shareholder Letters

We talk to Lawrence Cunningham and he joins us to talk about his book Dear Shareholder: The Best Executive Letters from Warren Buffett, Prem Watsa and other great CEOs. Connect with Lawrence on Twitter.

Financial Blogger Spotlight: High Interest Savings

As part of our financial blogger spotlight we focus on Peter Keung and his blog, High Interest Savings. Connect with Peter and High Interest Savings on Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: Why There Are So Few Female Financial Advisors?

Why are there so few female financial advisors? This is the question Judy Paradi from explores in a new white paper. Then, there is a growing need for mental health disability claims. Nainesh Kotak from Kotak Personal Injury Law tells us how to make a claim. And, financial planning for families with someone with […]

Financial Blogger Spotlight: Save Spend Splurge

As part of our financial blogger spotlight we focus on Sherry and her blog, Save Spend Splurge. Connect with Sherry on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

How To Make Mental Health Disability Claims

We talk to Nainish Kotak, the founder of Kotak Personal Injury Law, about how to make mental health disability claims and how it works. Connect with Nianish on Facebook .

Supporting Those With Disabilities

We talk to the founder of the Special Needs Planning Group, Graeme Treeby, about the Henson Trust and how it is specifically designed to support those with disabilities.

Where Are All The Female Financial Advisors

We talk to Judy Paradi from about the white paper she co-authored on why there are so few female financial advisors and why it is important to increase the numbers. Connect with Strategy Marketing on Twitter.

Bill Of Rights For Canadians in Debt

We talk to the CEO of Credit Counselling Canada, Michelle Pommells, about the Bill of Rights for Canadians in Debt that they created. Connect with Credit Counselling Canada on Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: Millennials On The Move: Home Buying Trends for 2020

How do you “right a wrong” when it comes to your financial institution? Tips from the Investor Protection Clinic’s Jessie Armour. Then, what Canadians are searching for online when it comes to their personal finances. Fernado Angulo from SEMrush tells us about his analysis. And, Millennials on the move. Monique Johnson from Your Happy Realtor […]

Getting Kids Engaged In The Topic of Money With The Price of Pizza

We talk to the host of the podcast Million Bazillion, Jed Kim, about the need to kids engaged in the topic of money using items like the price of pizza. Connect with Jed on Twitter.

Where To Report Wrongdoing By Your Financial Institution

There are many options out there that you should consider when reporting wrongdoing by your financial institution. We talk to Jessie Armour about the Osgoode Hall Law School’s “Investor Protection Clinic” video series project she helped lead. Follow the Twitter feed of the Investor Protection Clinic here and connect with the Osgoode Hall Law School […]

Millennials And Their Outlook on Home Buying After The Pandemic

We talk to Monique Johnson, real-estate representative at Your Happy Realtor and creator of Newly Listed Toronto, about how the pandemic has impacted Millenials and their outlook on home buying. Connect with Monique on Facebook and Instagram.

What Are Canadians Asking Google About Finance

We talk to SEMrush’s global spokesperson and head of communications, Fernando Angulo, about what are the biggest searches Canadians are doing online about personal finance. Connect with Fernando on LinkedIn.

Being Resilient In The Search of Financial Independence

We talk to certified financial planner and financial advisor, Jackie Porter, about her journey of resilience in getting to financial independence and lessons she learned along the way. Connect with Jackie on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Full Episode: Peer-to-Peer Lending: Never lend money to a friend — but what about a stranger?

Not having your annual office christmas party this year? Marina Glogovac from CanadaHelps tells us how you can donate the unused money to charity through a new initiative called Holiday Party Heroes. Then, a new financial startup allowing Canadians to lend and borrow from each other called goPeer. CEO Marc-Antoine Caya tells us all about […]

Using Your Office Party Budget For Charity

We talk to the president and CEO of CanadaHelps, Marina Glogovac, about their new initiative called Holiday Party Heroes which is asking businesses to donate the money they would have spent on the annual holiday parties this year to charity. Find CanadaHelps on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Lending and Borrowing Money With Fellow Canadians

We talk to the CEO of goPeer, Marc-Antoine Caya, about how they are looking to disrupt the traditional lending model by helping Canadians to lend and borrow money from each other. Find goPeer on Twitter and Instagram and connect with Marc-Antoine on Twitter

Financial Blogger Spotlight: Your Best Friend’s Guide To Cash

As part of our financial blogger spotlight we focus on Kara Gammell and her blog, Your Best Friend’s Guide To Cash. Connect with Kara on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

The Story of Money

We talk to author Fred Kaufman about his new book, The Money Plot: A History of Currency’s Power to Enchant, Control, and Manipulate. We explore the origin of money and how it became so important in our culture. Connect with Fred on Facebook

Making The Most Of The Guaranteed Income Supplement

We talk to John Stapleton, writer and founder of Open Policy Ontario, about the ins and out and making the most of your GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement).

Full Episode: The Retirement Downsizing Myth: Why Seniors Are Staying Put

The retirement downsizing myth: Why many seniors are choosing to stay put and how this will impact their financial plan, with Jason Heath from Objective Financial Partners. Why a consumer proposal might not be necessary or even helpful. Karim Nanji from Marble Financial provides some alternatives. Then, Canada’s very first pension plan for doctors. James […]

Financial Blogger Spotlight: Her First $100K

As part of our financial blogger spotlight we focus on Tori and her blog, Her First 100K. Connect with Tori on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

How Not Downsizing Is Affecting The Housing Market

We talk to Jason Heath, certified financial planner at Objective Financial Partners Inc., about how seniors are not moving in droves upon retirement and how this could be affecting the housing market. Connect with Jason on Twitter and find out more about Objective Financial Partners on Facebook.

A Pension Plan For Doctors

We talk to the founder and CEO of Blue Pier, James Pierlot, about launching the first pension plan for doctors and how it works. Find out more about Blue Pier on LinkedIn.

Getting Help With A Consumer Proposal

We talk to Karim Nanji, CEO of Marble Financial, about the pro and cons of using a consumer proposal to help Canadians get out of debt and how to get out of it faster. Find more about Marble Financial on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Protecting Older Canadians When It Comes To Investing

We talk to Tyler Fleming, the director of the Investor Office at the Ontario Securities Commission, on how the industry can use behavioural insights to protect older Canadians when it comes to investing and why is it important to have a Trusted Contact Person. Find out more with the Ontario Securities Commission’s Investor Office on […]

Full Episode: Uber Is Out. Outschool Is In: The e-Learning Side Hustle

Earning an extra income on Zoom. Meagan Tauber shares her experience getting paid to teach online through Outschool.  Then, navigating dips in the market. Tom Bradley from Steadyhand Investment Funds tells us why the best way to prepare for a down market is to look forward to it. And, building a DIY stock portfolio with […]

Teaching The Side Hustle

We talk to Meagan Tauber about her experience with teaching using the online platform called Outschool.

How To Prepare For A Down Market

We talk to Tom Bradley, chief investment officer at Steadyhand Investment Funds, about how you should prepare for a down market.

It’s Been A Charitable Year

We talk to the VP of Marketing at Benevity, Sona Khosla, about how new data from their platforms shows that more people have donated through them then ever before. Plus she shares some charitable giving trends from 2020. Connect with Sona on LinkedIn.

DIY’ing A Simple, Low Cost Portfolio

We talk to Ryan Irvine, President and CEO of KeyStone, about his DIY approach to creating a simple, diversified, low cost portfolio. Connect with Ryan on Twitter

Year-End Tax Planning Tips

We talk to John Waters, Vice President and Director of Tax Consulting Services for BMO Private Wealth, as he shares his best year-end tax planning tips. Find out more about BMO on Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: The Best Budgeting Apps Available To Canadians

Teaching your kids to make better consumer decisions. Karen Holland, founder of Gifting Sense, tells us how this online tool works. Then, need to create a budget? There’s an app for that. Enoch Omololu from Savvy New Canadians will take us through some of the best ones. And, all you need to know about disability […]

The Best Budgeting Apps Out There

We talk to Enoch Omololu from Savvy New Canadians takes us through his list of the best budgeting apps available to Canadians. Follow New Savvy Canadians on Instagram and Facebook.

Helping Kids Make Better Consumer Decisions

We talk to the founder of Gifting Sense, Karen Holland, about their online tool that is trying to help kids make better consumer decisions. Follow Gifting Sense on Twitter and Facebook .

Get Financial Freedom With Six Proven Principles

Entrepreneur and investor David Ash joins us to talk about his new book, Simple Wealth, as well shares his ‘six proven principles for financial freedom’. Find David on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Making Venture Capital Funds Accessible To Everyday Investors

We talk to David Shore, OurCrowd’s Vice-President of Investor Relations, about how their global venture investing platform launching its first ever venture capital fund accessible to small investors in Canada. Connect with David on Twitter and Facebook and follow OurCrowd on Twitter and Facebook.

The Necessary Need For Disability Insurance

We talk to Lorne Marr, Director of Business Development at HUB Financial Inc., about why Canadians might need disability insurance and how important it is. Follow Lorne on Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: How To Manage Your Financial Wellness During Uncertain Times

Is money causing you stress and anxiety? Financial therapist Erika Wasserman shares her tips on managing your financial wellness during these uncertain times. Then, navigating your finances while going through a divorce. Robyn Thompson, president of Castlemark Wealth Management, is here with her advice on how to make the process go smoothly. And, demystifying personal […]

Demystifying Personal Finance

We talk to comedian and author Gaby Dunn about her podcast Bad With Money on how she demystifies personal finance. Connect with Gaby on Twitter and Instagram.

Financial Blogger Spotlight: Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez

As part of our financial blogger spotlight we focus Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez and her blog. Connect with Stephanie on Twitter and Instagram.

Financial Therapy

Does money cause you stress and anxiety? Financial therapist, Erika Wasserman gives us her tips on how to manage your financial wellness. Connect with Erika on Instagram and Facebook.

Navigating A Pandemic Divorce

We talk to Robyn Thompson, Certified Financial Planner and president of Castlemark Wealth Managment, about her three key principles to follow when navigating a pandemic divorce. Connect with Robyn on Instagram and Facebook and follow Castlemark Wealth Management on Twitter and Linkedin.

What To Know When It Comes To Saving For Retirement

We talk to Ben Carlson, director of institutional asset management at Ritholtz Wealth Management, about his new book Everything You Need To Know About Saving For Retirement and the 20 most important financial laws to live by. Find out more about Ben at his site, A Wealth of Common Sense.

Full Episode: Downsizing During A Pandemic

Considering downsizing your home? Keisha Telfer from Transitions Realty tells us why she thinks now might be the best time. Then, everything you need to know about chatbots. Jennifer Etchegary from the ChatC Group is here to tell us how they work. And, a new tool that can help you visualize your finances all in […]

Should Thematic ETFs Be On Your Radar

We talk to Jay Jacobs, Head of Research & Strategy at Global X, about what thematic ETFs are and why they should be on your radar. Connect with Jay on Twitter.

Pandemic Downsizing

We talk to Keisha Telfer, co-founder of Transition Realty, about if downsizing during a pandemic for baby boomers and empty nesters. Follow Transition Realty on Facebook and Linkedin.

Chatbots Working In The Financial Service

We talk to the CEO of the ChatC Group, Jennifer Etchegary, about what is a chatbot and how they work in financial services. Follow the ChatC Group on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Visualizing Your Finances

We talk to Rob Townsend, CEO of Camber, about their new tool called the Camber Dashboard which aims to help people better visualize their finances. Follow Camber on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram. Connect with Rob on Linkedin and Twitter.

Making Hedge Funds More Accessible

We talk to the CEO and founder of the CARL app, Gunnar Cuevas, about how their new app makes quantitative hedge funds more accessible for regular investors. Follow CARL on Twitter.

Full Episode: Does a college degree still earn you an A+ career?

How much does post-secondary education really cost? New York Times columnist Ron Lieber tells us about his new book The Price You Pay For College. Then, financial literacy for adults. Mack Rogers from ABC Life Literacy Canada tells us about the ABC Skills Hub. And, how grieving families can honour their loved ones during a […]

What You Really Pay For College

We talk to New York Times “Your Money” columnist, Ron Lieber, about his new book “The Price You Pay For College” and the hope that you will earn more money then post-secondary will cost. Connect with Ron on Twitter.

Planning A Funeral In A Pandemic

We talk to Afterword co-founder, Effie Anolik, about how their service is to help clients plan a customized, virtual experience for loved ones who have passed away. Follow Afterword on Facebook.

Financial Blogger Spotlight: Boomer & Echo

As part of our financial blogger spotlight, we focus on Robb Engen and his blog, Boomer & Echo. Connect with Robb and his blog on Twitter and Facebook.

Making The World A Better Place

We talk to David Wells, founder of Family Capital Strategy about how the ultra-wealthy are engaging in social causes to help make the world a better place. Connect with David on Twitter.

Building Your Financial Knowledge

We talk to Mack Rogers, executive director of ABC Life Literacy Canada, about their online learning portal called ABC Skills Hub that offers a variety of courses to help you build your financial knowledge. Follow ABC Life Literacy Canada on Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: Goin’ To The Chapel – A New Way To Get Married During The Pandemic

A unique way to get married during the pandemic. Lynzie Kent, owner of the Pop-Up Chapel Co, tells us about her new approach. Then, mental health support for Canadians. Nigel Branker from Morneau Shepell tells us about AbilitiCBT.  And, focusing on older adults.  Paige Wilson tells us about Naborforce, a U.S. service that connects older […]

Mental Health Support For Canadians

We talk to Nigel Branker, President of Health and Productivity Solutions at Morneau Shepell, about their partnership with Shoppers Drug Mart to help Canadians gain access to mental health programs though a program called Abiliti-CBT. Connect with Nigel on Linkedin and follow AbilitCares on Instagram and Facebook.

Connecting Seniors With Community For Care

We have Paige Wilson, founder of Naborforce, join us to talk about their service which connects older adults to community members who can provide companionship and care. Follow Naborforce on Facebook.

Having A Wedding Without The Hassle

Rethink the wedding ceremony with Pop Up Chapel Co. We have the founder, Lynzie Kent, join us to talk about how they are offering a unique experience for couples looking for a more simple wedding without all the hassle. Follow Pop Up Chapel Co. on Facebook.

Planning Your Financial Life

We talk to Michael Meyer, founder of Obolx, a new life planning app that helps you visualize your future health and wealth milestones. Follow Obolx on Twitter and connect with Michael on Twitter.

Financial Blogger Spotlight: Freedom 35 Blog

As part of our financial blogger spotlight, we focus on Liquid Independence at his blog Freedom 35 Blog. Follow the blog on Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: Own A Bit Of Basquiat: A “Mutual Fund” For High End Art.

You don’t have to be ultra wealthy to invest in art. Scott Lynn, founder of Masterworks, tells us about buying “shares” in blue-chip artwork. Then, Morneau Shepell’s latest Financial Wellbeing Index. Idan Shlesinger takes us through highlights. And, Greg Davies from Oxford Risk on how financial advisors can help clients deal with emotional investing.  And, […]

Investing In Art Made Easy

We talk to the founder and CEO of Masterworks, Scott Lynn, about how he started the company to let people invest in artwork without needing the millions to invest personally. Follow Masterworks on Facebook and Linkedin.

Checking Your Financial Wellbeing

Idan Shlesinger, president of retirement solutions & executive vice president at Morneau Shepell, joins us to share some of the highlights from Morneau Shepell’s latest “Financial Wellbeing” index. This index aims to calculate the financial wellbeing of the population and understand the nuances across gender, region and jobs. Follow Morneau Shepell on Twitter and Connect […]

Dealing With Financial Emotions

We talk to Greg Davies, head of behavioural finance at Oxford Risk, about how many financial adivisors are poorly equipped to help clients deal with their emotions. Follow Oxford Risk on Twitter.

Teaching Secondary School Students About The Stock Market

We have Jennifer Holmes Weier, President and CEO of JA Central Ontario, and grade 11 student, Julian Kokhanovshyy, join us to talk about the JA Investment Strategies Program competition and what it took to win it.  Follow JA Central Ontario on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

How To Hire A Financial Coach

We talk to Tanya Oliva, founder of Fin$mart, about what are financial coaches and what do they do. Follow Fin$mart on Twitter and Facebook

Full Episode: Having A Happier Relationship With Your Money

Money is part IQ and part EQ, says author Ken Honda. He joins us to talk about his book Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace With Your Money. And, considering taking an online money course? Personal finance expert Lesley-Anne Scorgie takes us through what you should look for before signing up. And, using […]

How To Have A Happier Relationship With Money

We talk to author, Ken Honda, about his new book Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace With Your Money. Find out more about Ken on his website and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

What Is The Buzz Index

We talk to Jamie Wise, founder of Buzz Indexes, about how they use social analytics and artificial intelligence to create investment insights. Follow Buzz Index on Twitter.

What Is The Best Money Course

We look at the growing trend of learning about money and what is the best course for you is personal finance expert Lesley-Anne Scorgie. Find out more about MeVest here and follow Lesley-Anne on Twitter.

Investing In Music Royalites

We talk to the director of communications for Royalty Exchange, Antony Bruno, about their platform where musicians and investors come together and how the music royalty business works. Follow Antony on Twitter.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Divorce

We talk to Russell Alexander, founder of Russell Alexander Family Lawyers, about his book Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know About Divorce. Follow Russell on Twitter.

Full Episode: What The Tech Industry Can Teach Us About Career Design

You just quit your job. Now what? Jennifer Turliuk takes us through her book How to Figure Out What to Do With Your Life (Next). And, the real estate market and mortgage industry during covid times. Joe Jacobs from Mortgage Connection tells us what’s changed since the pandemic began. Then, financial productivity in just five minutes. Hanna Horvath from Easy Money takes us through “five minute money tasks”. Plus, Filing your taxes on a low income with Momentum. And, Nancy Tengler from Laffer Tengler Investments tells us about her book The Women’s Guide to Successful Investing.

What To Do Next In Your Life

We talk to the CEO of MakerKids, Jennifer Turliuk, about her new book called How to Figure Out What to Do With Your Life (Next).

Having Access to Income Tax Benefits

We talk to Jeff Loomis, executive director of Momentum, and Eryland, a participant in the Momentum program, about how this non-profit helps those living on a low income help them navigate filing taxes with the Canadian Revenue Agency.

Getting The Best Mortgage Rate Possible

We talk to Joe Jacobs, managing partner at Mortgage Connection, about what you should know to get the best mortgage rate possible.

Investing Successfully As A Woman

We talk to Nancy Tengler, Chief Investment Officer at Laffer Tengler Investments, about her book The Women’s Guide To Successful Investing about how you can manage your finances and come up with a financial plan.

Full Episode: What’s Your Number? How To Figure Out Your Retirement Nest Egg Number

Figuring out how much you want to spend in retirement is a critical step in your savings plan. Money Coach Steve Bridge takes us through the steps. And, closing the financial literacy gender gap. Annamaria Lusardi from the George Washington University School of Business tells us about new research that explains what’s behind this gap. […]

Retirement Savings Cash Flow

We talk to Steve Bridge, a certified financial planner and money coach, about the important question that people need to answer when planning for retirement: cash flow. Connect with Steve on Twitter and Facebook.

Accessing The Equity of Your Home

We talk to Fractions CEO, Hayden James, about how they have another way that helps people access the equity in their homes with an option called Fraction Technologies. Follow Fractions on Linkedin and Facebook.

What Causes The Gender Gap With Financial Literacy

We talk to the Academic Director and Professor of Economics and Accountancy at the George Washington University School of Business, Annamaria Lusardi, about the research collaboration to find out why there is a gender gap when it comes to financial literacy and what are the causes. Connect with Anna on Twitter and follow the Global […]

Using Everyday Activities To Teach Kids About Money

We talk to Will Carmichael, CEO of RoosterMoney, about the tips and tricks of teaching kids about money by integrating everyday activities. Follow Will on Twitter and connect with RoosterMoney on Twitter and Facebook.

Who Needs To Help With WorkPlace Burnout

We talk to Paula Davis, the Founder and CEO of the ‘Stress & Resillience Institute’, about her new book, BEATING BURNOUT AT WORK: Why Teams Hold the Secret to Well-Being and Resillience and why organizations need to help combat ‘workplace burnout’. Connect with Paula on Linkedin and Twitter. Follow the Stress & Resillience Institute on […]

Full Episode: IPO 101: Everything You Need To Know Before You Buy

IPOs are in the headlines almost daily. Juliette John from Iris Asset Management tells us what to watch out for. And, the Globe and Mail’s personal finance team created a podcast to help you navigate through the uncertain times. Roma Luciw tells us what we can expect when listening to Stress Test. Then, Mercer’s Retirement […]

What You Need To Know About IPO’s

We talk to the founder of Iris Asset Management, Juliette Johns, about what exactly is an IPO and takes us through everything you need to know. Check out Iris Asset Management and connect with Juliette on Linkedin.

How The Rule of Personal Finance Changed During The Pandemic

We talk to Roma Luciw who along with Rob Carrick co-host the Globe & Mail’s podcast, Stress Test. The podcast takes a look at how the rule of personal finance changed during the pandemic. Check out the podcast and connect with Roma on Twitter.

The New Kid in Canada’s Banking Town

We talk to the founder of Neo Financial, Andrew Chau, about what makes this new consumer banking solution separates itself from traditional banks. Find out more at and follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Gender Disparities in Retirement Savings

We talk to Jillian Kennedy, a Partner at Mercer and the leader of the firm’s “Financial Wellness” business, about the finding from their Mercer Retirement Readiness Barometer that women on average retire with account balances that are 30% lower then men. Find more at and follow Jillian on Twitter.

Supporting Economic Growth for Women in Developing Countries

We talk to Linda Bryson, Director of Resource Development for FINCA Canada, about their OppHERtunity campaign whose goal is to help support women and their economic growth in developing countries. Check out FINCA Canada and their OppHERtunity campaign and connect with Linda on Linkedin.

Full Episode: Making Money On Mushrooms: Investing in Psychedelics

Cannabis has been legal for years now.  Could psychedelics be next? Matt Stang, CEO of Delic Corp, tells us about where he thinks this unique industry is heading.  And, whether you’re a cat or a dog person you might want to consider planning for your pet’s financial future in your will. Daniel Goldgut from Epilogue […]

Empowering Your Finances As A New Mom

We talk to Aleksandra Jassem and Nikita Stanley about their new book, Get Your “S” Together: The Rebel Mama’s Handbook For Financially Empowered Mom’s. Which is a financial guide for new moms and moms-to-be. Check out the Rebel Mama site or connect with them on Twitter.

Investing in Psychedelics

We talk to the CEO of Delic, Matt Stang, about how psychedelics could be the next investment opportunity. Find out more on the Delic website and connect with them on Instagram and Facebook.

Protect Yourself From Mortgage Fraud

We talk to Carl Davies, Head of Fraud & Identity at Equifax Canada, about how you can fight fraud within the mortgage industry with their new tool called ClearPro. Check out the Equifax website and find them on Linkedin.

Pets and Your Will

We talk to Daniel Goldgut, co-founder of Epilogue, about their online will preparation tool to help you include your pets in your will to make sure you pet is safe in the future. Check out the Epilogue website  and connect with them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Preparing For Financial Peace in Retirement

We talk to Pat Strubbe about his latest book, The Retirement Secret: a simple approach to financial peace of mind, which lays out the foundation to effectively plan for retirement. Find out more from Preservation Specialists online and connect them on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Pat on Twitter.

Full Episode; Common Mistakes People Make With Their Credit Cards

The dos and don’ts of using your credit card. Millennial money expert Jessica Moorhouse shares some of the common mistakes people make with their cards and how you can avoid them.  And, debunking misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine and your life insurance. Lorne Marr from HUB Financial has the answer. Then, cybersecurity expert Leigh Tynan […]

Should Vaccines Affect Your Life Insurance

We talk to Lorne Marr, director of business development at Hub Financial, about the latest developments of the connection between insurance and vaccines. Find out more about Hub Financial at and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

Achieving Financial Independence

We talk to the host of the podcast Journey To Launch, Jamila Souffrant. The podcast is all about her own journey to financial independence and Jamila shares what she has learned along the years. Find out more about the podcast at and follow it on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Avoid Credit Card Mistakes

We talk to Jessica Moorhouse, a millennial money expert and accredited financial counsellor, about the top mistakes people make when it comes to their credit cards and how you can avoid them. Find out more at and follow Jessica on Twitter and Instagram.

The Importance Of Personal Finance In High School

We talk to author Doug Allan about his new book, A Fighting Chance: The High School Finance Education Everyone Deserves. Doug tells us all about the book and shares some of his tips and tricks. Find out more about the book at and follow on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Protecting Yourself From Cybersecurity Threats

We talk to Leigh Tynan, a cybersecurity expert and director of TELUS Online Security, about the risks Canadians should know about and how they can protect themselves. Follow TELUS on Twitter and Facebook. .

 Full Episode: Moneybunnies: Teaching Your Kids About Money One Carrot At A Time

Teaching kids about money with bunnies. Cinders McLeod is here to tell us about her picture books for children called Moneybunnies. And, filing your taxes online? There are many software programs out there to help you. One of them is Wealthsimple Tax. Peter La is here to tell us how it works. Then, breaking down […]

Teaching Kids About Financial Literacy With Moneybunnies

We talk to Cinders McLeod, creator of Moneybunnies, a group of picture books that teach kids about financial literacy. She joins us to tell us more about her latest book. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.  

Tax Filing Options For Canadians

We talk to the senior product manager at Wealthsimple, Peter La, about their tax filing option called Wealthsimple Tax and how it works. Find out more at and connect at Twitter and Facebook.  

The Best Ways To Tackle Debt

We talk to Adriana Molina, Financial Education Manager at Credit Canada, about Credit Canada’s debt calculator and the best ways to tackle debt. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and LinkedIn.  

How To Deal With Money In Times of Financial Distress

We talk to author Kelley Keehn about how she revised her book Talk Money To Me to include the current financial stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out more at and connect with Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.  

Financial Podcast Spotlight: Millennial Money

We talk to the host of the Millenial Money podcast, certified financial planner Shannah Compton Game, about the hard money topics that are a part of the podcast and what listeners can expect. Find out more about the podcast at and connect on Instagram and Twitter.  

Full Episode: Booking Your Own Private Jet: Fantasy Or Reality?

You don’t need billions to fly like a billionaire: Glenn Gonzales, CEO of Jet It, tells us how much it costs to hire your own plane.  Moving to the big city? Sheryl Song and KD Dao tell us about their rental provider for women called Ryna.  Then, including your digital assets in your estate plan. […]

The Jet Lifestyle

We talk to Jet It CEO Glenn Gonzales to tell us more about private aviation in Canada and executive travel in a post-pandemic world. Find out more at and follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Taking Care of Your Digital Assets After You Die

We talk to Melanie McDonald, Vice-President & Regional Director of Trust and Estate Services for BMO Trust Company, about where do all your digital assets go after we die. Should those digital assets be a part of your estate planning and your will. Find out more at and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

Women Helping Women Find A Place To Rent

We talk to Sheryl Song and KD Dao, the founders of Ryna, about they are helping women find a place to rent as well as share their lives. Find out more at and follow them on Facebook and TikTok.

Teaching Kids About Money

We talk to author, Robin Taub, about her book The Wisest Investment: Teaching Your Kids to Be Responsible, Independent and Money-Smart for Life which has been updated for these unprecedented times. Find out more at and Connect with Robin on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

All About Personal Pension Plans For Business Owners

We talk to the CEO of INTEGRIS Pension Management Corp., Jean-Pierre Laporte, about saving for retirement in a solution called a “personal pension plan”. Find out more at and follow on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Full Episode: Money Lessons For 11-Year Olds, Created By An 11-Year Old

We’ll talk to YouTube star Rishi Vamdatt, the 11-year-old creator of Easy Peasy Finance about his mission to improve financial literacy for kids.  Then we’ll look to stars for insight on how your horoscope can affect your money.  Hanna Horvath from Easy Money by Policygenius reviews the charts.   Then, behavioural scientist Wendy De La Rosa shares […]

Kids Talking To Kids About Money

We talk to Rishi Vamdatt runs a YouTube channel called Easy Peasy Finance, which is all about teaching kids about money. Rishi started a YouTube channel at 8 years old and he tells all about how it got started. Watch the videos on Rishi’s YouTube channel and connect on Twitter, Facebook and at

Using Behavioural Science To Make Better Financial Decisions

We talk to Wendy De La Rosa, a behavioural scientist and co-founder at Common Cents Lab at Duke University, about how we can use behavioural science to make better financial decisions. Connect with Wendy on Twitter and follow Common Cents Lab on Twitter.

Cancel Debt and Keep Your Credit Score

We talk to Julie Kuzmic, Director of Consumer Advocacy for Equifax Canada, about what actions that you can take to get rid of your debt and still have a good credit score. Find out more at and connect with Julie on Twitter.

What Is Your Money Horoscope

Deputy managing editor of Easy Money by Policygenius, Hanna Horvath, joins us to tell us our money horoscope and what you can learn about it. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and Facebook. Connect with Hanna on Twitter.

Finance Shifting To A Lower-Carbon World

The Institute for Sustainable Finance at the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University has released a new report called Assessing Current Canadian Corporate Performance on GHG Emissions, Disclosures and Target Setting. Sean Cleary is the co-author of the report and Chair of the Institute. He joins us now to talk about the report and […]

Investing In Crypto: A Step By Step Guide | Full Episode

investing in cryptocurrency. Dale Roberts from Cut the Crap Investing explains how to do it.  And, using your credit card points to tackle debt. Vanessa Bowen from Mintworthy tells us how to use your points to your advantage, if that’s even possible. Then, talking to your kids about their inheritance.Samy Dwek from the Family Office […]

The Opportunity For Cryptocurrency is Still Here

We talk to Dale Roberts, founder of Cut The Crap Investing, about why he feels investing in cryptocurrency is a smart move and how to go about doing it. Found out more on and connect on Facebook and Twitter.

Financial Podcast Spotlight: Money Girl

As part of our financial podcast spotlight series we talk to the host of Money Girl, personal finance expert Laura Adams. We cover all topics including  how Laura got into personal finance and what can listeners expect from the podcast. Find out more at and connect on Facebook.

Should You Collect Points While Carrying Debt

We talk to Vanessa Bowen from Mintworthy about how to best collect and spend points while combating debt. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and Facebook.

Financial Feminism

We talk to author Jessica Robinson about her book Financial Feminism: A Woman’s Guide To Investing for a Sustainable Future and how empowering women to invest in their wealth will not only lead to a more equitable future but a more sustainable one as well. Find out more at and connect on Twitter.

Kids And Their Future Inheritance

We talk to Samy Dwek, Founder and CEO of the Family Office Doctor and White Knight Consulting, about how to go about having the conversation with your children when it comes to the family wealth. Connect with Samy on LinkedIn.

Full Episode: House Rich. Cash Poor:  A Deep Dive On Reverse Mortgages

Using a reverse mortgage can be an effective way to assess home equity in retirement. We’ll talk to Yvonne Ziomecki from HomeEquity Bank about how the product works. And, a new lab exploring financial resilience in times of uncertainty. Chuck Grace, manager of the Canadian Financial Wellness Lab at Western University joins us to tell […]

Diving Deep Into Reverse Mortgages

We talk to Yvonne Ziomecki, executive vice president of marketing and consumer sales at HomeEquity Bank, about her book Home Run: The Reverse Mortgage Advantage and how it is a great option for Canadians. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Canadian Financial Wellness Lab: Exploring Financial Resilience in Times of Uncertainty

We talk to Chuck Grace an instructor with Ivey Business School and the manager of the Financial Wellness Lab at Western University about the research they are doing with the lab and what they are focused on. Check out Western University at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Tackling Debt With A Debt Consolidation Program

We talk to Randolph Taylor, an accredited credit counsellor with Credit Canada, about how a debt consolidation program can help you get financial freedom and alleviate stress if you have problems with debt. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Estate Planning In The Digital World

We talk to Sharon Hartung about her new book Digital Executor: Unraveling the new path for estate planning and what the future of estate planning will be in a digital world. Connect with Sharon on Twitter.

Making It Easy For Both Renters and Property Owners

We talk to the CEO of Rhenti, Tomas Ronis, about how their platform aims to help both property owners and renters find that perfect fit in an easy way. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Planning Out End of Life Care

We talk to Susan Desjardins from Dying With Dignity Canada about their great resource called the Advanced Care Planning kit. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: The Pandemic’s Toll On The Car Rental Industry

The rental car industry is revving up again. Personal finance writer Daniel Teo is here on how to find the deals. And, finding the deals on interest rates with Lawrence Pilch provides tips on choosing the right financial institution for your money.  Then, using predictive technology to grow your savings. Peter Tilton from Royal […]

Renting A Car In Tough Times

Personal finance writer and expert Daniel Teo joins us to talk about the car rental shortage due to the pandemic and what you need to know about renting a car in these tough times. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Keeping On Top Of Interest Rates

We talk to Lawrence Pilch from about how they are trying to help Canadians stay informed about interest rates and where the best ones are. Find out more at and connect on Twitter.

Getting The Bank To Let You Know Where You Can Save Money

Banks and other marketers know us really well and uses that data to sell us stuff. Well RBC now has a tool that can use that data to save us money. We talk to Peter Tilton, Senior Vice President of Digital at RBC, tells us about that new tool called NOMI find & save. Find […]

How Do The World’s Best Investors Win

We talk to author William Green about his book Richer, Wiser, Happier: How The World’s Greatest Investors Win In Markets and Life and how he has spent the last 25 years interviewing some of the greatest investors. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: Tips For Buying In a Seller’s Market

Navigating a seller’s market. Personal finance writer Tamar Satov shares her tips on how you can up your chances of buying a house. And, learning about personal finance on TikTok. Deacon Hayes, personal finance TikToker and founder of Well Kept Wallet, shares his money tips.  Then, an inside look into the world of Bernie Madoff, […]

Learning About Personal Finance on TikTok

We talk to Deacon Hayes, a personal finance TikToker and the founder of Well Kept Wallet. Deacon shares his money tips. Find out more at and connect on TikTok, Twitter and Facebook.

All About Bernie Madoff

We talk to author Jim Campbell about his new book Madoff Talks: Uncovering the untold story behind the most notorious Ponzi Scheme in History and how it was to have exclusive access to Bernie Madoff himself. Find out more at and connect on Twitter.

Banking In A Pandemic

We talk to the President and CEO of DUCA Credit Union, Doug Conick, and Keith Taylor, executive director of the DUCA Impact Lab. Keith and Doug break downs the findings from their annual study called the State of Fair Banking in Canada. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Buying A House In A Seller’s Market

We talk to personal finance writer Tamar Satov of MoneySense and she shares her tips for buying a home during a seller’s marketing and say goodbye to bidding wars. Read her 7 tips at and connect on Twitter, @TamarSatov and @MoneySense, and on Facebook.

How Community Bonds Work And The Benefits

We talk to SKETCH Working Arts executive director, Rudy Ruttiman, and Impact Investment Lead, Michael Sacke, about how community bonds work, the benefits for investors and how they used them to help purchase an art studio. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Full Episode: The “Bud Light” Version Of Financial Planning

An alternative to traditional financial planning called “light planning”. Personal finance expert Preet Banerjee tells us all about it.  And, finance tips for the working parent.  Author Daisy Dowling takes us through her book Workparent: The Complete Guide to Succeeding on the Job, Staying True to Yourself, and Raising Happy Kids. Then, how to find […]

Financial Planning On The Light

We talk to Preet Banerjee, personal finance expert and founder of MoneyGaps, about what is light financial planning and how it works. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Working Parents And Staying On Track

We talk to author Daisy Dowling about her book, Workparent: The Complete Guide To Succedding on the Job, Staying True To Yourself, and Raising Happy Kids, and how it guides parents to help them with working and being a parent. Find out more at

How To Find Help When Dealing With Debt

We talk to Gursh Singh from Credit Canada about the options that are available when you are dealing with debt. We go through the different terms and get some tips on how to find the right help for you. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

A Retirement Plan For The Not-For-Profit Sector

We talk to Alex Mazer, co-founder of Common Wealth Retirement, about their new retirement plan designed specifically for workers in the non-for-profit sector. Find out more at and connect on Facebook and on Twitter: @alexmazer, @CWretirement, @commongoodplan.

Financial Podcast Spotlight: Popcorn Finance

As part of our financial podcast spotlight series we talk to the host of Popcorn Finance, Chris. We look at some of the topics he takes his listeners through and what you can expect on the show. Find out more about the podcast at and connect on Instagram.

Full Episode: Networking 101 In The “New Normal”

Navigating networking in this virtual environment.  Tips and tricks from Kimberly B. Cummings, author of Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into A Career You’ll Love, And, crypto credit cards. Mikael Castaldo from tells us what’s available in Canada. Then, a new mutual fund that tackles the issue of long-term income security. Som Seif, founder […]

Decumulation – Using Savings To Pay For Life

We talk to the founder & CEO of the Purpose Investments, Som Seif, about their Longevity Pension Fund that tries to help tackle the issue of long-term income security. Find out more at and connect on Twitter: @purposeinvest & @somseif and LinkedIn.

Building Our Networks Virtually

We talk to Kimberly B. Cummings, author of the new book Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into A Career You’ll Love. Kimberly gives us her thoughts on the best way to build our networks in a virtual environment. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

What Is A Crypto Credit Card

Mikael Castlado from tells us all we need to know about crypto credit cards are and what’s available in Canada. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Paying Your Bills In A Click

We talk to Michael Bradley, CEO and Founder of Clik2Pay, about how their service allows users to pay bills directly from their bank account using text, email or QR code. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn: Clik2Pay & Michael Bradley.

Full Episode: Brilliant or Bonkers? Giving Your Kid a Prepaid Credit Card

Teaching your kids about financial literacy with the Treasure app. Its CEO, Matt O’Leary, tells us how it works and its option of a prepaid Mastercard for kids. And, a new company that helps you make money off of your own personal data. Don Vaughn tells us about Invisibly. Then, protecting seniors from financial abuse. […]

Who Owes What To Whom: Canada’s Consumer Debt

We talk to Rebecca Oakes, AVP of Advanced Analytics at Equifax Canada, about their latest report on the shift over the last 18 months of the debt that Canadian consumers have.  Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn.

Make Money On Your Own Data

We talk to Don Vaughn, PhD and Head of Product for Invisibly, that instead of having companies spend millions or make millions on your data have Invisibly help you license your data so that you can be the one to make money off it. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn […]

Teaching Kids Literally About Being Financially Responsible

We talk to the CEO of Treasure, Matt O’Leary, about their new app for kids that provides them with educational resources about financial literacy and the option of getting their very own prepaid Mastercard. Matt tells how this is different then the traditional bank and why they started it. Find out more at and […]

Protecting Seniors From Financial Fraud

Christine Van Cauwenberghe, IG Wealth Management’s Vice President of Tax & Estate Planning, joins us with tips on how you and the seniors in your life can be protected from financial scams.

Depositing Funds In Real Time

We talk to Rob Sheilds, CMO of Questrade, about their new feature called “Instant Deposit” which allows customers to deposit funds into their account in real time so there is no waiting on the transfer process so you can make that trade right away. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and […]

Changing Other People’s Minds When It Comes To Money | Full Episode

Ways you can help other people make meaningful change with their money. Peter Bregman is the co-author of YOU CAN CHANGE OTHER PEOPLE: The four steps to help your colleagues, employees–even family–up their game. Then, a new app that uses rotational savings, in a group, to help you reach your financial goals and boost your […]

Financial Podcast Spotlight: The Fairer Cents

As part of our financial podcast spotlight series we talk to the co-host of The Fairer Cents, Kara Perez. Along with her co-host, Tanja Hester, they talk about women and the fight to break even in the world of personal finance. You can find their podcast at Connect with Kara on Facebook, Instagram, and […]

Making Changes In Others

We talk to the co-author of You Can Change People: The four steps to help your colleagues, employees–even family–up their game and CEO of Bregman Partners, Peter Bregman, about how you can make changes in others and applying it to money. Find out more at and connect with Peter on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Talking Debt and Building Credit

We talk to Jonah Chininga, founder and CEO of MICC Financial, about his solution to helping people build credit that lets you pool your money together with others to help you reach your financial goals. Find out more at and connect on Twitter. You can connect with Jonah on Twitter.

Top 4 Things Investors Should Know

We talk to the co-founder and Academic Director of the Osgoode Investor Protection Clinic, Professor Poonam Puri, about the top four things investors need to know. Find out more at the Osgoode Investor Protection Clinic and connect on Twitter. Connect with Professor Poonam on Twitter.

Learning Financial Literacy in High School

Ontario is the latest province to update its’ Grade 9 math curriculum to include financial literacy. Joining us to talk about an overview of what is being taught in schools is financial writer, speaker and author, Robin Taub. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Hope For Those Who Feel Hopeless: Big Ideas For Getting Out of Debt | Full Episode

What to do when you’ve hit the end of the debt road. Shannon Lee Simmons, certified financial planner and author, takes us through what’s next when you feel like you’ve exhausted all your options.  Then, giving your kids a chunk of their inheritance while you’re still alive. Moira Somers, a behavioural finance psychologist, tells us […]

Should You Consider a Living Inheritance

What are the benefits of a ‘living inheritance’? We talk to Moira Somers, a psychologist specializing in behavioural finance and author of Advice that Sticks: How to Give Financial Advice That People Will Follow, about the benefits of giving your children part of their inheritance while you are still alive and should you. Find out […]

Comparing Financial Services With A Twist

We talk to Julien Brault, CEO of Hardbacon, about their financial comparison site that includes a spending tracker app and investing app. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

What Options There Are To Get Out of Debt

Shannon Lee Simmons, certified financial planner and author of Worry-Free Money and founder of the New School of Finance, joins us to talk about the options you to get out of debt. Find out more at and connect on with Shannon on Instagram. Connect with the New School of Finance on Instagram.

Managing Your Money All In One Place

We talk to Liz Mulholland from Prosper Canada about their new financial self-help portal called Trove which is aimed to help Canadians for all the right resources to help Canadians manage their money. Find out more at and connect with Prosper Canada on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Hearing Your Spending

We have Matt Houghton, Director of Digital and Integrated Marketing at Interac, joins us to tell us why Interac took consumers trends over the past year and turned it into a soundtrack where you can actually here all of our spending highs and lows. Here more at and connect on Twitter.

Meme Stock Frenzy: The Pros and Cons of Investing in Memes | Full Episode

A look at meme ETFs and if you should invest in them.  Tim Ranzetta from Next Gen Personal Finance takes us through the pros and cons.  Then, no more panicking about your finances. Manisha Thakor from MoneyZen shares her five tips for being financially calm. And, putting a spotlight on another personal finance show. It’s […]

Creating Smarter Habits That Work For Your Day

We talk to Stephen Guise, author of Elastic Habits: How To Create Smarter Habits That Adapt To Your Day, about to make your wiring work for you. Find out more at and connect on Facebook and Twitter.

Meme ETF’s

We talk to the co-founder of Next Gen Personal Finance, Tim Ranzetta, about what a Meme ETF is and what is the performance of this investment fund. Find out more at and connect with Tim on Twitter.

Money Lessons Learned

We talk to author, actor, screenwriter and speaker, Monica Parker about her latest memoir, Oops! I Forgot to Save Money (And it Turns Out, I’m Not Alone). She tells us about her book and what money lessons she’s learned along the way. You can connect with Monica on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Financial Podcast Spotlight: The Tax Chick

As part of our financial podcast spotlight series we talk to the co-host of The Tax Chick, Amanda Doucette. The podcast covers tax and tax law and some great tax tips. The podcast can be found at The Tax Chick Podcast and find out more at Read Amanda’s blog at and connect on […]

Are You Calm Or Do You Freak Out When It Comes To Money

We talk to Manisha Thakor, founder of MoneyZen, as she takes us through her five tips to increase your financial calm, confidence and clarity. Find out more at Connect with Manisha on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

High-Risk Automation: What Industries Can Do About It | Full Episode

The occupations that are high-risk of automation and what industries can do about it.  Darren Gresch from the Conference Board of Canada tells us what we should be looking out for. Then, the early warning signs of an unhealthy financial relationship for teens. We’ll speak with Ed Grocholski about a new study from Junior Achievement […]

Automation and How It Could Affect You

We talk to Darren Gresch, senior research associate of innovation and tech at the Conference Board of Canada, about how automation could affect you and your job in the future. Connect with the Conference Board of Canada on Twitter and Facebook.

Teens and Experiencing Unhealthy Financial Warning Signs in a Romantic Relationship

We talk to the senior vice president of brand for Junior Achievement USA, Ed Grocholski, about the new study they did with The Allstate Foundation that found 1 in 3 teens in the U.S. have experienced unhealthy financial warning signs in a romantic relationship and how to spot the signs. Connect with them on Twitter, […]

Financial Spotlight: Untangle Money

We talk to Kristine Beese who created a place for women to help with the challenges that women face when it comes to money called Untangle Money. Find out more at Untangle Money and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Teaching Young People Early About Money

Carolyn Davis, director of Community Engagement at Momentum, tells us more about their Youth Fair Gains Program which has an education component of learning about money and a savings component. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Investing in Private Equity For The Rest

We talk to Jeff Parks, CEO of Stack Capital, about how they are trying to change the private equity accessibility and give more people a chance to invest in companies that are usually only for institutions or high net worth individuals. Connect on Twitter and Instagram.

The Power of Pressure:  Help or hindrance when it comes to money? | Full Episode

Are you paying too much for money management? Dean Kendall, the author of Stop Paying Hidden Investment Fees!, shares his tips to get value for what you’re paying.  Then, insurance for self-employed Canadians. Olga Morawczynski tells us about Bounc3. And, using pressure to your advantage. Dane Jensen takes us through his book The Power of […]

Getting Health Insurance While Self-Employed

Getting health insurance for those self-employed or running a small business can be difficult to navigate. We talk to Olga Morawczynski, founder of Bounc3, about they are helping those who are looking for health insurance and need help finding what is right for them. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Instagram and […]

Sustainability in the Investment World

We talk to Fate Saghir, Head of Sustainability, about her newly created role at Mackenzie Investments and what does that role consist of. Find out more at and connect with Fate on LinkedIn.

Bringing Business Training to Indigenous Communities

We talk to JP Shearer, partnership lead for the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University and June Lulua, founder of Spalyan Education Group, about the business training program customized to Indigenous communities. Found out more at the Smith School of Business and connect with JP at Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

How Pressure Can Be a Solution in Dealing With Debt

We talk to author Dan Jensen about his book The Power of Pressure: Why Pressure isn’t the Problem, it’s the Solution and how it can be focused on dealing with consumer debt. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Fees, Fees, Fees, Fees

Dean Kendall is a flat fee financial advisor and he joins us to share his tips on how to avoid overpaying for costs associated with investing and we talk about his book Stop Paying Hidden Investment Fees! Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Definitive Guide to Passive Investing | Full Episode

Passive investing has been a thing for a decade.  The blogger behind the Couch Potato Portfolio, Dan Bortolotti, tells us about his book Reboot Your Portfolio. Then, tips for reducing stress when it comes to math. Vanessa Vakharia, Founder and CEO of The Math Guru takes us through her new book Math Hacks 2. And, […]

Math Matters

We talk to Vanessa Vakharia, Founder and CEO of The Math Guru, about her new book called Math Hacks 2: Stress Less + Do Better. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.

Building a Diversified Investment Portfolio

Dan Bortolotti, portfolio manager of PWL Capital Inc and the blogger behind the Couch Potato Portfolio, joins us to talk about his book Reboot Your Portfolio and give us in thoughts on building a diverse investment portfolio. Find out more at

Building Credit For New Immigrants to Canada

Enoch Omololu, founder of the personal finance website Savvy New Canadians, joins us to share his tips on how new immigrants to Canada can build their credit. Find out more at and connect on Facebook and Twitter.

Finding The Best Mortgage For You

Jacob Perez from Synergy Mortgage Group joins us to talk about why someone would go with a mortgage broker when purchasing a house and the process of working with a broker. Find out more at and connect with Synergy on Instagram. Connect with Jacob on LinkedIn and Instagram and check out his YouTube channel.

Order Flow: What Exactly Is It

Personal finance expert Preet Banerjee joins us give us a full explanation on what exactly is an “order flow”, how brokerages like Robinhood use it and how it impacts investors. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Money Magic:  How to Make Your Debt Stress Disappear | Full Episode

Magician Phil Kivnick will take us through how he learned all his tricks and what it has to do with managing money. Then, making smarter decisions when it comes to purchases. Financial journalist Kara Gammell takes us through the 1-2-3 Spending Method. And, making your marriage financially equal. Financial therapist Erika Wasserman shares her tips. […]

Making Magic With Money Management

How can we make magic and money management work together? We talk to magician Phil Pivnick about the tricks that he will be pulling off for Credit Canada for Financial Literacy Month. Connect with Phil on Facebook and Instagram.

How To Make Better Purchases

Kara Gammell of the Your Best Friend’s Guide To Cash, joins us to talk about her money hack, the 1-2-3 spending method, to help us make better purchases. Find out more at and connect Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Being Financially Equal in a Relationship

We talk to financial therapist, Erika Wasserman, about being financially equal in a relationship. Does the person making the higher salary get to make all the decisions or do you work as a team. Find out more at

Financial Planning for Blended Families

We talk to the Head of Estate Planning & Philanthropic Advisory Services at BMO Private Wealth, Lydia Potocnik, about wealth planning for blended families and how to manage it. Connect with BMO on Twitter and Facebook.

Wine is an Investment

What do retail investors need to know about investing in wine. Atul Tiwari, newly head of Cult Wine gives us the details on why wine is a good investment. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

House Poor No More

How to use your home to grow your wealth. Personal finance journalist and real estate expert Romana King takes us through her book House Poor No More.  We’ll be talking to Rishi Vamdatt, the 11-year-old creator of Easy Peasy Finance. Then, a new National Financial Literacy Strategy from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. Deputy […]

Building Financial Resilience For Canadian Consumers in a Digital World

We talk to the Deputy Commissioner of Research, Policy and Education for the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, Supriya Syal, about the new strategy to help Canadian consumers build financial literacy in this increasingly digital world. Connect with Financial Consumer Agency of Canada on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Rights To Your Financial Data

As Canadians you do have some “rights” when it comes to your financial data. Julie Kuzmic, senior compliance officer of consumer advocacy at Equifax, joins us to share what are some of these data rights that we have. Connect with Julie on Twitter or LinkedIn.

What Do Kids Want To Know About Financial Literacy

We talk to 11-year-old Rishi Vamdatt, creator of the YouTube channel and website Easy Peasy Finance, about why financial literacy is so important for kids. Check out Easy Peacy Finance on YouTube and the website. Connect on Twitter and Facebook.

Grow The Value in Your House

We talk to the author of House Poor No More: 9 Steps That Grow The Value of Your Home and Net Worth, Romana King, about how to manage your money after you buy your home and how to grow its value. Connect on Twitter and Facebook.

Financial Podcast Spotlight: Bitches Get Riches

As part of our financial podcast spotlight series we talk to the co-hosts of Bitches Get Riches, Kitty and Piggy, a podcast self described as ‘survival resource for life in a patriarchal capitalist hellscape.’. Catch the podcast at  Bitches Get Riches and connect on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.

Is Your Debt Stress Making Your Sick? | Full Episode

We’ll look at a new study the links credit card debt and your physical health.  Lead author and University of Missouri professor Adrianne Frech takes us through the findings.  And, what you need to know before borrowing money to help your kids financially. Licensed Insolvency Trustee Doug Hoyes has some cautionary tales. And, financial wellness […]

Opportunities and Hurdles That Indigenous Peoples Face in the Financial World

We talk to the Senior Vice President of Education, Communication and Services for the First Nations Education Administrators Association, Simon Brascoupe, about the opportunities and hurdles that the Indigenous Peoples face that determine financial wellness in First Nations communities. Find out more at and on their Facebook page.

Financial Well-Being Matters To Employers

Having financial education and support for employees matters to employers. We find out why and what can be done with Paula Allen, the Global Leader and Senior Vice President of Research and Total Wellbeing at LifeWorks. Find out more at and connect with Paula on LinkedIn.

Pros and Cons of Giving Your Kids Money

We talk to Licensed Trustee Doug Hoyes about the pros and cons of giving your adult kids money and when to know if it’s too much. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Debt Can Physically Hurt

We speak to Adrianne Frech, a medical sociologist and an associate professor at the University of Missouri’s School of Health Professions about the study they did that looks at how worrying about credit card debt can lead to poor health.

Saving Money Without Having To Miss A Party

We talk to Martin Dasko, founder of the personal finance website Studenomics, as he shares his money saving tips and more about the site and how it can help. Find out more at and connect on  Twitter and Instagram.

Buying Virtual Real Estate in the Metaverse | Full Episode

How people are buying virtual real estate in the metaverse. I’ll speak with finance reporter Stephanie Hughes to tell us how it works. Financial planning for believers in cryonics.  Lawyer Mark House has some ideas to make grocery money available when you unthaw in the year 2222. And, how to prepare for possible job loss. […]

Preparing For the Risk of Losing Your Job

We talk to Hermie Abraham, an employment lawyer that heads Advocation which provides expert legal advice to employers and employees in Toronto, about how you can best prepare yourself for the risk of losing their job and some things that you should take care of right away. Connect with Hermie on Twitter and Facebook.

Managing Finances For Seniors

One issue many seniors need to manage is financial. We talk about some of those challenges and what options there are with the Executive Vice-President of HomeEquity Bank, Yvonne Ziomecki. Find out more about HomeEquity Bank on Facebook and connect with Yvonne on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Planning For the Future Long After You’re Dead

How to plan for your financial future long after you die and you can be revived with the help of cryonics. We talk to Mark House, a lawyer with Becker & House specializing in estate and trust litigation, about how you can prepare for a future after you are dead. Find out more at

A Rundown on the Digital Financial World

We talk to Financial Post reporter, Stephanie Hughes, about all things digital finance including Bitcoin, NFT’s and the Metaverse where you can invest in real estate with real world money. Check out Stephanie’s channel on YouTube and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Get Into the Housing Market By “Co-Owning”

We talk to the founders of “Key”, Rob Richards and Daniel Dubios, about their new start-up and how they created a third option to getting into the housing market by letting prospective homeowners co-owning a property. They explain how it works. Find out more at and connect on Facebook and Twitter.

What Canadians are saying about personal finance on Twitter | Full Episode

Twitter is a river of conversation, and personal finance is a big topic. I’ll speak with Andrea MacDonald about the social media platform’s latest insights. And, a company trying to help make homeownership easier. Ourboro helps with the downpayment by co-owning the property. Alex Kjorven tells us how it works. Then, Alexander Ineichen talks about […]

Canadians Are Talking Personal Finance on Twitter

Canadians are talking more about their personal finances on Twitter. We talk to Twitter’s financial services lead, Andrea MacDonald, to find out more on what they are saying. Find Andrea on Twitter.

Blurring The Lines Between Renting and Owning Real Estate 

We talk to Alex Kjorven, chief product officer for Ourboro, about how their co-ownership model  works and how they invest with you. Connect with Ourboro on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Learning From The Quotes of Others

We talk to Alexander Inechien who has collected hundreds of quotes from very smart people over the last three decades and put them all together in a book called Applied Wisdom: 700 Witticisms To Save Your Ass(ets). Connect with Alexander on LinkedIn. .

Protect Yourself and Others When Shopping Online

As we do more shopping from our couch we can expose ourselves more to cybercrimes and online scams. We get some tips on how to stay safe and how we can our family stay safe when shopping online as the head of the financial crimes unit at BMO, Larry Zelvin, joins us. Find out more […]

Financial Podcast Spotlight: Fi Garage

As part of our financial podcast spotlight series we talk to one of the co-hosts of Fi Garage, the Money Mechanic. The podcast is all about the FIRE movement and unfolding the roadmap to financial independence. Listen to the podcast at and connect on Facebook. Connect with the Money Mechanic on Twitter.

“Staking” – A Different Spin On Investing In Crypto | Full Episode

There is a concept called “staking”, which could be a safer way to invest in crypto. Brian Mosoff, CEO of Ether Capital, tells us about the transition to a more secure and reliable blockchain. And, how debit purchases can build your credit score. Shazia Verji from Credit Sesame tells us about the new credit builder […]

What is “Staking” and What Does It Have To Do With Crypto

Getting exposed to crypto in a safe and reliable way with “staking”. We talk to the CEO of Ether Capital, Brian Mosoff, on what is staking and how it is a good way to get into cryptocurrency. Find out more at and connect on Twitter. You can also find Brian on Twitter.

Practical Advice In Money Matters

We talk to author Erica Alini about her new book, Money Like You Mean It: Personal Finance Tactics For The Real World, which has all the practical advice that she has learned over the past decade about economics and money matters. You can connect with Erica on Twitter.

Build Your Credit Score With Debit

Shazia Verji, General Manager of Credit Services for Credit Sesame, joins us to talk about their product that allows you to build your credit score with your debit purchases. You can find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Financial Literacy Programs For Indigenous Communities

  We talk to Theodora Warrior from the organization, Momentum, about their financial literacy program called Money Moccasins which is designed specifically for Indigenous communities. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Financial Podcast Spotlight: The Canadian Investor Podcast

As part of our financial podcast spotlight series we talk to one of the co-hosts of the Canadian Investor Podcast , Simon Belanger . The podcast can help you learn about a specific stock or a certain investment strategy. Find the podcast at and connect on Twitter.

Money Magic: An Economist’s Secrets to More Money, Less Risk, and a Better Life | Full Episode

The top platforms that let you sell or exchange gift cards. Hardbacon CEO Julien Brault takes us through the pros and cons of each. And, the magic of economics. Economist Laurence Kotlikoff tells us about his latest book Money Magic: An Economist’s Secrets to More Money, Less Risk, and a Better Life. Then, how to […]

Sell or Exchange Gift Cards You Receive

We talk to the CEO of Hard Bacon, Julien Brault, about the various platforms that let you sell or exchange your gifts cards that you receive but are never going to use. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Connect with Julien on LinkedIn.

Keeping In Shape Financially

What does it mean to be financially fit? Tracey Bisset, found of Bissett Financial Fitness Inc and the creator of Young Money Podcast, shares with us what is being fit financially. Check out the Young Money Podcast and Bissett Financial Fitness. Connect on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and with Tracey on LinkedIn.  

Jumpstart Your Finances

It could be time to jumpstart your finances. We have Credit Canada’s, Adriana Molina, join us to share her saving tips to help get your finances that jump. Find out more at and check them out on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

Money Magic

We talk to economist and professor at Boston University, Laurence Kotlikoff, as he takes us through his book Money Magic: An Economist’s Secrets to More Money, Less Risk, and a Better Life. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Your Rights As a Taxpayer

We talk to the Taxpayers’ Ombudsman, François Boileau, about what his office does and what you need to know when it comes to your rights as a taxpayer. Find out more at and connect on Twitter(English) or Twitter(French). Connect on Facebook(English) or Facebook(French). As well connect with François on Twitter.

Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth | Full Episode

A new book that explores what it means to be successful and happy. Author and personal finance journalist Andrew Hallam takes us through Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth. And, a fun way to talk to your significant other about money. Financial therapist Erika Wasserman tells us about her financial […]

Balancing Both Money and Happiness In Terms of Being Successful

What does it mean to be successful in money and happiness? We talk to author and personal finance journalist, Andrew Hallam, about his new book, Balance: How to invest and spend for happiness, health, and wealth. He gives us his thoughts on how you can best manage both. Find out more at and connect […]

Making Real Estate Accessible To All Canadians

Fundscraper is looking to make real estate accessible for all Canadians. We speak to the co-founder and CEO, Luan Ha, about how it works. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and Facebook.

The Options To Get Out of Debt  

We speak to Credit Canada’s, Gursh Singh, to take us through the warning signs should someone get some help for their debt and what kind of relief options that are available. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

Conversation Cards To Get Talking About Finances

Talking about finances can be uncomfortable with anyone but even more so in a relationship. Financial therapist Erika Wasserman created a deck of conversation cards to help with this in a fun way. Find out more at

Financial Podcast Spotlight: The Most Hated F-Word

As part of our financial podcast spotlight, we focus on The Most Hated F-Word. We speak to financial planner Shaun Maslyk about the WHY and share his tips on redefining your relationship with money. Check out and connect on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Risky Business: How To Make More Informed Decisions About Your money | Full Episode

Making informed decisions when it comes to investing. Larry Betts, co-founder of the Savvy Beagle, tells us about how this web-based app helps Canadians assess risk. And, a way anyone can invest in real estate.  Khushboo Jha, CEO of BuyProperly, tells us about fractional investing and how it works. Then, how to use your credit […]

The Smarter Way To Assess Risk In Investing

We look at a tool when it comes to assessing risk in investing as we speak to Larry Betts,the co-founder of Savvy Beagle. We look at their web-based app that provides Canadians with access to risk assessment tools. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Fractional Investing in Real Estate

Invest in real estate the easier way with fractional investing. We speak to the Founder and CEO of BuyProperly, Khushboo Jha, on how that works with them. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Find Khushboo on Twitter.

Five Things To Know To Use Credit Cards Better

We talk to Credit Canada’s Randolph Taylor about the 5 things that you need to know about credit cards so you can use them better. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

Impact Investment Funds

There have been socially responsible funds for over two decades but Kizment Impact Capital are looking to build one of the world’s first publicly traded impact investment funds. We talk to the CEO of Kizmet, James Tansey, to tell us more about it. Find out more at and on Instagram and LinkedIn. Connect with […]

Accessing Government Assistance Programs Easier

We talk to Elizabeth Mulholland from Prosper Canada about their program they created called Benefits Wayfinder.  This program helps make the process of accessing government assistance programs easier that are available to Canadians during this pandemic. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.

Financial Group Therapy for Arab Women | Full Episode

The role gender and culture plays in our financial experiences. Aseel El-Baba from Holistic Optimal Wealth tells us about her financial group therapy sessions with Arab women and what she learned. And, a platform with financial resources for newcomers to Canada. Erin Godard from Arrive takes us through the app and what to expect. Then, […]

Easing the Financial Issues When You Are New To Canada

Settling into a new country can be a challenge and RBC is trying to make that easier. We speak to Erin Godard about their platform and app called Arrive which provides newcomers with resources and assistance when it comes to achieving their life and financial goals. Find out more at and connect on Instagram […]

Connecting Gender and Culture in Financial Experience

We speak to Aseel El-Baba, financial therapist and CEO of Holistic Optical Wealth, about the financial “group therapy sessions” she has started specifically for Arab Women. Find out more at and connect on Instagram.

Helping Women Feel Confident About Their Money

We speak to author and personal finance expert Kelley Keenhn about her new book, Rich Girl, Poor Girl: Save Better, Invest Smarter, and Earn Financial Freedom, which is packed with tools to help women feel confident about their money. Find out more at and connect on Twitter  and Instagram.

A Bank That Focuses on Indigenous Communities

We speak to the CEO of First Nations Bank of Canada, Keith Martell, about their bank, its services, and how it differs from other banks across Canada and their focus on helping Indigenous people and communities. Find out more at First Nations Bank of Canada and connect on Twitter

Helping Kids Prepare For Their Financial Future

We speak to Hasina Lookman about the app, Explorer Hop, which teaches kids about financial literacy to help them prepare for their financial futures. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Mind Switch: Navigating Your Post-Work Life | Full Episode

Figuring out your identity post-work life. Scott Armstrong, founder of Mind Switch tells us about how his academy can help you navigate this new chapter. And, the various tax credits available to Canadians living with a disability. Josée Cabral from H&R Block is here to tell us how to make the most of them. Then, […]

Transitioning Into A New Phase In Life

Trying to figure out your new identity post-work life when you are retire is not always easy. We speak to Scott Armstrong about Mind Switch which he created to help people transition into that next phase. You can find out more at and connect on Facebook.

The Disability Tax Credit

We speak to Josée Cabral from H&R Block about the disability tax credit and how to make the most of them. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Looking At The Credit Counselling Society’s 2022 Consumer Debt Report

We take a look at the Credit Counselling Society’s 2022 Consumer Debt Report and the findings with President & CEO Scott Hannah. Find out more at and connect on Facebook and Twitter.

Growing Your Money and Keeping It Safe

We take a look at the book The Money Master: Inside Secrets on How to Make Your Money Grow and Stay Safe with author Sandy Yong. She takes us through her book and shares some tips. Connect with Sandy on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Overcoming the Risks To Wealth Building

Bob Roby, founder and senior wealth advisor of Family Tree Wealth Management join us to share tips from his latest book Wealth Simplified. Find out more at

The Economic Nutrition Guide | Full Episode

Making balanced decisions when it comes to your spending habits. Dan Monafu, Ottawa-based entrepreneur, takes us through his economic nutrition guide. And, reinventing the idea of retirement. Vanessa Bowen, holistic wealth coach, is here to share her tips for retirement planning in turbulent times. Then, the challenges new immigrants face when building their credit score. […]

A Healthy Financial Diet

Canada’s food guide helps Canadians make the right food choice but what happens when it comes to your money. We speak to Dan Monafu about the economic nutrition guide he created to help Canadians with decisions. Check out the guide and connect with Dan on Twitter.

Building Credit as a New Immigrant

We speak to Margaret Adekunie, founder and CEO of City Lending Centers, about how her company offer a ‘secured credit card’ aimed at helping immigrants build credit. Find out more at and connect with Margaret on LinkedIn.

Exactly What Is a Consumer Proposal

There are a number of solutions to get yourself out of debt: a debt consolidation proposal or a bankruptcy filing. One other option is called a consumer proposal. Licensed insolvency trustee at MNP LTD, Caryl Newbery-Mitchell, tells us more about the process and how to know if it is right for you. Find out more […]

Slow Over Quick Wins

We speak to Vanessa Bowen who is a holistic money coach and founder of Mint Worthy about slow wins when it comes to retirement. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and Facebook.

Financial Podcast Spotlight: In Over My Head

As part of our financial podcast spotlight, we focus on In Over My Head. We speak to host Michael Bartz about the lifestyle change and financial process it took to downsize into a tiny home. Listen to the podcast at

Tax Implications on Crypto Trading

We have head of legal for Wealthsimple Crypto, Evan Thomas, join us to share with us things to consider when filing your taxes as a crypto trader. You can connect with Evan on Twitter.

The Downsides of Mortgage ‘Life’ Insurance and Other Options

We talk to Michael Dutra, a life insurance and estate planning expert, takes us through the downsides of mortgage insurance and what you should do instead. Connect with Michael on Instagram.

Crypto and taxes: How to ensure you’re onside with the CRA | Full Episode

The tax implications of crypto trading. Evan Thomas from Wealthsimple is here to take us through what you need to know when filing on capital gains. And, the best way to insure your mortgage. Life insurance expert Michael Dutra argues that term insurance is a better than mortgage Insurance. Then, achieving financial wellbeing. Patrick Ens […]

Financial Wellbeing Is a Shared Responsibility

Financial literacy and wellbeing has been focused on what you can do as an individual but is it a shared responsibility between the individual and industry. Patrick Ens, president of Capital One Canada, joins us to explain why. Connect with Capital One Canada on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Keeping Track of Your Finances Together as a Couple

We talk to Qaptial founders, Katherine Salisbury and George Friedman, about how their app has a feature that your and your partner can keep track of your finances together so that you can work towards a shared spending and savings goal. Connect with Qapital on Instagram and Twitter.

Navigating The Uncomfortable Money Talk

We talk to Erin Lowry, founder of Broke Millennial, about her latest book Broke Millennial Talks Money: Scripts, Stories, and Advice to Navigate Awkward Financial Conversations. Connect with Erin on Twitter and Instagram.

Teens on Track: Grade 11 Student Authors Money Book For His Peers | Full Episode

Grade 11 student Noah Booth tells us about his book, A Rich Future: Essential Financial Concepts for Youth.  Jillian Kennedy from Mercer Canada takes us through the latest Mercer Retirement Readiness Barometer, and how investment management fees may be pushing back your retirement date. And, protecting yourself from fraud and identity theft. Julie Kuzmic from […]

Turning Personal Finance Lessons Into a Book

Grade 11 student Noah Booth accumulated all of the personal finance lessons he has learned and put them into a book called, A Rich Future: Essential Financial Concept for Youth. We talk to him all about his book. Find out more at

Are High Fees Delaying Your Retirement

High fees could potentially set back your retirement date. Jillian Kennedy, a Partner and Leader of Defined Contribution and Financial Wellness at Mercer Canada, takes us through the results of the Mercer Retirement Readiness Barometer to see if that is true. Find out more at and connect with Jillian on LinkedIn.

Steps To Reduce the Risk of Fraud

  We talk to Equifax Canada’s Senior Compliance Officer for Consumer Advocacy, Julie Kuzmic, about the different ways you can reduce the risk of fraud and what to do if it already has. Connect with Julie on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Protecting Your Deposits

We talk to Leah Anderson, President and CEO of the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation, about how deposit insurance works how they protect your deposits. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Fitness & Finance

We talk to Anthony Delauney, author and founder of Owning the Dash, about owning the dash philosophy of taking advantage of every opportunity to make smart decisions now to ensure a happy and healthy future. Find his book on GoodReads and connect on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Food, glorious food…delivery: Is it worth it? | Full Episode

How to know if grocery delivery services are right for you and your wallet. Lisa Hannam, executive editor of MoneySense, is here to take us through the cost of these services. And, negotiating is tough. Barry Nalebuff shares tips from his book SPLIT THE PIE: A Radical New Way to Negotiate. Then, the systemic issues […]

Getting Want You Want In A Fair Way

We talk to Barry Nalebuff, a professor at the Yale School of Management and an expert in game theory, about his new book called SPLIT THE PIE: A Radical New Way to Negotiate. A framework to negotiate to get what you want in a fair way. Check out book at

5 Key Pillars To Personal Finance

We take a look at the 5 key pillars of personal finance with Shalicia Harris and the platform she created called In Charge to help people use those pillars to get a better handle on your money. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Are Food Delivery Services Right For Your Wallet

How do you know if grocery delivery services are right for you. Lisa Hannam, the executive editor of MoneySense breaks down if these services along with restaurant delivery and meal kits are right for you and your wallet. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Connect with Lisa on Twitter.

Building A Strong Financial Foundation

We talk to the found of Money Navigator and personal finance coach, Hadriana Leo, about how do you know if you have a strong financial foundation and how do you get there. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Missing Out On Tax Credits Because of Systemic Issues

We talk to Canada’s taxpayers’ Ombudsperson, François Boileau, about systemic issues that prevent some Canadians from filing their taxes which could lead to them on missing out on key benefits and tax credits. François shares some ways to help those vulnerable Canadians.  Find out more at and connect on Twitter at @OTO_Canada(English) and […]

Revenge Spending: What It Is and How To Know If It’s a Problem | Full Episode

Revenge spending after a recent negative event. Personal finance journalist Zandile Chiwanza shares her tips on how to avoid it. And, selling the basic income philosophy to Gen Z. Economist and professor Evelyn Forget tells us how basic income would impact young Canadians. Then, LocalStudent, an app that connects homeowners to students looking to make some cash.  Co-founder Matt McCoy tells us all about it. Plus, I’ll speak to David Feller from Mogo about how the company is try to connect clients to actions that mitigate climate change.

Connecting Students With Homeowners For On-Demand Home Services

Uber for Students. We speak to Matt McCoy who has launched an app called, LocalStudent, which connects homeowners to students who are looking to earn money with people who need help with shoveling snow, lawns mowed or anything other odd jobs around the home. Book an appointment at and connect on Facebook, Instagram and […]

Basic Income In Canada

How was a basic income program work in Canada? Evelyn Forget is an economist and professor at the University of Manitoba and she joins us to tell us how it would work in Canada and what kind of ‘cost’ would there be. Connect with Evelyn on Twitter.

Revenge Spending

Over the past two years everyone has been constrained in some way or another. Personal finance journalist Zandile Chiwanza joins us to talk about the new phenomenon with urge to splurge called ‘revenge spending and how do you know when it becomes a problem. Connect with Zandile on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With Your Spending

With many consumers trying to find ways to reduce their carbon footprint Mogo is one company trying to help its customers turn their spending into trees. We have the CEO, Dave Feller, join us to tell us how it works. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Launching Financial Grownups | Full Episode

Navigating the ups and downs of financial adulting. Personal finance expert and certified financial planner Bobbi Rebell takes us through her book Launching Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart. And, the divorce process but over video conference. Russell Alexander shares his tips for couples for […]

Banking With Your True Name

Banking With Your True Name For those in the LGBTQIA+ community getting your true name on a credit card or debit can be difficult. BMO is trying to ease that difficulty by being the first Canadian financial institution to launch a True Name card. Jennifer Douglas, head of North American Retail, & Small Business Payments […]

Making Your Reno Journey Easier

Billdr is trying to make your reno journey easier. Raphael Sammut joins us to tell us how it works. Find out more by connecting on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Navigating Through Finance For Your Adults

Navigating debt, credit cards and everyday money decisions can be challenging for young adults. Personal finance experts and certified financial planner, Bobbi Rebell, takes us through her new book; Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart to show us that navigation. Find out more at […]

Virtual Divorce

The pandemic has changed the way people get divorced. With courtrooms shut down couples had to video conference their divorce. To take us through the positives and negatives of a Zoom divorce we have family lawyer and author of Zoom Divorce, Russell Alexander join us. Find out more by connecting on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Unique Financial Challenges For Women

We talk to the founder of Bank Like A Woman, Alexandra Stante, about the unique challenges woman have in banking and their relationship with money and the findings of their latest report. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Connect with Alexandra on LinkedIn.

New Baby Finances | Full Episode

How to financially plan for a new baby. Kurt Rosentreter, CPA and senior financial advisor with Manulife Securities Inc., takes us through his tips. And, how to handle unexpected money emergencies. Alyssa Davies tells us about her book Financial First Aid: Essential Tools For Confident, Secure Money Management. Then,’s top travel rewards cards. Resident […]

Saving Not For Retirement But for a New Baby

We talk to CPA and senior financial advisor with Manulife Securities Inc., Kurt Rosentreter, about the financial considerations to think about before and after the baby arrives. Connect with Kurt on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Figuring Out The Best Rewards Cards Available

There are a lot of rewards cards out there and which one is the best for you. We have Natasha MacMillan, Director of Everyday Banking at, join us to go through their top recommended travel rewards cards. Connect with Natasha on LinkedIn.

Preparing For Financial Emergencies

We talk to Alyssa Davies, founder of Mixed Up Money, about her book Financial First Aid: Essential Tools for Confident, Secure Money Management as she takes us through how to prepare for those financial emergencies. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Divorce Negotiations

Divorce can have many challenges that can take a toll. We have certified divorce financial analyst, Kelly LaVallie, join us to share tips from her book Untying The Knot: Protecting Your Emotional and Financial Health Through Divorce. Find out more at and connect on TikTok and Instagram.

Putting Your Plan Into Buckets

We talk to financial expert and planner, Steven Brar, about segmenting your financial planning into buckets to create a plan that is achievable. Find out more at and connect on Facebook and Twitter.

Should you pay your kids for good grades? | Full Episode

Paying your kids for good grades. Personal finance expert Lynnette Khalfani Cox tells us why she does this and why she thinks you should too. And, using a reverse mortgage can be an effective way to assess home equity in retirement. We’ll talk to Yvonne Ziomecki from HomeEquity Bank about how the product works. Then, […]

Rewarded For Good Grades

Allowances come in all ways for your children and one way is rewarding them for good grades. We have Lynnette Khalfani Cox, founder of the Money Coach, join us to tell us more about this method including the pros and cons. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Financial Blog Spotlight: My Alternate Life

We talk to personal finance writer and content marketing manager at Zolo, Jordann Brown, about her debt journey she shared on her blog called My Alternate Life where she was able to pay off her university debt in 24 months. Find out more at myalternatelife and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Understand and Fix Your Credit Score

We have Richard Moxley, author of the Credit Game, join us to talk about her YouTube channel called Credit TV which he co-hosts with his wife Jess. They will take us through the quirks of credit scores that we may not know of. Find out more at and watch the show on YouTube and […]

Life Lessons From Your Health and Finances

We talk to Mike Braga, a financial consultant with BDO Canada Limited and the host of Money Matters, about life lessons you can learn for your health and finances. Connect with BDO on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and connect with Mike here on Facebook and Instagram.

Saving for “Mini-Retirements” | Full Episode

All you need to know about “mini-retirements”. Will Rainey from Blue Tree Savings takes us through how this approach works. And, Manisha Thakor has tips for how to ask for a raise Then, How to develop good financial habits. Conor Richardson, CPA and author of Millennial Money Makeover is here to take us through his […]


The idea of retirement is changing and one way to look at is having a “min-retirement”. Will Rainey, founder of Blue Tree Savings, joins us to talk about this new way to look at retirement and is it for everyone. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Financial Habits To Achieve Financial Success

We talk to Conor Richardson, CPA and author of Millennial Money Makeover, about his 5 steps to rewire your brain for financial success. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Making Good Financial Habits Stick

We talk to Dr. Moira Somers, a Canadian clinical neuropsychologist who specializes in financial psychology, about tips on how to make good financial habits stick. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Facebook.

Sharing A Passion For Finance on TikTok

Cassandra Melo joins us to tell us about her TikTok journey by sharing her passion for personal finance. Check out Cassandra’s TikTok and connect on Instagram and YouTube.

The Rise of Travel Subscription Services | Full Episode

The rise of travel subscription services. Adam Levinter, author of The Subscription Boom, tells us how these subscriptions work and if they’re worth it. And, the changing retirement landscape. Pattie Lovett-Reid, Chief Financial Commentator for HomeEquity Bank, is here to take us through the 5 R’s of Retirement.  Then, dealing with debt in Canada’s north. […]

The Next Wave: Travel Subscriptions

We subscribe to everything nowadays and one model that is on the rise is travel subscriptions. We have the author of The Subscription Boom, Adam Levinter, join us to talk more on how these subscriptions work. Find out more at

The 5 R’s of Retirement

We talk to the first Chief Financial Commentator for HomeEquity Bank, Patti Lovett-Reid, about her new role and her 5 R’s of retirement. Connect with Pattie on Instagram.

Dealing With Debt in Different Communities

Dealing with debt can be different in different communities. We speak to Crystal Buhler, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with Debt Free North about how deal with debt differs in more remote communities. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Instagram and on Twitter.

Change Your Mindset When It Comes To Money

Meeting your financial goals can be difficult when you are trying to get a handle on your debt. We speak to financial therapist, Erika Wasserman, about how the Financial YES! Plan works and shares tips for changing your mindset when it comes to money. Find out more at

Climate-Focused Investment

The Carbon Collective is the first climate-focused online investment advisor. Brooke Tomasetti, Director of Financial Education and Community, joins us to share with us how the advisor works and what she wants to achieve at this role. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok. Connect with Brooke at […]

Cash Stuffing: The Budgeting Method That’s Gone Viral on TikTok | Full Episode

Cash Stuffing is making a comeback. TikToker Courtney Krandel  takes us through how this budgeting method works and why it’s become so popular.  And, how to save for retirement with the culture of now mindset. Myron Genyk from Evermore Capital is here to share his long-term saving tips. Then, what you need to know if […]

Navigating Your Way as an Executor of a Will

Being an executor of a will is no easy task and we have David Edey, a certified executor advisor, here to help with what we can do best to prepare you if you are chosen. Find out more at

Finding Ways To Renovate Your Home

Finding ways to afford the cost of home renovations is getting harder these days. One solution for homeowners is with a company called HomeStars. The CEO, Shir Magen, joins us to share how their refinancing tool works to help homeowners with their reno needs. Connect with Shir on LinkedIn and find HomeStars on Instagram.

Cash Stuffing Making A Comeback

We have TikToker, Courtney Krandel, join us to explain what “Cash Stuffing” is and how it is making a comeback on a way to save money. Find Courtney on TikTok and find out more at

Investing For The Long Run

We have Myron Genyk, CEO and Co-Founder of Evermore Capital, join us to share his tips for saving and investing for the long run without compromising living in the “now” Find out more at and connect on Twitter and LinkedIn. Connect with Myron on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Learning Online About Investing

We talk to Brandon Beavis, a former associate for an investment firm, who produced videos on YouTube to help Canadians learn the ins and outs of investing and now has started the Investing Academy where students can learn more in depth about the stock market through online courses. Find out more on YouTube, Instagram and […]

The Rise of the Middleman Economy – The Pros and Cons For Consumers | Full Episode

The benefits and costs of the “Middleman Economy”.  Columbia Law Professor Kathyrn Judge takes us through her book DIRECT: The Rise of the Middleman Economy and the Power of Going to The Source.  And, a look at the economic outlook for on small to medium sized businesses. Scotiabank’s Jason Charlebois tells us about their latest […]

The Problem of the Middleman Economy

We talk to financial regulations expert and Columbia Law Professor, Kathryn Judge, about her book DIRECT: The Rise of the Middleman Economy and the Power of Going to the Source and problem of the “middleman” economy. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

The Shortage Economy

How does the scarcity across industries affect small and medium sized businesses? For more information on that and their latest report, SMEs: The Shortage Economy, we talk to Scotiabank’s Senior Vice President of Small Business Banking Jason Charlebois. Connect with Scotiabank on Twitter and Facebook.

Spreading Out Your Paychecks

If you got paid every single day instead of biweekly or monthly would you save more money? We have Wendy De La Rosa, assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, joins us to explore this question.

Fractional Investing

Fractional ownership has been a thing for a long time and now with the investing platform Flahmingo you can own a slice of your favourite company without having to buy the whole share. Taran Kainth, CEO of Flahmingo, joins us to explain more. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Content Creator Spotlight: Nathan Kennedy

We speak to personal finance content creator, Nathan Kennedy. You can find him on TikTok, Instagram and on the podcast New Money with Nathan Kennedy. Check out Nathan on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and find the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Feng Shui Tips To Help Build Wealth and Prosperity | Full Episode

How to use feng shui for wealth and prosperity. Feng shui master David Cho will share his tips.  And, Learning different investment strategies in a virtual space. Jennifer Schell, founder and CEO of Finliti tells us how the platform works and how you can apply it to the market in the real world. Then, Managing […]

Using Feng Shui To Optimize Wealth

Feng Shui can be used to help improve different parts of your life like health and happiness. David Cho, a Feng Shui master, joins us to share tips on how you can use it to optimize your wealth. Connect with David on Instagram.


We have Jennifer Schell, founder and CEO of Finliti, join us to share how their platform of learning different investment strategies in a virtual space works. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or find all links here.

Weather the Investment Storm

Bilal Hasanjee, Senior Investment Strategist at Vanguard, joins us to share his tips on weather the investment storm to maintain perspective and long-term discipline. Find out more at

Attending Finance Class At Home

We talk to author Paige Afendoulis about how she is sharing the money lessons she was taught at a young age in a book called My Dad’s Class. Find out more at and connect on Facebook and Instagram.

Inflation is bad.  Except when it isn’t. | Full Episode

The two surprising upsides to inflation. MoneyZen’s Manisha Thakor tells us how inflation can  help motivate you to increase your financial health and emotional wealth.   And, saving money on food. Beth Moncel, founder of Budget Bytes, shares her tips for creating inexpensive and delicious meals. Then, finding out your relationship status with your money. Vanessa […]

The Upsides To Inflation

While inflation can be a scary word but Manisha Thakor, founder of MoneyZen, takes us through the upsides to inflation. Found out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Saving Money On Food

Trying to save money on food is getting harder and harder these days. Beth Moncel the founder of Budget Bytes, a website and app, joins us to take us through it and share some money saving tips. Found out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Your Relationship Status With Money….Complicated?

Co-Host Gursh Singh talks to CEO and Founder of Mint Worthy, Vanessa Bowen, about the money relationship status they have and ways you can improve your connection with your finances. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and Facebook.

Applying Lessons From Trekking To Investing

We talk to Salman Ahmed, Chief Investment Officer at Steadyhand Investment Funds, who has trekked all around the world and is going to give us some lessons he learned while trekking and how it applies to investing. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube

Credit Card Delayed Baggage Insurance | Full Episode

Delayed luggage during a trip is frustrating – but your credit card may have you covered.  Natasha Macmillan from tells us how delayed baggage insurance works. And, how to make life insurance more affordable. Laura McKay from PolicyMe shares her cost containment tips. Then, a new player in the online mortgage company market.  Justin […]

Securing a Mortgage Online

Making things easier to secure a mortgage by having it entirely online is the aim for Pine. We talk to the co-founder Justin Herlick on how they do just that. Connect with Pine on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Income Splitting For Tax Benefits

We talk to Jason Heath, the managing director of Objective Financial Partners, about what income splitting is and how does it works. Connect with Jason on Twitter and LinkedIn. Find out more about Objective Financial Partners on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Live Your Fabulous Life

We talk to David Auten and John Scheider, who are two husbands now living their “fabulous” lives. They give us the lowdown on their 7-step system to help them pay off their debts in under 3 years and now they have a website called, Debt Free Guys, to help other gay men live an amazing […]

Shopping For Life Insurance at the Best Possible Price

Laura McKay, the COO of PolicyMe, joins us to give us tips on how to shop for the lower price for the best possible coverage of life insurance. Find out more at PolicyMe and connect on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

Covering Lost Luggage

Look at the insurance protection that your credit cards can offer for delayed luggage insurance in case your bags don’t show up when you do. We go through the ins and outs of how it works with the director of everyday banking at, Natasha MacMillan. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, […]

The Financial Ins and Outs of Becoming a Digital Nomad | Full Episode

The Financial Ins and Outs of Becoming a Digital Nomad | Full Episode The financial ins and outs of becoming a digital nomad. Nora Dunn shares her personal experience. And, how to save money at the grocery store. Claire Tansey from Claire Tansey’s Kitchen tells us how to rein in the cost of food.  Then, […]

The Financial Ins and Outs of Becoming a Digital Nomad

The way people work has changed. If you are looking to become a ‘digital nomad’ we have Nora Dunn, financial expert at NerdWallet, join us to take us through the financial ins and outs to become one. Check out NerdWallet on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Connect with Nora on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Settling The Will

One of the most important parts of the will is the settlement. We talk to the director of Estate Solution for ClearEstate, Sara Hillier, about how the settlement services part works in their estate planning. Find out more at ClearEstate and connect on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Saving Money on Groceries

We have Claire Tansey, the creator of Claire Tansey’s Kitchen, join us to share her tips on how you can save money when grocery shopping. Connect with Claire Tansey’s Kitchen on Facebook. Check out Claire on and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Staying Together Through Retirement

Amy D’Aprix, founder and chief executive of Life Transitions, joins us to share her tips for keeping your marriage together during retirement. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Matchmaking For Small Businesses

We talk to the CEO of eQuo, Barry Hillier, about how their platform of connecting small business with investors and capital works and how their aim is help small businesses grow. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

All You Need To Know About Cascading Life Insurance | Full Episode

Buying a whole life insurance policy on your adult child. Estate planning and insurance expert Michael Dutra tells us about cascading life insurance and its benefits. Then, a look at halal financing options in Canada. Rotman School of Management professor Walid Hejazi takes us through what’s available and how it works. And, reframing money as […]

Finance for Muslims in Canada

We talk to Walid Hejazi, an Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy and the Academic Director of Executive Programs at the Rotman School of Management, about the relevance of “halal” when it comes to banking and finance for the more than one million Muslims living in Canada. Connect with the Rotman School of Management […]

Reframing Money As Medicine

We talk to Nicole McLaren, founder and CEO of Raven Reads and the Founder and Chair of the Indigenous Women’s Business Network, about the recent session of SOAR Digital Gathering of Indigenous Entrepreneurs and how they looked at how to reframe money as “medicine”. Connect with Nicole on Twitter and Instagram. Find out more about […]

Supporting High Net-Worth Families

We talk to Stephanie Dean, manager of financial literacy at RBC Family Office Services, about what is a “family office” and how they support families that have a high net-worth with managing money, financial literacy and education.

Cascading Life Insurance

Parents look at life insurance is a way to protect their families financially but there is another wealth transfer strategy parents can consider is getting “whole life insurance policy” on their adult child as a way to save tax. This is called cascading insurance. Michael Dutra, president of Michael Dutra Estate Planning & Insurance, joins […]

How Considering Your Future Self Can Help With Financial Decision Making | Full Episode

How thinking about your future self can help you make better long-term financial decisions. Hal Hershfield, professor at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, explains why. Then, practicing financial self-care. Capital One Canada President Patrick Ens shares his tips on how to cope when your money is taking a toll on your physical and mental health.  […]

Don’t Regret Your Financial Choices

Consider your future self when trying to figure out a solution to making better decisions with your money. Hal Hershfield, an associate professor of marketing behavioural decision making and psychology at UCLA, joins us to tell us why thing about the “future you” is important. Connect with Hal on Twitter and Facebook.

Financial Self-Care

We talk to Patrick Ens, president of Capital One Canada, about what you can do if your finances are taking a toll on you both mentally and physically and what is financial “self-care” and how to put it into practice. Check out Capital One’s Life & Credit Blog and connect on Facebook and Instagram. Connect […]

Managing Your Charitable Donations

We talk to John Bromley, founder of Charitable Impact, about how they help you manage what you give to charity all in one account. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Talking About an Inheritance and the Importance of it

We talk to Erin Bury, CEO and co-founder of Willful, about why it is important now more than ever to talk to your family about the inheritance that will be handed down or you may get. Find out more with Willful on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Connect with Erin on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

What To Do If a Family Member In Debt Asks You For Help | Full Episode

How to help a family member deal with debt. Financial expert Lesley-Anne Scorgie takes us through the steps. Then, building financial resilience and well-being for vulnerable Canadian households. Eloise Duncan, founder of the Financial Resilience Institute, shares how they’re trying to help. And, why deferring CPP until age 70 might not be the best option […]

Fostering Financial Resilience

Resilience is a trait we want to foster in Canadians but it takes more than cheerleading to enable financial resilience. The Financial Resilience Institute looks to improve the financial resilience and wellbeing of Canadians. Eloise Duncan, founder and CEO of the Financial Resilience Institute, joins us to talk about how they are going about it. […]

Do We Still Defer CPP Until We Turn 70

Fred Vettese, former chief actuary of Morneau Shepell and the author of “Retirement Income for Life”, joins us to explain why his stance on deferring CPP until age 70 may no longer be the best option.

Talking Debt With Family

We have Leslie-Anne Scorgie, personal finance expert and founder of MeVest, joins us to share her tips on how to have conversations with your loved ones and how to support them when it comes to the topic of debt. Found out more from MeVest on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Connect with Leslie on Twitter, Facebook […]

Sex Workers and Their Financial Challenges

We talk to Maggie MacDonald, a PhD student at the University of Toronto, about her piece for the Walrus about the routine financial discrimination against sex workers and what other financial discriminations they face. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Finding Your Purpose With Money

We talk to financial coach and founder of The Purpose of Money, Acquania Escarne, about what the concept is and she shares tips about building generational wealth. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

The Importance of Pay Transparency | Full Episode

The importance of pay transparency. Founder of Moms at Work, Allison Venditti, makes the case for why it is so important to narrow the pay gap.  Then, advice for real estate investors.  Meghan Chomut, CEO of Porte Rouge, provides context on financial planning, and Paul Leonard of Wealth One Bank weighs in on financing.  Plus, […]

Fighting to Reduce the Pay Gap For Under-Represented Groups

Allison Venditti, career coach and founder of Moms at Work, joins us to talk about the pay gap for under-represented groups and shares her tips on one of the strategies to fight it, increasing the level of pay transparency in the job market. Find out more from Moms At Work on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. […]

Building Wealth With Real Estate Investing With Help From a Financial Planner

In terms of building wealth investing in the stock market and investing in real estate are the most common strategies. We talk to Meghan Chomut, certified financial planner, CEO and lead advisor at Port Rouge, about how they off financial planning and advice for real estate advisors. Follow Port Rouge on Facebook and connect with […]

The Financial Side of TikTok with Two Girls Investing

We talk to the creators behind the “Two Girls Investing” TikTok account, Jessica Rowat and Colleen Kormos. They join us how they educate their 45 thousand followers and what they have learned so far through “FinTok”. Find out more at twogirlsinvesting and check out their TikTok and Instagram platforms.

What You Need To Know Tax Wise as a Freelancer

We talk to chartered professional accountant, Dean Paley, about things that you need to know when it comes to taxes when you are a freelancer or take on a side hustle. Find out more at

Getting a Mortgage For a Rental Property

Getting a mortgage for your home is a pretty straight forward process but what happens when you are looking for one for a rental property. We talk to Paul Leonard, CEO of WealthONE Bank of Canada, about the process of getting a mortgage if your goal is to have a rental property. Find out more […]

Your Financial Readiness Kit: How To Plan For Uncertain Times | Full Episode

How to become more financially resilient. Supriya Syal from The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada takes us through their National Financial Literacy Strategy.  Then, a new cash back Mastercard from Rogers Bank. Lisa Durocher tells us about all of its features. And, helping refugees grow their small businesses.  Cassandra Dorrington from the Canadian Aboriginal and […]

Five Building Blocks To Building Financial Resiliency

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has its own National Financial Literacy Strategy and measurement plan and it is designed to help Canadians become more financially resilient. The strategy has five consumer building blocks to help Canadians to gain the skills. Supriya Syal, deputy commissioner of Research, Policy and Education, joins us to talk about […]

The Newest Credit Card on the Block

We talk to Lisa Durocher, CEO of Rogers Bank, about their new Rogers Connections Mastercard and why do we “need it” Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Putting Together a Financial Readiness Kit

Like any other kind of emergency we can also plan for uncertain financial times. Credit Canada has created a kit called “Your Financial Readiness Kit” and Gursh Singh from Credit Canada joins us to take us through what is in the kit. Connect with Credit Canada on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.

The Barriers That Refugees Face When Trying To Build a Business and What Is Being Done To Help

We have Cassandra Dorrington, president and CEO of the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council, join us to talk about the barriers that refugees face when it comes to getting a business off the ground and how they are working with TD Bank Group and the Tent Partnership for Refugees to launch a certification program […]

A Cash-Back Loan

What about a loan that gives you cash back. Parachute is a loan provider that offers rewards while you consolidate your debt. The CEO and founder of Parachute, Bruce Hodges, joins us today to talk more about how it works. Find out more by connecting on Faceboook and Instagram.

The “Financial Readiness Kit” for Canadians 55+ | Full Episode

Preparing for uncertain times when you’re close to retirement. Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher from HomeEquity Bank takes us through a Financial Readiness Kit for Canadians 55 and up. Then, a recent study looking at how debt can impact your health. Stipica Mudrazija from the Urban Institute takes us through the findings. And, what to do when the […]

Financial Readiness Kit

As part of Financial Literacy Month our theme is “Financial Readiness Kit” and Credit Canada has developed a kit for Canadians over the age of 55. Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher, executive Vice president of marketing at HomeEquity Bank, join us to talk more about the kit. Connect with HomeEquity Bank at LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Debt Can Affect Our Health

Finances and health are often thought of as two separate things but once can affect the other according to recent research. We have Stipica Mudrazija, a senior research associate at the Urban Institute, join us to share more on their recent study on health outcomes for older adults with and without debt. Connect with Stipica […]

What Happens When A Collection Agency Calls

We talk to Caryl Newbery-Mitchell, a licensed insolvency trustee with MNP, about what a collection agency can and cannot do legally and what to do when they call. Find out more from MNP on Facebook and Twitter and connect with Caryl on LinkedIn.

Spending The Retirement “Nest Egg”

What happens when building the nest egg changes gears to spending the nest egg when it comes to your retirement savings. We have Brad Gotto, a retirement income certified professional, founder of Fiat Wealth Management and author of Spending Money and Having Fun: Your Guide to a Fearless Retirement, join us to talk about shifting […]

Protecting Yourself From Financial Security Risks When Travelling | Full Episode

A program that teaches you the basic skills you need to take control of your finances. Alison Howard tells us about ABC Life Literacy Canada’s Money Matters workshop. And, the financial security risks you may encounter while travelling. Nora Dunn from NerdWallet shares her tips to avoid them. Then, critical illness insurance from PolicyMe. Co-founder […]

Economic Abuse Awareness

Being aware of economic abuse is important. Meseret Haileyesus, executive director of the Canadian Center for Women’s Empowerment, joins to fill us in on what it means, who does it affect and what can be done about it. Find out more on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Critical Illness Insurance for Canadians

We talk to co-founder and COO of PolicyMe, Laura McKay, about their recently launched product, critical illness insurance and how it works. Find out more on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Gaining Basic Financial Literacy Skills To Make Smart Money Decisions

We talk to Alison Howard, executive director of ABC Life Literacy Canada, about their Money Matters program and the ways it can improve financial literacy. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Staying Safe While Traveling

There can be some risk to your financial security while traveling including theft and going online on a public network. Nora Dunn, NerdWallet financial expert and digital nomad joins us to share her tips so you can worry less on your next trip. Find out more about NerdWallet on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Connect with […]

Selling Your House Digitally

There have been many companies that have tried to break up the traditional system of selling your home. One system is a digital real estate platform called Wahi. We have CEO Benjy Katchen join us to tell us more about the system and how the platform works. Find out more on and connect on […]

How Canadians Are Feeling About Their Financial Literacy Skills | Full Episode

How confident Canadians are about their financial literacy skills. Certified financial planner Jackie Porter takes us through the findings of a recent PC Financial survey. And, a new reality show called Opportunity Knock$ that’s helping families rebound from financial hardship. Opportunity coach Jean Chatzky tells us what it’s all about. Then, a look at an […]

Breaking From Financial Hardship With an Opportunity

We take a look at Opportunity Knock$, a reality tv show streaming on PBS Passport, which pairs six families with an Opportunity Coach. We have one of the coaches, Jean Chatzky, join us to tell us more about the series. Catch the show on and connect on Twitter and Instagram. Connect with Jean on […]

Are Canadians Confident About Their Financial Literacy

We have certified financial planner Jackie Porter join us to talk about the recent PC Financial survey for financial literacy month and it found 3 in 4 Canadians are confident about their financial skills and are prepared for the future. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Instagram. Connect with Jackie at […]

Getting Groceries Now

Everyone wants everything immediately and now even groceries are on that list. We have Nicole Verkindt, CEO of Buggy, join us to tell us more on how Buggy works and how they can get grocery and other essential items in as little as 15 minutes. Connect with Nicole on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Find out […]

The Pros and Cons of a Collateral Mortgage

Mortgage strategist Rob McLister joins us to talk about collateral mortgages and the pros and cons about getting one.

Empty Nest, Full Pockets: How to Prepare Financially For You And Your Child’s Future | Full Episode

Strategies to help you prepare financially and emotionally to become an empty nester. Certified Financial Planner Matt Meline takes us through his book Empty Nest, Full Pockets.  And, boosting your financial confidence. Rhiannon Rosalind from Conscious Economics tells us about their Mindfulness & Money educational program in partnership with Interac. Then, how the credit rating […]

Strategies To Help You Prepare Financially and Emotionally To Become an Empty Nester

We talk to certified financial planner Matt Meline about his new book, Empty Nest, Full Pockets: How to Emotionally and Financially Prepare For You And Your Child`s Future. The book covers strategies to help prepare parents and teens for the next chapter in life and Matt takes us through it. Find out more at […]

Helping Canadians Gain Financial Confidence

In these times of economic uncertainty, many people can feel like there are not in full control of their finances. There is a new partnership between Interac and Conscious Economics looking to help Canadians gain financial confidence. Rhiannon Rosalind, Creator and CEO of Conscious Economics joins us to tell us more about the program. Connect […]

The Credit Rating System: How Did It Become So Big And What Are Some Issues With It

We talk to Emily Baron Cadloff who wrote a piece in the Walrus about how the credit rating system became so powerful and some of the issues with it. She joins us to tell us more about these issues. Find out more at and connect on Twitter.

Ways To Handle Your Debt

There are two ways that can help you solve your debt, a debt consolidation program or a consumer proposal. Which one would work best for you. We have Stacy Yanchuk Olesky, CEO of Credit Counselling Canada, join us to help explain the difference of the two. Connect with Stacy on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Could Digital Currency Change The Future of Central Banking

Cryptocurrency may not be just a passing fad and while some of the players involved may fall to the wayside like FTX the idea of digital currency may survive and thrive especially if central banks get involved. Professor of Finance, Katrin Tinn, from the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University joins us to talk […]

Bartenders and Bank Accounts: How To Manage Your Money When It Comes Through Tips | Full Episode

Reaching your financial goals while working in the service industry. Barbara Sloan, writer of Tipped and owner and coach for Tipped Finance, shares her insights for those living on a tip based income. And, teaching personal finance basics to teenagers. Author and entrepreneur Douglas Price takes us through his book Seventeen to Millionaire. Then, saving […]

Furniture Sustainability

Furniture that comes from places like IKEA have the stereotypical knock of being “fast furniture” and soon headed for the landfill. IKEA is looking to change that for the furniture. We have Heléne Loberg, Head of sustainability at IKEA Canada, join us to share her tips and tricks and tells us about some of their […]

How Tech Companies Can Stop Financial Crime

We have Jennifer Arnold, CEO and Co-Founder of MinervaAI, join us to tells us about their platform that provides financial crime “risk management solutions” Find Jennifer on LinkedIn and find out more at minervaai.oi and connect on Twitter.

Learning Personal Finance at Age Seventeen

At seventeen you probably had very little personal finance knowledge whether your school didn’t teach it or it was not that exciting of a topic. Well entrepreneur and writer Douglas Price wants to fix this. He join us to talk about his personal finance book he wrote called Seventeen to Millionaire. Find out more at […]

Navigating Your Financial Journey with Tips

The path to financial freedom can be different when you have a career in the service industry and knows what it is to live off of a tipped income. We have Barbara Sloan, author of Tipped: The life-changing guide to financial to financial freedom for waitresses, bartenders, strippers and all other service industry professionals and […]

“Kinless Seniors”: How to Manage Your money if You’re Aging Without Family Around | Full Episode

Kinless seniors face a host of logistical challenges, aging without family to help.  That includes how to manage their personal finances. Laura Tamblyn Watts joins us to talk about what you can do about it. And, a new way to reduce your credit card debt. Grant Donnelly, an assistant marketing professor at Ohio State University, […]

How Bias is Relevant When it Comes To Investing

We talk to portfolio manager and author, John De Goey, about how bias is relevant when it comes to investing. John explores this idea in his book Bullshift: How Optimism Bias Threatens you Finances and he joins us now. You can connect with John on Twitter.

What Canadians Can Do If They Are Aging Alone

We look at what Canadians can do if they’re aging alone, especially when it comes to personal finances with as Laura Tamblyn Watts joins us. Laura is the founder and CEO of CanAge, Canada’s national senior advocacy organization. Connect with Laura on Twitter and Linkedin.  Find out more about CanAge on Twitter.

Teaching Kids To Think Before They Buy

As a parent nowadays you are left wondering if you should give allowance in a traditional cash allowance or pay in virtual currency instead. We have Karen Holland joins us to give us her thoughts on the topic. Her organization, Gifting Sense, teaches children how to think before they buy. Found out more at […]

Be Better Prepared Before the Car Accident

We have Morgan Roberts, Insurance Sales Director at, join us to share with us on how to be better prepared before a potential car accident, what you need to do if you are in an accident and how these insurance claims can affect your rate.  Found out more at and connect on […]

A New Way To Pay Of That Credit Card Bill

We have assistant professor of marketing at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business, Grant Donnelly, join us to share the findings on their working paper at Harvard on a new way to help reduce credit card debt called Repayment-by-Purchase. Find out more about the working paper at

No Regret Decisions: Author Shannon Lee Simmons On Her New Book | Full Episode

Making good financial decisions can be tough especially when you’re in a panic. Certified Financial Planner Shannon Lee Simmons shares tips from her book No Regret Decisions: Making Good Choices During Difficult Times. And, the rise of sports-betting. Economics professor Moshe Lander tells us about the risks for your bank account. Then, mindlessly making a […]

Making Good Financial Decisions In Difficult Times

Making good financial decisions can be tough especially when you’re in a panic. Shannon Lee Simmons, Certified Financial Planner, joins us to share tips from her book No Regret Decisions: Making Good Choices During Difficult Times. You can connect with Shannon on Instagram or with New School of Finance on Instagram.

The Risks of Betting on Sports

The prominence of sports betting has increased with the changes in the legal environment but with that it can be problematic and there are risks to betting on sports. We are joined by Moshe Lander, economics professor at Concordia University specializing in the economics of sports gaming and gambling, to share the risks as sports […]

Unconscious Spending

We have certified financial planner, Jackie Porter, join us to talk about unconscious spending. What is it and what can we do to curb these habits. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Willpower is Not Enough

Many people try to use willpower when it comes to spending. While it is important it is not enough when it comes to spending, or not spending. Romana King, senior finance editor of Finder, joins us to tell is why that we need to stop relying solely on willpower to curb our spending. Find out […]

Forgoing Retirement

A growing number of boomers are choosing to remain in the workforce instead of retiring. Tina Lorenz joins us to talk about how she is a part of the “anti-retirement” movement and calls herself a “renegade boomer”. Find out more at and Connect on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and check out her YouTube channel.

The Itch To Switch: What You Need To Know Before Shopping Around For a New Mortgage | Full Episode

If your mortgage is set to renew, you should be thinking about shopping around. Nerdwallet’s mortgage expert Clay Jarvis is here to take us through the process when you have the itch to switch. And, combating financial anxiety with therapy dogs. Carissa Lucreziano from CIBC tells us about their one-time experiment and tips for dealing […]

Easing Financial Anxiety With Dogs

We talk to Carrissa Lucreziano, head of CIBC’s financial planning and advice team, about their experiment to ease clients’ financial anxiety with therapy dogs called Financial Stress Companions. Connect with CIBC on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

The Best Jobs in Canada

What are the best jobs in Canada? We have Michelle Slater, director of Indeed, join us to give us the details on its report on the 20 best jobs of 2023. Check out the Indeed Leadership Hub and connect on Twitter.

Fixed or Variable: Which One?

What is the better way to go if it is time to renew your mortgage, fixed or variable. We have Clay Jarvis, NerdWallet spokesperson and mortgage financial expert, join us to take us through the choice whether it is time to renew or you are looking to shop around for a better mortgage. Connect with […]

Health and Wellness Financing

We talk to Taylor Inglis, Senior VP at EP Care, about how they expanded their EP Care program to 50 dental clinics across the country and how their health and wellness financing works. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn.

Get Your Missing Credits and Benefits From Previous Tax Returns

We talk to Stan Samole, president and CEO of Family Tax Recovery, about how they help you get a possible refund from previous tax returns if missed some credits or benefits that you didn’t get the first time around. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The Most Popular Family Finance Apps in Canada | Full Episode

The most popular family finance apps available in Canada. Chartered Professional Accountant and author Robin Taub takes us through them.  And, the challenges single seniors face during tax season. Jane Robertson, founder of Single Seniors for Tax Fairness, tells us about what’s needed to address the issue. Then, the high fees you might be paying […]

Tax Fairness for Single Seniors

We talk to Jane Robertson, founder of the group Single Seniors for Tax Fairness, about the inequities that seniors who do not have a life partner face when it comes to paying taxes. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

The Fight To Limit Fees To Help With The Disability Tax Credit

The disability tax credit can go a long way to reduce the burden of a family dealing with the cost of a member with a disability. But this tax credit is not easy to get and getting help can command a high fee and the “Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Act” was supposed to help […]

The Most Popular Finance Apps in Canada

We have Robin Taub, a chartered professional accountant and author of The Wisest Investment, join us to take us through some of the most popular family finance apps in Canada. Connect with Robin on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

The Mindset and Misperceptions of Selling

Selling is critical to almost every job there is but is it a skill that can be trained. Colin Coggins, a professor at USC Marshall School of Business and the co-author of THE UNSOLD MINDSET: Redefining What It Means To Sell, join us to take us through on how to achieve this mindset and go […]

Owning A Part of Where You Work

Wouldn’t it be nice to own a part of the company where you work if it is a great company with a great future. We talk to Jon Shell to tell us about the not-for-profit Canadian Employee Ownership Coalition that is hoping to bring the benefits of employee ownership to Canada. Find out more on […]

“De-Influencing”: New trend on TikTok Encourages People To Save More | Full Episode

A new TikTok trend that runs against the consumer culture.  It’s called “De-Influencing”. Alicia Adamczyk, senior writer at Fortune, tells us about why some people are taking to the app to call out consumerism. And, investing in “green” funds. Mark Egan from the Harvard Business School tells us about his study on the cost of […]

De-Influencing: The New Influencer Movement

If you spend any time on social media you will have run into “influencers” marketing products to you and others around you. Well some TikTokr’s are getting tired of this consumer culture and are doing the opposite – “de-influencing”. We have Alicia Adamczyk, senior writer and Fortune, join us to talk about her piece she […]

The High Cost of Saying Goodbye and Some Alternatives

Honouring your loved one can mean buying a funeral package you can’t afford. We talk to Mallory Greene, CEO and co-founder of Eirene, to take us through the unexpected costs of a funeral and some alternatives that they can provide. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

The ROI on ESG’s

Investing in companies and fund that focus on ESG (Environmental, social and governance) is a hot trend right now. Mark Egan, associate professor at the Harvard Business School, join us to talk about the study he co-authored on how investors value ESG funds and give us the ROI. Find out more about Mark here.

Avoiding A Border Investment Blunder

Having investment accounts on both sides of the Canada/US border can have a number of challenges when it comes to managing your money. Shiraz Ahmed, a wealth management advisor and founder of Sartorial Wealth Team of Raymond James, joins us to talk about these challenges. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, LinkedIn, […]

Activities for Kids Learn About Money

We have Paige Cornetet, author of My Dad’s Class: An Intentional Structure For Teaching Your Kids About Money and Life, join us to take us through some of the lesson activities she created for families to use after reading the book. Find out more at and connect on Facebook and Instagram.

Using a “Credit Card Fast” To Get Out of Debt | Full Episode

Get out of debt with a “credit card fast”. Lisa Samalonis tells us how she used this financial savings method to buy a home. And, getting paid without having to wait two weeks. Aaron Fox, vice-president of commercial for Dayforce Wallet at Ceridian, takes us through how an on-demand pay platform works. Then, how COVID-19 […]

On-Demand Pay Day

Waiting two weeks for pay day can be a challenge. Now you can get paid earlier with on-demand pay platforms and we have Aaron Fox, vice-president for Dayforce Wallet at Ceridian, joins us to talk about the on-demand pay platform that Ceridian has launched here in Canada. Find out more on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Was The Pandemic a Retirement Fire Drill

We have Darren Coleman, senior portfolio manager at Coleman Wealth at Raymond James, joins us share with how he described the pandemic as a retirement fire drill. Connect with Darren on LinkedIn and Facebook and find out more about Coleman Wealth on Facebook.

Keep RESP’s Going Past Death

We are joined by Daniel Goldgut, co-founder and CEO of Epilogue, to talk about how to set up RESP’s to continue on even after death so that your kids can still get all the contributions. Find out more from Epilogue on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Connect with Daniel on LinkedIn.

A Credit Card Fast

A Credit Card Fast Instead of fasting when it comes to food what about a credit card fast. We talk to Lisa Samalonis who put her credit card away on her journey to gain financial freedom. She gives us the insights on how it works. Connect with Lisa on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Fighting Financial Fraud | Full Episode

Canadians are fighting back against fraud and identity theft more than ever, according to a new survey from Equifax Canada.  Julie Kuzmic takes us through the results.  And, insight into the unique financial challenges young athletes may face. Paul Wylie from BMO provides an insider look.  Then, struggling to choose an executor for your will? […]

Money Management Personality Tests

We take a closer look at money management personality tests with Melissa Leong, personal finance expert and author of the book, Happy Go Money. Find out more about Melissa at and connect on Instagram and Twitter.

Fighting Back Against Fraud and Identify Theft

Julie Kuzmic, Senior Compliance Office at Equifax Canada, joins us to talk about their recent survey that shows Canadians are fighting back against fraud and identify theft more than ever before. Julie takes us through the survey and shares some tips to help. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and LinkedIn. Follow […]

Finding the Right Executor For Your Estate Plan

Coming up with an estate plan is a whole process and one important step that is often overlooked is choosing the right executor. Leanne Kaufman, president and CEO of RBC Royal Trust, joins us to talk about choosing a corporate executor. Leanne tells us what a corporate executor is and how it works. Find out […]

Financial Challenges That Athletes Face

We have Paul Wylie, head of BMO Family Office Canada, join us to take us through the challenges that athletes face on and off the field and share some tips on how to handle those challenges. Connect with BMO on Twitter and Facebook.

Why You Should Declare Your Side Income on Your Tax Returns | Full Episode

A recent survey from H&R Block found nearly half of Canadian gig workers are willing to risk not declaring their side income on their tax returns. Yannick Lemay from H&R Block Canada tells us how this can lead to some major consequences. And, the racial wealth disparity and the “Black Tax”. Money Coach Lynnette Khalfani-Cox […]

The Racial Wealth Disparity

It is not uncommon for Black Americans to assist family members who are in need when it comes to money, this is called the “Black Tax”. We talk to Money Coach Lynnette Khalfani-Cox  about the personal essay she wrote in Vox and the racial wealth disparity she has seen first hand as a money coach […]

Implications of Not Claiming Your Side Gig

A side hustle or part-time job can bring in some extra income when you are looking to cut expenses but according to a survey from H&R Block half of Canadian gig workers are willing to risk not declaring income when filing their taxes. We have Yannick Lemay, Learning Program Lead & Tax Specialist at H&R […]

Creating Wealth as Women

How do women build wealth in a way that meets their specific needs that aren’t being met in the current world of personal finance? We have Hadriana Leo, personal life coach and the founder of Money Navigator International, joins us to take us through her book Becoming a Wealthy Woman on Purpose: your guide to […]

Investing As a New Canadian

Being a beginner investor can be a challenge and even more of a challenge when you are a new Canadian. Enoch Omololu, personal finance expert and founder of Savvy New Canadians, joins us to share his investing tips and how his platform provides personal finance resources. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, […]

Gambling Debt: The Warning Signs and What You Can Do About It | Full Episode

Investing in Black-led businesses. Lise Birikundavyi, managing partner and co-founder of BKR Capital, tells us how she’s trying to level the playing field and make funding more accessible for Black founders.  And, Financial therapist Erika Wasserman tells us about her financial conversation cards. Then, how to know if you have a gambling problem and what […]

Know What You Are Retiring To Do

We have certified financial planner Mark McGrath join us to talk about the post he wrote about his dad and the emotional and psychological impact retirement had on him. Connect with Mark on Twitter and LinkedIn. Check out some articles from Mark.

How Much Gambling Is Too Much

How do you know if you have developed an addiction to gambling. Mike Bergeron, a certified non-profit credit counselor at Credit Canada, joins us to talk to us about gambling on how are some of the ways someone can recover from a gambling debt. Connect with Credit Canada on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and check […]

Accessing Venture Capital for Black-led Businesses

Lise Birikundavyi, co-founder of BKR Capital, joins us to share on how they are making venture capital investing more accessible for Black-led companies to get funding. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Instagram. Connect with Lise on Twitter and LinkedIn.

The Tax-Free First Home Savings Account: Who, What, When and Why | Full Episode

A new account to help Canadians save for their first home. Portfolio manager Kevin Burkett is here to take us through the tax-free first home savings account. And, why some Canadians are relying on private mortgages to finance their homes. Mortgage broker Frances Hinojosa shares some of her concerns. Then, how to avoid auto insurance […]

Helping Newcomers With Financial Literacy

BMO and have recently partnered together to help newcomers to Canada make progress in their financial life with a series of online tools and resources. To take us through that partnership Sumit Sarkar, head of customer growth at BMO, joins us to share his advice for newcomers. Find out more at and connect […]

Private Mortgages – All the Info

What if you don’t have the perfect credit rate, a solid income and some equity in your house? Where can you turn to for other options to get a mortgage. We have Frances Hinojosa, co-founder and mortgage broker at Tribe Financial Group, join us to give us all the details on private mortgages. Find out […]

Auto Insurance Fraud

We take a look at auto insurance fraud and how it happens with’s VP of Insurance Matt Hands. Connect at, Twitter and Facebook.

The New Tax-Free First Home Savings Account

We have portfolio manager Kevin Burkett join us to take us through how the new tax-free first home savings account that was just announced by the Canadian government. Connect with LinkedIn with Kevin, Burket Asset Management and Burkett & Co. Chartered Professional Accountants.

Money and Singles: Insight For Those Who Are Saving Solo | Full Episode

Managing your money when you’re single. Julie Shipley-Strickland takes us through her book The Canadian’s Guide to Personal Finance For Singles. And, an internet plan comparison site called PlanHub. CEO and Founder Nadir Marcos tells us how you can use it to find the right plan for your budget. Then, using social media for financial […]

Where To Find The Best Price on Internet and Cell Phone Service

There are so many options when it comes to plans for internet and cell phone service and that is where PlanHub comes in. Nadir Marcos, CEO and Founder, joins us to tell us how the site works and can you find the best plan. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter. Connect […]

Personal Finance for Singles

We have wealth and risk management advisor and author of the Canadian’s Guide To Personal Finance For Singles, Julie Shipley-Strickland join us to share some tips on managing your finance as a single person. Find out more at and connect on Instagram.

Finding Financial Advice on TikTok

TikTok is a place to find a plethora of information on fashion, recipes, travel tips and even personal finance. But how do you navigate it when it comes to financial literacy. Sam Lichtman, certified financial planner and co-founder of Achieve Wealth Management, join us to give us tips on how to manage social media and […]

Mental Health and Money

Mental health can have a huge impact on financial decision-making. We have personal finance journalist and financial wellness educator, Zandile Chiwanza, join us to tell us more about the connection between mental health and personal finance and shares her tips on how to handle issues like overspending. Find out more at and connect on […]

Pool Party: The AirBnB of Swimming | Full Episode

A service called Swimply that lets you rent out a pool in your neighbourhood by the hour. Founder Bunim Laskin tells us how it works.  And, the future of open banking. Andreas Park, professor of finance at the University of Toronto, takes us through some of the pros and cons. Then, navigating scholarships and bursaries […]

The AirBnB of Swimming

We talk to the founder of Swimply, Bunim Laskin, about how their service works where you can rent out a pool in your neighbourhood by the hour. Find out more at Swimply and connect on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Missing Access To The Financial Help You Need

A recent report from Prosper Canada found that low-income Canadians don’t have the proper access to the financial  help they need. Elizabeth Mulholland, CEO of Prosper Canada, joins us to talk about the report’s key finding and what’s needed to address the issue. Find the report here and find out more at and connect […]

Finding The Scholarship For You

With so many scholarships out there for Canadian students heading off to University or College finding the right one for you can be difficult. ScholarshipsCanada is a platform that helps you search for all the relevant scholarships available. More on how this platform works we are joined by Logan Bright, managing editor with ScholarshipsCanada. Find […]

The Future of Open Banking in Canada

We have Andreas Park, professor of finance at the University of Toronto, join us to talk about open banking. How does it work? When will will see. Andreas shares his insights on the process and the future of open banking in Canada. Find out more at and connect on Twitter.

Learning About Financial Literacy in the Workplace | Full Episode

Learning financial literacy in the workplace. Certified Financial Planner Steve Bridge tells us about the benefits. And, a contract called the Maher Agreement that’s becoming more prevalent in the Muslim community. Family Lawyer Laura Paris takes us through what you need to know before you sign. Then, a report from Mercer that found millennials who […]

How A Maher Contract Works

If you are a member of the Muslim community you may have heard of a Maher contract or Islamic Marriage Certificate. We are joined by Shulman & Partners family lawyer, Laura Paris, to explain on how they work. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Learning Financial Literacy in the Workplace

We have certified Financial Planner Steve Bridge join us to make the case for teaching your employees about financial literacy at the workplace. Connect with Steve on LinkedIn.

One Strategy To Pay No Taxes

We talk to the founder of 33Seven, Derryn Shrosbree, on the strategy to help you pay no tax and 10 times your net worth. Derryn explain how it works and how he helps entrepreneurs create wealth. Found out more at

By Renting Millennials Will Have To Save More For Retirement

We talk to Jillian Kennedy, a partner at Mercer’s Wealth Business, about their Retirement Readiness Barometer that found that millennials who rent instead of owning their own home will have to save more for retirement. Find out more about the report here. Connect with Mercer at and with Jillian on LinkedIn.

The Pink Tax: A New Book On the Financial Discrepancies By Gender | Full Episode

Gender and money:  Certified Financial Planner Janine Rogan talks about her book The Pink Tax: Dismantling a Financial System Designed to Keep Women Broke. And, why human trafficking victims are more likely to be affected by financial fraud. Equifax Canada President Sue Hutchison on the problem, and what’s needed to protect survivors from coerced debts. […]

The Pink Tax

Women pay more for a lot of different things and on average that get paid less than men do. We have Certified Financial Planner Janine Rogan join us to talk about her book The Pink Tax: Dismantling a Financial System Designed To Keep Women Broke. Janine tells us more about the Pink Tax and how […]

Financial Fraud and Human Trafficking

Financial fraud is a serious problem and human trafficking victims are even more susceptible to fraud and sometimes are coerced into debts. Sue Hutchison, president of Equifax Canada, joins us to tell us more about the issue and why Equifax is supporting proposed provincial legislation looking to protect survivors. Find out more about Equifax Canada […]

The Challenge of Living on a Fixed Budget

Once you retire you income is fixed and with the cost of everything these days stretching your budget can be a challenge. Taking up this challenge is Debt Manager and Certified Restructuring and Insolvency Professional with Grant Thornton, Kaitlin Verge. Kaitlin decided to live on a senior’s budget for one month and she joins us […]

The Right Cost for Tenant Insurance

We have Grant Clarke, Vice President of National Personal Insurance, to take us through what all goes into tenant insurance and what your options are if you receive a quote that is too high. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Debt After Death:  What You Can and Can’t Inherit In Canada | Full Episode

How to draft your will in five easy steps. Farm family transition expert Elaine Froese is here to take us through them. And, what happens to debt after someone dies. Credit Canada’s Becky Western Mcfadyen explains what you inherit after your loved one dies. Then, shopping on marketplaces like eBay, Etsy and Poshmark. Digital payments […]

Don’t Procrastinate Planning The End

Talking about death can be uncomfortable for many but procrastinating to get your will done can only lead to stress down the road. Elain Froese is a farm family transition expert, and she joins us to give us some easy ways to help get your will done. Reach out for more information at and […]

Dealing With Debt After Death

What happens to your debt after death? If you lose a parent or partner is their debt now yours. Would the burden of debt sit on the shoulders of your family in the event of your death? We are joined by financial coaching manager at Credit Canada, Becky Western-Mcfayden, to take us through what you […]

The Costs and Benefits With Having An Easier Way To Shop

We are joined by Sander Meijers, Canada’s Country Manager for Adyen, to talk about the innovation and future in the payments industry. Find out more at and connect with Sandy on LinkedIn.

Financial Literacy For Gen Z Via TikTok

With the lack of in-depth financial education being taught in school TikTok might be the way Gen Z will get its’ financial literacy. We have Taylor Price, better known as Priceless Tay, Join us to  talk about her own financial literacy journey and how she is helping others on TikTok. Find Taylor on TikTok and […]

Navigating Your Finances During Unemployment | Full Episode

Navigating your finances through unemployment. Credit Canada Counsellor Randolph Taylor shares his tips for handling your money during this stressful time. And, a contest to help you learn about investing, but without all the risk. Mark Noble from Horizons ETFs tells us about The Biggest Winner trading simulation, in partnership with National Bank. Then, how […]

Trading Investments The Risk-Free Way

Learning about trading investments the risk-free way. Horizons ETFs in partnership with National Bank hosts a 6-week long trading simulation every year called The Biggest Winner. Mark Noble, vice-president of ETF Strategy joins us to tell us how the contest works and what participants can learn from it. Find out more at and connect […]

The Money Challenges In Times of Unemployment

There is an immediate challenge of paying expenses when you get laid off. We are joined by Randolph Taylor, a certified counselor at Credit Canada, to share with us the best way to navigate money when you are unemployed. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Working On Your Finances From What Your Learn

We are joined by Erin Lowry, creator of the Broke Millennial Series, to take us through the workbook that she has put together so you can put things into practice. Find out more at and Connect on Twitter, Instagram and Substack.

Maximizing Your Inheritance

When it comes to estate planning and money you might be losing opportunities to maximize inheritance for your loved ones without even knowing it. We have Selene Soo, director of Wealth Products for RBC Insurance, join us to take us through some solutions and how to reduce fees. Find out more at and connect […]

What happens If You Can’t Pay Off Your Credit Card | Full Episode

Navigating credit card debt. Doris Asiedu from Credit Canada tells us what happens if you don’t pay off your credit card. And, qualifying for a mortgage when you’re self-employed. Colin Graves, managing editor of Retire Happy, takes us through some considerations. Then, Money is part IQ and part EQ, says author Ken Honda. He joins […]

Overcoming The Math With Your Finances

The are many approaches when it comes to overcoming the math problem when it comes to your finances. One approach is to take math to TikTok and teach people there. Canada’s Drag Race alum Kyne Santos uses TikTok to teach her 1.4 million followers to make math less of a drag. Learn from Kyne on […]

The Stress of Credit Card Debt

Having credit card debt can be stressful for anyone. But what happens if you don’t pay off your credit card. Doris Asiedu, a counselor with Credit Canada takes us through some of the consequences and what you can do about it. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and check […]

Applying For a Mortgage When You Are Self-Employed

The process of applying for a mortgage can be stressful but can be a bit more for those that are self-employed. Colin Graves, managing director of Retire Happy, joins us to take us through the process and how to qualify for a mortgage when you work for yourself. Connect with Colin on Twitter, Instagram and […]

Community Bonds: Make Money, Save The Planet? | Full Episode

Community Bonds: Make Money, Save The Planet? What to do if you’re struggling to pay off your debt. Adam Fisher from insolvency firm Harris and Partners is here to take us through the options.  And, how to file a tax dispute with the CRA. Tax Lawyer Amit Ummat is here to tell us about the […]

Community Bonds

One option for sustainable and impact investing is through community bonds. Tim Nash, sustainable economist and the founder of Good Investing, joins us to share some examples of community bonds and tells us how they work. Check out for more information or listen to the Responsible Investing Podcast. Connect with Tim on Twitter and […]

Help To Get Out Of Debt

There is always a way to help you get out of debt. One way is something called a consumer proposal. We have Adam Fisher, a partner at Harris & Partners, join us to take us through the process and share some resources. Connect on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

How To Dispute With The CRA

Tax season is stressful enough but what if you have a dispute with the CRA? We talk to tax lawyer Amit Ummat about the process of going through the dispute and how he handles these cases. Find out more at and connect on Twitter.

Saving For Retirement As An Entrepreneur

While being self-employed can come with a lot of benefits one downfall is no pension plan. We have Leslie-Anne Scorgie, a personal finance columnist and founder of the financial education company MeVest, join us to share her tips for starting the retirement planning process for when you are self-employed. Follow MeVest on Twitter, Facebook and […]

How Much Do Influencers Get Paid In Canada | Full Episode

How much do social media influencers get paid in Canada? Sarah Turnbull from BlueSky Communications Inc takes us through the economics of being paid to post. And, a look at how behavioural bias can impact your decision making when it comes to your finances. Tyler Fleming from the Ontario Securities Commission tells us about the […]

All About Influencers In The Social Realm

You probably have come across an ‘influencer’ on social media and have thought about how they get paid. We have Sarah Turnbull, senior director of BlueSky Communications Inc, take us through the numbers and see if it’s a smart career choice. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Financial Challenges Newcomers To Canada Face | Roundtable Discussion

Credit Canada hosted two roundtable discussions on the financial challenges newcomers to Canada face and how to address them. Here are some excerpts from that discussion.

Becoming More Aware Of Your Biases

We talk to Tyler Fleming, Director of the Ontario Security Commission’s Investor Office, abou the Behavioural Bias Checker that they have developed to help you become more aware of your biases. Check out the tool at and find out more on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Connect with Tyler on Twitter.

BEST OF: Retirement | Full Episode

We’re taking you through the best of Moolala’s retirement interviews starting with the five Rs of retirement. Pattie Lovett-Reid, Chief Financial Commentator for HomeEquity Bank, takes us through the many aspects that go into the post-pay cheque phase of your life. Then, why millennial workers who rent their entire lives will have to save more […]

Get Out of Debt | Full Episode

Highlighting the best of Moolala’s interviews about getting out of debt. Credit Canada’s Gursh Singh takes us through the warning signs and when to seek help. And, two ways to help you get out of debt. Stacy Yanchuk-Oleksy, CEO of Credit Counselling Canada, talks about the difference between a debt consolidation program versus a consumer […]

BEST OF: All About Taxes | Full Episode

Single seniors face additional challenges when it comes to taxes. Jane Robertson, founder of Single Seniors for Tax Fairness, tells us about what she believes is needed to address the issue.  Then, a company that helps you find missing tax credits and deductions. Stan Samole, president and CEO of Family Tax Recovery, tells us how […]

BEST OF: Kids and Money

Moolala’s best of interviews about Kids and Money. We’ll talk to YouTube star Rishi Vamdatt, the 13-year-old creator of Easy Peasy Finance about his mission to improve financial literacy for kids. Then, I’ll speak with the author of My Dad’s Class, Paige Cornetet, about some activities parents can do with their kids to teach them […]

BEST OF Financial Wellness | Full Episode

Moolala’s best of: financial wellness. First, the life lessons you can learn for your health and finances.  Mike Braga takes us through them. And, I’ll speak to Shalicia Harris, founder of In Charge, about her five key pillars of personal finance. Then, Qapital, a budgeting app that helps couples manage their money together. Founders Katherine […]

‘Girl Math’ — The Latest Personal Finance Trend On TikTok | Full Episode

A breakdown of the latest TikTok trend–’Girl Math’. The CEO and Founder of The Math Guru Vanessa Vakharia takes us through it. And, a platform from Profound Impact that helps academic and industry researchers find the perfect funding match.  Founder and CEO Sherry Shannon-Vanstone tells us how it works. Then, what it means to be […]

The Latest Trend on TikTok – Girl Math

We take a look at the latest trend on TikTok, ‘Girl Math’, with the CEO and Founder of The Math Guru, Vanessa Vakharia. We look into why it became and trend and what concerns there are about the term. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Making Matching Researchers With Grants A Lot Easier

We have Profound Impact Founder and CEO, Sherry Shannon-Vanstone, join us to talk about how their platform helps academic and industry researchers find the perfect funding match. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

How To Be A Vegan Financial Advisor

We talk to Justin Manning on how he integrates veganism into his financial advisor practise and some of the different services he provides. Find out more at and connect on Twitter and Instagram.

Mixing a Rewards Programs With Better Rates For Investments

Credit Union, DUCA, has a new profit shares rewards program that brings together a better rate for fixed income investments and a rewards program called ‘Do More Profit Sharing’. We have Chief Member Experience Officer, Phil Taylor, join us to tell us how it works. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Twitter, […]

What Is “Enough” When It Comes To Your Money? | Full Episode

How to feel financially and emotionally fulfilled.  Manisha Thakor takes us through her book MoneyZen: The Secret To Finding Your Enough. Budgeting tips for your big day. We’ll speak to Karen Cleveland, co-author of The New Wedding Book: A Guide To Ditching All The Rules, about ways you can limit financial stress when planning your […]

Credit History For Newcomers To Canada

Accessing the necessary credit history in order to get access to certain financial services can be difficult for newcomers to Canada. Nova Credit is a credit bureau that aims to address that challenge. CEO and Founder, Misha Esipov, joins us to talk about how they are accomplishing this. Find out more at and connect […]

Tips For Living a Rich Life That Satisfies Both your Financial Health and Emotional Health

We talk to the founder of MoneyZen, and the author of the book by the same name, Manisha Thakor as she shares her tips for living a rich life that can satisfy both your financial health and emotional health. Find out more at and connect on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Paying Off That Wedding Debt

We are joined by Karen Cleveland, co-author of the New Wedding Book: A Guide To Ditching All The Rules, to share with us tips on ways to limit the financial stress that comes with planning a wedding. Connect with Karen on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Pay Your Mortgage Off In Record Time

Paying off your mortgage as quickly as you can using ‘The Shred Method’. We are joined by Adam Carroll to tell us how the shred method works and how he is helping people pay off their mortgage in record time. Find out more at and connect on Instagram. Connect with Adam on Instagram, LinkedIn […]

Subscription Subtraction:  Tips On Managing Your Monthly Expenses | Full Episode

Paying a monthly subscription for financial advice. Sam Lichtman, co-founder of Achieve Wealth Management, tells us why he offers this model to his clients and how it works.  If you add one there, can you subtract a subscription somewhere else?  Personal finance expert and founder of MeVest Lesley-Anne Scorgie shares her tips to help you […]

Writing Your Money Story

Ever thought about writing your money story? We have certified money coach and found of ‘Money-sophy’, Sophie Hau, join us to tell us about the workshop she runs to teach people how to write their money story and how it can help better your relationship with your finances. Find out more at and connect […]

Students and Seniors Sharing Space

Finding a place to rent as a student can be difficult but SpacesShared are trying to make it a bit easier. CEO and Co-Founder, Rylan Kinnon, joins us to explain this home-sharing platform that pairs up students looking for a place to live with seniors what have extra space. Find out more at and […]

A Subscription Service For Financial Services

Monthly subscriptions can be for just about anything and even financial services. We talk to Sam Lichtman, co-founder of Achieve Wealth Management, on how the subscription service works and what are some of the pros and cons. Connect with Sam on Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok.

Keeping A Check On Your Monthly Subscriptions

It is very easy to sign up for subscription services and even easier to lose track of all those subscriptions. Personal finance expert and founder of MeVest, Lesley-Anne Scorgie, join us to take us through apps that can help you manage those subscriptions and even find ones that you can get rid of. Find out […]

The Challenges Entrepreneurs Face and Advice to Help Them Grow Their Business | Full Episode

Learning from entrepreneurs to help you grow your business.  Startup company founders Catalina Daniels and James Sherman take us through their book SMART STARTUPS which shares advice from 18  Harvard Business School founders. Then, why more Canadians are taking on side hustles and how to keep them going. Interac’s Anurag Kar takes us through their […]

What You Need To Know As An Entrepreneur

Once you have that great business idea where do you start. Learn from those that have already gone through that journey with the book SMART STARTUPS: What Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know – Advice From 18 Harvard Business School Founders. Authors and angel investors, Catalina Daniels and James Sherman, join us to share what they […]

Are Some Financial Behaviours Holding You Back

Have you had a financial decision backfire or did you not invest because of fear of loss. These are some financial behaviours that may be holding you back from success. We talk to money expert, Jessica Moorhouse, about some of these behaviours and how you can avoid them. Find out more at and connect […]

More People Than Ever Are Doing The “Side” Hustle

We have the AVP of Money Movement Products at Interac, Anurag Kar, join us to talked about the survey they recently did that looked into the reasons why more Canadians are taking on side hustles and what stood out. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Paying Rent With Your Credit Card

We take you through the platform called Chexy with their CEO Liza Akhvledziani on how it is possible to pay rent with your credit card and even earn rewards. Find out more at and connect on Instagram. Connect with Liza on X(Twitter) and LinkedIn.

Storage Wars….On Your Wallet:  How To Save Money, By Losing the Locker | Full Episode

The high cost of extra stuff. The Globe and Mail’s personal finance columnist Rob Carrick is here to tell us why he decided to say goodbye to his family’s storage unit. Then, the best free personal finance courses in Canada. Lisa Hannam, executive editor at takes us through some of them. And, what mindfulness […]

What Does Your Storage Unit Cost?

The storage industry is great if you run a franchise but not so great if you are the one renting it. Rob Carrick, personal finance columnist for the Globe and Mail gives us his experience and why he said goodbye to his storage unit. Follow Rob on X(Twitter) and have a listen to his podcast, […]

The Best Free Personal Finance Courses in Canada

Lisa Hannam, executive editor at, drops in to share a list of the best free courses available to Canadians that she has put together. Find out more at and connect on X(Twitter), Facebook and Instagram.

Ways to Reduce the Likelihood of Making Mistakes With Investing

We talk to financial advisor, Jonathan K. DeYoe, about how mindfulness is key to reducing the likeliness of making mistakes when it comes to investing. Jonathan shares some tips and tells us more about his book, Mindful Investing: Right Focus, Better Outcome, Greater Well-Being. Find out more at and Jonathan’s free course. Connect on […]

How Does the Underused Housing Tax Work in Canada

The Canadian Government implemented the Underused Housing Tax, an annual tax on the ownership of vacant or underused housing in Canada typically applied to non-citizen or non-permanent resident owners. We are joined by Jason Heath, certified financial planner at Objective Financial Partners Inc, to tell us more about the tax and how it works including […]

Financial Dependence and Regaining Control Of Your Finances | Full Episode

Taking control of your finances. Estelle Gibson, a TED Speaker and coach, tells us about financial dependence and shares her tips to help you stop relying on others for your money. Then, the 50/30/20 rule. Freelance personal finance writer Jordann Kaye tells us how this popular budgeting strategy works. And, how some insurance companies use […]

The 50/30/20 Budgeting Strategy

With the many budgeting strategies out there the 50/30/20 strategy has had staying power but does it work in today’s world. Joining us to talk about how it works is freelance personal finance writer, Jordann Kaye. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and X(Twitter).

The Goal of Having Control of Your Finances

Having control of your finances is a goal many of us have but for some they have to rely on others when it comes to our money, or finance dependence. Ted speaker and financial business and life purpose coach, Estelle Gibson joins us to share her tips on gaining financial freedom. Find out more at […]

What Are The Ways Insurance Companies Investigate Claims

Nainesh Kotak, founder of Kotak Personal Injury Law, joins us to take us through the process of how insurance companies investigate claims to ensure your claim is valid. Found out more at and connect on X(Twitter).

Making Money as a Student on the Part-time Side

When you are student it can be tough to make money but having a part-time job working for a delivery service is something that may work with your busy schedule. We have Matt Hands, VP of Insurance for, joins us to tell us things that you need to know as a G2 driver when […]

Newcomers and Money:  Helping immigrants to Canada Navigate the Financial System | Full Episode

Financial literacy and debt. Supriya Syal, Deputy Commissioner at the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, tells us about the National Financial Literacy Strategy. Then, the barriers newcomers face when navigating financial systems in Canada and accessing credit. Jason Mullins, CEO of EasyFinancial tells us more about it.  And, some common mistakes people make when it […]

Facing Additional Challenges Navigating The Financial System As a Newcomer To Canada

Facing Additional Challenges Navigating The Financial System As a Newcomer To Canada With financial literacy month happening we need to realize that newcomers to Canada face additional challenges to navigate the financial system. Jason Mullins, president and CEO of GoEasy, joins us to take us through some of those challenges and what can be done […]

What Freakonomics Got Wrong with Investing and the Environment

Tim Nash, founder of Good Investing, joins us to break down what the podcast Freakonomics got wrong on their episode “Are ESG Investors Actually Helping the Environment”. He takes us through the common mistakes he found when it comes to sustainable investing. Connect with Tim on X and LinkedIn.

How To Leave a Part of Your Estate To A Child Unable to Manage Their Own

We have Rachel Blumenfeld, partner at Aird & Berlis, join us to give us what options there are if you are leaving part of your estate to your adult child who can’t manage their own financial affairs. Find out more at and connect on X, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook. Connect with Rachel on LinkedIn.

The Foreign Job Seeker and the Labour Market

We talk to Senior Economist Brendon Bernard about Indeed Canada’s latest insights on hiring and the economy in their recent research study. Find out more at and connect on X(Twitter).

Reducing Financial Conflict in Relationships

If you have argued many times with your partner about money you need to listen to this. We have Melissa Leong, author of Happy Go Money, join us to talk about how to reduce financial conflict in relationships and how to make a “Money Map” for a smoother journey in love and finances. Find out […]

Estate Planning For Gen Z

Each generation think about death and estate planning differently and although some may think Generation Z may be too young to have any assets but Erin Bury, CEO and Co-Founder of Willful, joins us to prove you wrong. Erin gives us her insight on what this generation needs to know about asset protection and creating […]

Finding a Job is Job #1:  Newcomers to Canada and Money | Full Episode

Newcomers and the financial barriers they face.  Tonie Chaltas, CEO of Achēv, takes us through some of them. Then, navigating the job market as a newcomer. Indeed Canada’s Chief Economist Brendon Bernard shares his insights on foreign job seeker interest and what it means for the economy. And, ways to reduce financial conflict in your […]

Financial Barriers That Newcomers to Canada Face

A lot of different groups have challenges when it comes to money and it is no different for newcomers to Canada. We are joined by Tonie Chaltas, CEO of Achēv, to take us through some of the financial barriers that they have to navigate. Find out more at and connect with Tonie on X(Twitter) […]

Newcomers and Credit:  More Tips and Tricks to Build Your Score | Full Episode

Newcomers and building credit. Founders of Mundo Together Carolina Restrepo and Juan Cala came to Canada around six years ago. They share their experience building up their credit history when they first came here. Then, navigating the challenges of building credit as a newcomer. Eva Wong, co-founder and chief operating officer of Borrowell, shares her […]

Pre-Tipping for a Better Service

Leaving a tip post-service as been in Canada forever but now delivery services like Uber or DoorDash you are prompted to tip before your service and even happens. DoorDash is now testing out a warning to customers that if they don’t tip they may have to wait longer for their order. We talk to Mike […]

Sharing Like Experiences as Newcomers to Canada

We have Carolina Restrepo and Jaun Cala join us to share some of their challenges they faced with personal finances and how they overcame them when they immigrated to Canada six years ago. They also talk about the platform they created called Mundo Together to share their experience with others. Find out more at […]

Building Credit for Newcomers To Canada

One of the challenges many newcomers face is building credit when they first arrive to Canada. We have Eva Wong, co-founder and chief operating officer of Borrowell, join us to share her tips on how newcomers can grow their credit score. Find out more at and on X(Twitter) and Instagram. Connect with Eva on […]

When To Start Thinking About The RESP

We talk all things about the RESP, Registered Education Savings Plan, when you should start and how much should you put in. We have Craig Hughes, director of tax and estate planning at IG Wealth Management, to take us through the process of opening up an account. Find out more at and connect on […]

The Importance of Financial Empowerment for Newcomers | Full Episode

Financial empowerment for newcomers. Andrea Fiederer, chief marketing officer of goeasy, tells us why it’s important and how to improve it.  Then, a look at how much it costs to immigrate to Canada. Immigration lawyer, and founder of, Colin Singer shares his insights.  And, supporting families impacted by the illness of their child. Kate […]

Financial Empowerment

While we know financial literacy is important not everyone has the necessary knowledge to feel financially empowered with their money. This can be particularly challenging with newcomers to Canada. We have Andrea Fiederer, executive vice-president and chief marketing officer of goeasy, join us to break down what is financial empowerment. Find out more about goeasy […]

The Cost of Immigrating to Canada

There are a number of financial challenges newcomers face with they arrive in Canada. But, they are faced with costs even before they enter and it’s not cheap. We are joined by Colin Singer, immigration lawyer, founding and managing partner of, to give us the details on what it costs to immigrate to Canada. […]

Financial Toll In Difficult Times

We have the CEO of Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada, Kate Horton, join us to talk about how a sudden illness of a child can change a family’s life immediately. Not only is it a toll emotionally it can be devastating financially. Kate takes us through how Ronald McDonald House can help families relieve some […]

Why We Take Financial Risks

We talk to Elise Payzan-LeNestour , Associate Professor of finance at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, and her research looks at the ways people perceive and react to financial risks. She joins us to tell us more about her findings. Find out more at

Mortgage Renewal Time:  Strategies To Help You Navigate the Process | Full Episode

What to do when your mortgage is set to renew.  James Laird,’s Co-CEO and President of mortgage lender CanWise, joins us with his advice. And, a look at refinancing your mortgage. Frances Hinojosa, mortgage broker and CEO of Tribe Financial takes us through some of the options. Then, why we turn a blind eye […]

Pros + Cons of Refinancing Your Mortgage

A lot of Canadians have seen a big jump of wealth on paper with the house they own while others have bought more recently and are stressed on the high interest rates. The thought of refinancing may be on your mind and to take us through the options and the pros and cons is Frances […]

Mortgage Renewal Strategies

If your mortgage is up for renewal soon there are a lot of decisions to be made and how do you go about navigating them. We have James Laird,’s Co-CEO and President of mortgage lender CanWise, join us to share some of the strategies he has to make those tough decisions.

Financial Coaching To Get Out of Debt

We have Credit Canada’s Becky Western-Macfayden join us to tell us all about Credit Canada’s GOLD. Which is a financial coaching program to help people get out of debt. Find out more at and connect on Facebook, X(Twitter), LinkedIn and Instagram.

The Behaviours of Improving Your Financial Situation

Wanting to improve your financial situation but not finding it easy to spring into action and do it. We have behavioral science consultant and researcher, Youval Aberman, joins us to take us through the reasons that we shy away from handling our financial matters.

How Attachment Can Impact Financial Well Being | Full Episode

What your attachment history has to do with your financial well being. Certified financial planner and therapist Ed Coambs explains.  And, a look at some of the most common fraud trends. Julie Kuzmic from Equifax Canada shares her fraud prevention tips. Then, how prospective home buyers can find out if the property has a troublesome […]

Attachment Styles Can Affect Your Financial Well Being

If you are in a relationship it is important to talk about money with your partner. But you may not always see eye to eye and that may have something to do with your past history and what’s called ‘attachment style’. Ed Coambs, a certified financial planner and therapist, joins us to share how he […]

Mitigating the Risk of Buying a House

Right now looking for a home can be a difficult task and getting one that isn’t good makes it even more difficult. How can you mitigate the risk of buying a house that has a troubling past. Clay Jarvis, real estate and financial expert at NerdWallet Canada, joins us to tell us how a home’s […]

What Are Fraudsters Doing These Days To Target Shoppers

When you are shopping on a budget that last you want is to become a victim to fraud and identify theft. So what are fraudsters doing nowadays to target shoppers and how can you prevent it. We are joined by Senior Compliance Officer of Consumer Advocacy at Equifax Canada, Julie Kuzmic, as she goes through […]

A Gift Registry for Money Instead of Gifts

Gift registries have been around for a long time and it makes things easy for people to get something that you need but as the cost of living increases, cash gifts can go a long way. Giftstart is a baby registry platform that has a cash fund feature. CEO Scarlett Li-Goshawk joins us to tell […]

Why You Need an Emergency “Plan”, Not Just an Emergency “Fund” | Full Episode

Why you need an emergency “plan” instead of an emergency “fund”. Ed Rempel, fee-for service financial planner and tax accountant explains. And, navigating your career. Taylor Urquhart, director at Indeed, is here to take us through the career counselling process. Then, how the high cost of living is impacting our mental health. Caryl Newbery-Mitchell, Senior […]

Emergency Plan vs Emergency Fund

While you have been told time and time again that you need an emergency “Fund”. Ed Rempel, a fee-for service financial planner, tax accountant and creator of the Unconventional Wisdom blog, takes us through why he thinks you need an emergency “Plan” instead. Catch all of Ed’s content at and connect on X(Twitter), Facebook […]

How To Improve Your Income

There are two main levers to your money, increase your income and cut your expenses. While we talk more about cutting expenses but how can you improve your income. Career coaching may help. We talk to Taylor Urquhart, Director of Client Success and head of Indeed Job Squad, about what exactly is career counselling and […]

Inflation Isolation

High inflation can cause stress and anxiety for many of us and it has gotten to a point where you stopped socializing or going out in efforts to save money. This is called ‘inflation isolation’. Caryl Newbery-Mitchell, senior vice president at licensed insolvency trustee MNP Debt, joins us to talk about the warning signs and […]

Giving To Charity More Effectively

We talk to Craig Swistun, portfolio manager at Lexicon Financial Group, about how to give to charity more effectively and how to make your money go farther when donating. Find out more at and connect on X(Twitter).

Managing the High Cost of Living | Full Episode

The cost of living is ridiculously high these days.  We’ll talk about budgeting for pet care with Dr. Matthew Richardson, president of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association.  And, for kids.  Personal Finance Writer Sandy Yong is here with new insight from MoneySense. Then, why you should go on a ‘Money Date’. Vanessa Bowen, founder of […]

The Cost of Adding a Furry Friend To Your Family

If you are thinking of adding a furry addition to your family, it comes with a cost. We talk to Dr. Matthew Richardson, veterinarian and president of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, about how much you need to budget and break down some of the important costs when it comes to caring for a pet. […]

The Cost of a Child in Canada

The cost of living has gone up in almost every category of life but how much does it cost to raise a child. We talk to Sandy Yong, personal finance writer, TEDx and keynote speaker, about her piece in MoneySense about how much does it cost to raise a child in Canada. Connect with Sandy […]

Adding Investing to Financial Literacy for Kids

Kids and money are a topic on this show but most times we cover the basics of cash flow and debt. Pavi Toor believes there is a place for investing in financial literacy, specifically, investing in dividend paying stocks. Pavi runs a non-profit called Young Guns Weightlifting and Boxing Club and author of Learn 2 […]

Money Date

While it can be uncomfortable talking about money in any relationship but it is important to talk about it. One way to start is to have a ‘money date’. Vanessa Bowen, chartered professional accountant, money coach and founder of financial services Mint Worthy Co., joins us to take us through what a ‘money date’ is […]

How Living Longer Can Impact Your Retirement Plan | Full Episode

If you’re considering saving for your child’s education using a group RESP or scholarship trust, there are some things you should be aware of first. Aravind Sithamparapillai from  Ironwood Wealth Management is here to tell us how they work. Then, what happens to our finances if we live longer? Darren Coleman from Coleman Wealth at […]

What Is a Scholarship Trust

We are joined by Aravind Sithamparapillai, an associate at Ironwood Wealth Management, to break down everything you need to know about what a scholarship trust is before jumping into that decision and how it differs from an RESP. Connect with Aravind on LinkedIn, X(Twitter) and Instagram.

Can We Live To a 150 and What Does That Do To Financial Planning

There could be a time in the near future where we can live to 150 years old and how would that affect retirement savings. Darren Coleman, senior portfolio manager at Coleman Wealth at Raymond James, joins us to talk about how the financial planning industry has it wrong when it comes to giving retirement advice. […]

What is a HENRY?

There is a new person in town called HENRY and it is not your next door neighbour, it is a ‘High Earner, Not Rich Yet’ individual whose household net worth is high but don’t feel wealthy. Andy Smith, executive director of financial planning for Edelman Financial Engines, joins us to give us more on this […]

Don’t Buy a Car, Subscribe To One

Buying a car is expensive. So, many choose to finance or lease their car instead. But that is still a costly commitment. For those who may not need a car for a long-term there now is Roam, a car subscription service. Founder and CEO, Apoorv Gupta, joins us to tell us what exactly it is […]

“Loud Budgeting” and “Soft Saving”: A Look at the Latest Personal Finance Trends on TikTok | Full Episode

Loud Budgeting” and “Soft Saving” are the latest TikTok trends. Personal finance columnist Lesley-Anne Scorgie takes us through what they’re all about. Then, the federal government plans to lower the criminal rate of interest. Donna Borden from Acorn Canada tells us how the cap might tackle predatory lending. And, Jason Mullins from goeasy Ltd., shares […]

Loud Budgeting & Soft Saving

The current financial trend is “loud budgeting” and “soft saving”. For a closer look at what these two trends really are we have Lesley-Anne Scorgie, personal finance columnist and founder of MeVest, joins us. Find out more at and connect on Instagram, X(Twitter), and Facebook.

Canada Planning To Reduce The Criminal Rate of Interest with Donna Borden

Did you know that there is a “Criminal Rate of Interest” and now after 4 years the government of Canada is planning to reduce it by 13% to 35%. Some welcome this and some have concerns on how it will impact certain consumers. Here is from the low to moderate income point of view with […]

Canada Planning To Reduce The Criminal Rate of Interest with Jason Mullins

Did you know that there is a “Criminal Rate of Interest” and now after 4 years the government of Canada is planning to reduce it by 13% to 35%. Some welcome this and some have concerns on how it will impact certain consumers. Here is from the lenders point of view with Jason Mullins, CEO […]

Financial Literacy is Not a One Size Fits All

We have Ellyce Fulmore, a queer and neurodivergent financial educator and found of Queerd Co, join us to talk to us about her book; Keeping Finance Personal: Ditch the “Shoulds” and the Shame and Rewrite Your Money Story. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and TikTok.

How Much It Costs To Own a Car In Canada | Full Episode

An app for newcomers called “Welcome to Canada”. PeaceGeeks CEO Jennifer Freeman takes us through its features. Then, what it’s like living in poverty. Brian Shelley, Chief Executive and Philanthropy Officer at United Way Simcoe Muskoka, tells us about their ‘Living in My Shoes Anti-Poverty Simulator’ And, how much it costs to own a car […]

Walking a Mile in an Anti-Poverty Simulator

The United Way Simcoe Muskoka has created a online tool in partnership with Rocket Innovation called the ‘living in my shoes anti-poverty simulator’ aimed at raising awareness. Chief Executive and Philanthropy Officer, Brian Shelley, join us to share more on how the tool works. For more about the simulator visit and connect on Facebook, […]

Resources for Newcomers to Canada in an All-In-One App

It can be information overload with all the resources available for newcomers to Canada and PeaceGeeks is trying to make it easier to get the right information they need. Jennifer Freeman, CEO of PeaceGeeks, joins us to talk about the app they have developed called ‘Welcome to Canada’ and how it works. Find Jennifer on […]

Looking At New Rules for Money

We talk to personal finance journalists, Julia Carpenter and Bourree Lam, about their new book from the Wall Street Journal called The New Rules For Money. The book helps readers navigate the unique financial challenges. Click here to purchase the book. Connect with Julia on Twitter(X), Instagram and TikTok and connect with Bourree on Twitter(X) […]

What is the Cost To Owning A Car

We have seen how high inflation is impacting our day to day lives and how it affects everything from buying groceries to buying a car. And when it comes to cars there are a number of expenses that should be taken into consideration. Matt Hands, VP of Insurance for, joins us to break down […]

Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition

Entrepreneurship doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to start from nothing, you can start from something. Scott Stirrett, CEO of Venture for Canada, joins us to talk about entrepreneurship through acquisition. Find out more at and connect on Twitter/X and LinkedIn.

“Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition”:   How To Buy, Not Build, a Business | Full Episode

Some entrepreneurs build something from scratch.  But another pay is to buy a business, something called “entrepreneurship through acquisition”. Venture for Canada’s Scott Stirrett takes us through how it works.  Then, a boss who supports your side gig. Kevin Kliman and Wilma Reyes from Humi tell us about the benefits of letting your employees pursue […]

What Options Are There To Pay Off Your Debt

There are many options when it comes to paying off your debt if you are struggling. Non-profit credit counsellors offer a debt consolidation program, licensed insolvency trustees offer a consumer proposal and bankruptcy filing and those will be the focus. We have Shelley Koehli, a licensed insolvency trustee with Harris & Partners, join us to […]

Side Hustles From The Employer’s View

With so many people pursuing side hustles these days it works really well for the employees but how does it work for the employer. We have Wilma Reyes and Kevin Kliman, both from Humi, to give us the employee/employer view. Connect with Humi on Twitter/X and Facebook.

The Behavioural Science of Money

It really helps to know and understand how the brain works when it comes to money. Now financial advisors have a new resource from BEworks, a course to help give financial advisors insight to help them strengthen their relationships with clients. We have behavioural scientist with BEworks, Michelle Hilscher, to take us through the course. […]

“Snowplow Parents” – Is Helping Your Kids Avoid Financial Challenges Actually Harmful? | Full Episode

Helping your children avoid financial challenges. There are pros and cons to being a “Snow Plow Parent” says Teresa J.W. Bailey, certified financial planner and Senior Wealth Strategist at Waddell & Associates. Then, using improv to become a better leader. Tracy Shea-Porter, CEO and Co-Founder of Yes Unlimited, takes us through her book The “Yes, […]

Leadership and Life Skills Through Improv

We have Tracy Shea-Porter, CEO and co-founder of Yes Unlimited, join us to talk about her book ‘Yes, And Business Evolution: Improv Skills for Leadership and Life’ and how to put it into practice. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn.

Snowplow Parenting

The economy right is different for your adult children then it was for you when you were leaving the nest and becoming financially independent. You may feel inclined to help them with bills or other financial obligations and by doing so you are becoming a ‘snowplow parent’. Teresa J.W. Bailey, a Senior Wealth Financial Strategist […]

What’s In Your Purse

You can tell a lot about someone from digging into their handbag. Now you might know more about other with the ‘In Your Purse; series from writer Lindsey Stanberry. She joins us to talk more about her series. Find out more at The Purse and connect with Linsdey on Instagram.

An App For New Canadians For Culture

While there are lots of resources for new Canadians including finding a place to live, getting access to credit, and finding a job. One thing that may be hard to find is culture. Daniel Bernhard, CEO of The Institute for Canadian Citizenship, joins us to talk about their app called the Canoo Access Pass for […]

A Dating App With A Twist

With the many dating apps out this one might be the most interesting. It’s called ‘SCORE’ and it includes your credit score. It’s from the financial platform ‘Neon Money Club’ and co-founder Luke Bailey joins us to tell us how it works. Connect on with Luke on Instagram. Find out more about Neon Money Club […]

Dating and Your Credit Score: A Dating App For People With Good Credit | Full Episode

Online dating is an ever changing game.  In addition to nice photos, one dating app is asking for your credit score before you can swipe right.  Luke Bailey from Neon Money Club tells us about SCORE. Then, what to do if you and your partner have different spending habits. Behavioural scientist Scott Rick takes us […]

Overcoming The Barriers To Financial Literacy

Getting financial literacy is important for everyone but sometimes there are barriers to accessing the tools and resources needed to learn about money. BMO Smart Progress is an interactive learning platform which has recently expanded to include a new website with curated learning modules for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities in Canada. To take […]

Rent or Buy

The rent or buy has been a question for decades and even more so now with both housing costs and renting costs going through the roof could ‘rentership’ be the best thing. Adrian Rocca, CEO of Fitzrovia, strongly believes that rentership is the future. He joins us to talk about renting vs buying and what […]

Money Behaviour with Couples

When you finally talk about money with your partner and you find out that one is a spendthrift and one is a tightwad, what do you do. Behavioural scientist, Scott Rick’s new book – ‘Tightwads and Spendthrifts: Navigating the Money Minefield in Real Relationships’ may be the book for you. Rick joins us to take […]

Too Good To Go: An App That Helps Businesses and Consumers Reduce Food Waste | Full Episode

Saving money while reducing food waste. Sarah Soteroff tells us about the app Too Good To Go and how it works.  Then, testing your ‘scam sense’. Vivianne Gauci from HomeEquity Bank tells us about their online quiz that hopes to bring more awareness about fraud. And, the first Indigenous-owned investment dealer in Canada.  It’s called […]

Selling Surplus Groceries To Stop Food Waste

The app, Too Good To Go is hoping to address the problem of unsold food from restaurants or grocery stores by allowing businesses to sell their surplus to customers at a discounted price. To tell us more about how it work Sarah Soteroff, Senior PR Manager at To Good To Go, joins us. Find out […]

A Budgeting App for Canadians

There are so many budgeting apps out there that makes a choice for one difficult. One app out there is called Wilbur and it is developed in Canada for Canadians. To take us through how it works we are joined by CEO Mike Rodenburgh. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and X/Twitter. […]

Supporting Indigenous Communities in the Finance Industry

We talk to Clint Davis, CEO of Cedar Leaf Capital, about how they are the first Indigenous-owned investment dealer in Canada created through an agreement between Scotiabank, two Indigenous owned corporations and a First Nation. He joins us to tell us more about the significance of this partnership. Connect with Clint on LinkedIn, Facebook and […]

Testing Your ‘Scam Sense’

Fraudsters are becoming more and more sophisticated and it seems across generations fall victim to these scams. So to bring more awareness to Canadians on how to stay safe online, HomeEquity Bank has developed an online quiz for people to test their ‘sca sense’. Vivian Gauci, Senior Vice President and CMO at HomeEquity Bank, joins […]

Money and Children: Tips For Cutting Costs While Spending in More Meaningful Ways | Full Episode

Money saving tips when making purchases for your kids. Anita Bruinsma from Clarity Personal Finance, shares how to spend in more meaningful ways. And, divorce and forensic accounting. Kevin Caspersz, Managing Partner at Caspersz Chegini LLP, tells us how it works and when you might want to explore this option.  Then, the best Black-owned banks. […]

Forensics in Accounting and Divorce

We talk to Kevin Caspersz, Managing Partner at Caspersz Chegini LLP, about forensics in the context of accounting and divorce. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn.

The Importance of Black-Owned Banks

While we may complain about banks for many reasons they do play an important role in our community. In the United States, some banks have a different role. Lynette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach, personal finance expert, speaker, author, join us to share the importance of a black-owned bank and the history. Connect with Lynette on […]

Kids are Expensive

Raising a child is expensive in both needs and wants. As a parent we sometimes feel pressure to spend money on things like toys, birthday parties and family vacations. But all of that can add up. We have Anita Bruinsma, financial coach with Clarity Personal Finance, she give us five tips on how we can […]

Emerging Tech Trends Reshaping the World of Commerce

The world of commerce is changing and in a recent report, Mastercard, found that there are three emerging tech trends that are expected to reshape a number of sectors. Darrell MacMullin, SVP Product and Solutions at Mastercard in Canada, join us to go over what these emerging trends are.

Speak Up To Save Money | Full Episode 

How to negotiate to help you save money. Matt Schulz, personal finance author, educator and speaker, takes us through it in his book Ask Questions, Save Money, Make More. And why salary transparency can be both important and challenging. Canadian Millennial Money expert Jessica Moorhouse explains.  Then, a company called Bloom that offers Canadians reverse […]

Save Money By Just Asking

Have you ever thought about just asking for a raise, a lower mortgage rate, or a better deal on that new car but the challenge is how you start that conversation. Author Matt Schulz, joins us to talk about his book, Ask Questions, Save Money, Make More and he outlines a number of scenarios to […]

When a Reverse Mortgage Works

We are joined by the founder and CEO of Bloom, Ben McCabe to talk about reverse mortgages and how it works. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn and X/Twitter.

How Victims of Human Trafficking Become Burdened With Debt

Victims of human trafficking are impacted in many ways including becoming burdened with debt. Victim Services Toronto provides informed support and advocacy for those affected including running a program called Reclaim, which helps those that have been impacted financially. Carly Kalish, executive director at Victim Services Toronto, joins us to tell us how it works. […]

Having Salary Transparency

Talking about money with your peers can be uncomfortable especially when it comes to their salary. We are joined by Canadian Millennial Money Expert and financial counsellor Jessica Moorhouse to talk about the importance and challenges around transparency. Connect with Jessica on Instagram.

The Fair Play Method – Finding a New Way For Couples To Balance Tasks at Home | Full Episode

How to balance household tasks with a partner. Author Eve Rodsky takes us through The Fair Play Method. Then, a goal to have all graduating high school students in the U.S. take a personal finance course. Tim Ranzetta from Next Gen Personal Finance tells us about Mission 2030. And, what your self esteem has to […]

Investing in Real Estate Without Picking Up a Hammer

Your first thought of investing in real estate is buying an income property. But what if you don’t want to deal with leaky faucets or tenants. Get into the real estate game by working with a  private equity firm so you don’t have to deal with all that. We speak to Greybrook CEO, Sasha Cucuz, […]

Self-Esteem and Financial Therapy

Self-esteem and money can go hand in hand according to Aja Evans, a financial therapist and coach. Aja joins us to talk about how self-esteem can impact a person’s relationship with their finances and spending habits. Connect with Aja on Instagram.

Balancing The Household Tasks

Whose responsibility is who’s in your household? We have Eve Rodsky join us to talk about the method she come up with called the ‘Fair Play Method’ which has turned into a book and a card game. Eve joins us to take us through how this method helps couples address the issue of who does […]

Financial Literacy for Kids

We all know the importance of financial literacy and how important it is for kids to have this knowledge but most of the time it is left up to the parents and not teachers. Tim Ranzetta, co-founder of Next Gen Personal Finance, joins us to talk about their mission that every high school student in […]

Navigating the Challenges of Aging Parents | Full Episode

Family dynamics can be tricky at the best of times.  But as our parents grow older there can be new challenges for kids to face.  Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge, takes us through her new book Let’s Talk About Aging Parents. Then, a study that looks at the financial health impacts of using “Buy […]

Having Difficult Conversations With Aging Adults in Your Life

It can be difficult to navigate all the changes that come with having an aging adult in your life. Do they need to go to assisted care, or who will be your power of attorney. These are conversations we need to have. Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge, wrote a book to help you have […]

Buy Now, Pa(in)y Later?

With the influx of the ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ options popping up at the checkout of your favourite online store. This will allow you to pay for purchases in installments. One study looked at the pros and cons of this service. We take you through the financial health effects users may experience with Ed deHaan, […]

Vote Better For Better Equality

One of the best ways to advocate for financial equality and improving women’s status is by better voting. We are joined by Janine Rogan, author of ‘The Pink Tax: Diminishing a Financial System Designed to Keep Women Broke’, to take a deeper look at how voting and policy changes is needed to make a real […]

Getting Only Advice From a Financial Planner

We are joined by Julia Chung, president of the Financial Planning Association of Canada, to talk about the different kinds of financial planners and mainly an ‘advice-only financial planner’. Julia fills us in on how it works and how to know if this option is right for you. Find out more at and connect […]

How to Break up With Your Bank and Find a New One | Full Episode

You didn’t promise to stay with your bank until “death do us part”.  But how do you navigate the switching?  Lesley-Anne Scorgie, personal finance columnist and president at MeVest shares her tips. Then, a contradictory solution to solving the affordability crisis – allowing people to take on more debt. Canadian writer Jean Marc Ah-Sen tells […]

Breaking Up With Your Bank

While it should be easy to switch banks for some reason most Canadians stick with the bank that they started with, regardless of the quality of the relationship. Lesley-Anne Scorgie, founder of MeVest, joins us to give us the insight on hard it is to switch banks and what steps do you need to do […]

Taking On More Debt To Address The Affordability Crisis

Over the last 20 years the focus has been reducing household debt that would be the best for Canadians but now there is a different perspective of letting individuals take on more debt to address the affordability crisis. Jean Marc Ah-Sen joins us to talk about it. Connect with Marc on Instagram.

The ‘Entry Point’ For The Stock Market

Michele Cagan, certified public accountant and author of ‘Stock Market 101, joins us to talk about the importance of constantly refreshing the main concepts of the stock market so young people can know when the ‘entry point’ is to start investing for their future.  Find out more at and connect on Facebook, Instagram, […]

Investing in Real Estate Without Spending The Big Bucks

Investing in real estate on your own can be very expensive but now there is a platform that allows people to invest in real estate across Canada and the United States at any amount. Stephen Jagger, co-founder of Addy, joins us to tell us how it works. Connect with Addy on Instagram, Facebook, and X/Twitter. […]

Investing in Canada:  Lessons From the Fogo Island Inn | Full Episode

Canada has an investment problem, and that is holding back economic prosperity.  Zita Cobb, former tech CFO, founder of Shorefast and the innkeeper at Fogo Island Inn, tells us what she thinks can be done to overcome these challenges.  Then, new technology to fight cybercrime. Amisha Parikh, VP of Product Strategy, Cyber and Intelligence Solutions […]

Canada’s Investment Problem

When it comes to productivity Canada lags behind other G7 countries. And a large cause to that problem is because we are not investing. Zita Cobb, former tech sector CEO of Shorefast and an innkeeper at Fogo Island Inn, joins us tell us how she thinks we can solve this issue. Find out more about […]

Does Money Love You

You may love money but does money love you? According to Julia Carlson it is possible. Julia who is a financial advisor and founder of Financial Freedom Wealth Management Group joins us to take us through her book, ‘Money Loves You’ and shares some tips for improving your relationship with your finances. Connect with Julia […]

The Never-Ending Password Loop

How many times have you changed your password in the name of cybersecurity. Well new technology and biometrics could make passwords a distant memory. Amisha Parikh, VP of Product Strategy, Cyber and Intelligence Solutions at Mastercard, joins us to explain how biometrics work. Connect with Amisha on LinkedIn.

The Best Way to Pay When Travelling Abroad | Full Episode  

Cash or Card? What you should use when travelling outside of Canada. Barry Choi, a personal finance and budget travel expert at, takes us through the pros and cons.  Then, the case for financial advisors to have a hippocratic oath. John De Goey, portfolio manager with Design Securities LtdPlus, explains. And, a self-directed investing […]

Best Way to Pay on Vacation

Already packed and ready to go on vacation but don’t forget your money. But what is the best way to pay when travelling outside of Canada – cash, credit, debit? To take us through each way we are joined by Barry Choi, a personal finance and budget travel expert and founder of Money We Have. […]

Building Credit Without a Mortgage

There is a huge focus on credit score these days and there are a number of ways to build your credit but a little harder if you rent your residence instead of owning it. One platform that aims to help those that rent is called FrontLobby. The CEO, Zac Killam, joins us to explain more. […]

A Hippocratic Oath For Financial Advisors

Should your financial advisor to a “hippocratic oath” like your doctor. Well John De Goey, portfolio manager with Designed Securities Ltd., believes that they should. He joins us now to share on what is his reasoning. Connect with John on X and LinkedIn.

Combatting Meme Stock Investing With A Long-Term View

A lot of self-directed investing apps along with meme-stock investing and FOMO-style investing have been targeted towards Millennials and Gen Z. But what if you want the same benefits but with a long-term view towards investing. Mogo has an app called “Buffet Mode” which looks to combat meme stock gambling. To tell us how it […]

The Hedge Fund in Your Pantry: Saving Money by Investing in the Common Goods | Full Episode

What to do with your extra cash. Some Canadians invest it in common household consumables which can generate high financial returns. Scott Baker, an associate professor of finance at the Kellogg School, tells us about his latest research.  Then, the power of debate. Chris Luzniak, international math consultant and instructional coach, takes us through the […]

Debating a Math Answer in Class

Most of us were taught that there was only a right answer or a wrong answer in math class. But what about a different approach where students get to debate and discuss their opinions instead. Chris Luzniak, an international math consultant, instructional coach and founder of ‘Debate Math’, joins us to tell us more about […]

Understanding How You Manage Your Money

Parween Mander, a money coach and founder of ‘The Wealthy Wolfe’, joins us today to share her story and how she helps her clients through her coaching. Find out more at and connect on Instagram and TikTok.

Mortgage: Is it a Part of Your Financial Planning

Financial planning has many components but one that gets forgotten about is the mortgage. Alana Riley believes that it is a critical piece of the plan. Alana is the head of Mortgage, Insurance and Banking at IG Wealth Management and joins us to share why does it belong in your financial plan. Connect with IG […]

Investing in Your Pantry

You can invest your money in many different ways; stocks, bonds, ETF’s, mutual funds, NFTs, art. But what about your pantry? Scott Baker, associate professor of finance at the Kellog School, looked at how many households “invest” surplus cash in an inventory in common household consumables. He joins us to give us a look at […]

A Peek into the Portfolios of Professional Money Managers | Full Episode

How do the pros invest their own retirement savings? Chartered Financial Analyst Barbara Stewart tells us about her latest research and what she learned. Then, how to be convincing. Former FBI hostage negotiator Chip Massey and Crisis PR consultant Adele Gambardella take us through their book CONVINCE ME: High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics to Get Results in […]

How to Learn the Skills Needed in Today’s Job Market

Buying, selling, negotiating, leading a meeting, or managing a crisis are some of the everyday skills needed in your job today. But where do you learn these skills? One is from the book CONVINCE ME: High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics To Get Results in Any Business Situation. Authors, Chip Massey and Adele Gambardella, join us to tell […]

Understanding Car Insurance Rates

Owning a car can be expensive but one cost you may not expect is when your auto insurance premium suddenly rises without you knowing the reason. Breaking down the rates of auto insurance is Matt Hands, VP of Insurance at Find out more at and connect on Facebook and X.

Up Close and Personal With the Portfolios of Finance Pros in Canada

What if you could get a look at the investment portfolios of some of successful finance professionals from Canada and around the world. Well Barbara Stewart, Chartered Financial Analyst, makes this possible through her ‘Rich Thinking Global Research’ papers. Barbara joins us to tell us more about her research and findings. Find out more at […]

Elective Medical Procedures and Ways to Finance Them

If you need an elective medical procedure that might not be covered by your private insurance how do you go about financing them. Medicard provides financing programs for patients that could cover some of these procedures. To tell us how it works we are joined but VP and COO of Medicard, William Breton. Find out […]

Ask Like an Auctioneer – How to Ask for More and Get It | Full Episode

Ask Like an Auctioneer – How to Ask for More and Get It | Full Episode How to be more confident when it comes to money. Dia Bondi takes us through her book Ask Like an Auctioneer – How to Ask for More and Get It. Then, a platform that lets you buy or sell […]

Earning Money Matters Too

Money and confidence are often linked; having money can give you confidence and it takes confidence to get more money. We talk to Dia Bondi, author of Ask Like An Auctioneer – How to Ask for More and Get It, about how to take action to help get you out of debt. \Connect with Dia […]

Buy & Sell Your Appointments and Reservations

Think of a restaurant you want to book a reservation at for a big event, but it is fully booked for months. Would you pay money to secure a spot? There is a platform called Appointment Trader that lets you buy and sell your appointments and reservations. For more on how it works Jonas Frey, […]

Are Canadians Stressed About Money

Money can be stressful, and FP Canada has a whole survey dedicated to it called the financial stress index. We are joined by Tina Tehranchian, senior wealth advisor at Assante Capital Management and an FP Canada Fellow, to give us insights on the survey showing that despite Canadians feeling stressed they are increasingly optimistic. Find […]

Get Out of Debt, Get Back Into Life | Best of Ep 1

Navigating credit card debt. Doris Asiedu from Credit Canada tells us what happens if you don’t pay off your credit card. And, Credit Canada’s Becky Western-Macfayden takes us through a financial coaching program to help you reduce debt. Then, all you need to know about a consumer proposal. Licensed Insolvency Trustee Caryl Newbery-Mitchell tells us […]

Investing For Your Future | Best of Ep 2

Best of Moolala focusing on investing for your future. What mindfulness has to do with your investments. Financial Adviser Jonathan K. DeYoe tells us about his book Mindful Investing: Right Focus, Better Outcome, Greater Well-Being. And, Jessica Rowat and Colleen Kormos from Two Girls Investing talk about personal finance on TikTok. Then, investing tips for […]

All About Money | Best of Ep 3

How to negotiate to help you save money. Matt Schulz, personal finance author, educator and speaker, takes us through it in his book Ask Questions, Save Money, Make More. Then, what to do if you and your partner have different spending habits. Behavioural scientist Scott Rick takes us through his book Tightwads and Spendthrifts: Navigating […]

All About Budgeting | Best of Ep 4

Living on a senior’s budget for one month. Kaitlin Verge from Grant Thorton shares her experience and what she learned. Then, “Loud Budgeting” and “Soft Saving” are the latest TikTok trends. Personal finance columnist Lesley-Anne Scorgie takes us through what they’re all about. And, the 50/30/20 rule. Freelance personal finance writer Jordann Kaye tells us how […]

New Ideas and Technology | Best of Ep 5

What it’s like living in poverty. Brian Shelley, Chief Executive and Philanthropy Officer at United Way Simcoe Muskoka, tells us about their ‘Living in My Shoes Anti-Poverty Simulator’. Then, saving money while reducing food waste. Sarah Soteroff tells us about the app Too Good To Go and how it works. Online dating is an ever […]

The Love Languages and Money:  Insight to Improve Your Long-Term Relationships | Full Episode

How the pros manage their money. Chad Willardson, president of Pacific Capital, tells us about the different financial considerations high net worth athletes need to make when it comes to budgeting for their future after sports. Then, how sports betting can impact your financial health. Tyler Thielmann, president and CEO of Spring Financial, takes us […]

Models For Building Healthy Relationships

Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, joins us to help us better understand how these love languages can strengthen our relationship with our loved ones and maybe even our money. Find out more at and connect on X and Instagram.

The Costs of Sports Betting

While sports betting can be a hobby the cost of it can add up. We are joined by Tyler Thielmann, president and CEO of online lender Spring Financial, to take us through the dangers of betting on sports. Connect with Spring Financial on X, Facebook and Instagram.

Challenges Pro Athletes Face When It Comes To Managing Money

We are joined by the president of Pacific Capital, Chad Willardson, to talk about the ins and outs of managing money as a professional athlete. Find out more at and connect on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Your Digital Footprint In The World of Divorce

We are joined my Laura Paris, an associate at Shulman & Partners LLP, to talk about the rise she is seeing in digital evidence being used in divorce cases. Find out more at and connect on X and Instagram.

The Biggest Winner Competition: Learning How to Trade ETFs Without the Risk | Full Episode

Learning about financial literacy from space. Author and teacher Karen Cumming takes us through her book The Wealthy Martian: An Out-of-this-World Guide to Financial Literacy for Parents, Teens and Other Earthlings. Then, managing your money in a way that works with your beliefs. Dr. Mohamad Sawwaf, founder and CEO of Manzil, tSells us about their […]

Managing Money For Newcomers

Newcomers have been coming to Canada for centuries with their own traditions, cultures, food and beliefs. For some cultures, managing money is a little bit more complex and the Muslim community is one example. Dr. Mohamad Sawwaf, CEO of Mazil, joins us to talk about how their firm offers halal investment and financing solutions in […]

A Finance App That Comes With a Financial Planning Tool

There is an app for just about anything nowadays. Along with the dating, and cooking apps there are financial apps. One of them is MoneyReady App that offers Canadians with a financial planning tool. We are joined by the creator, Elisabeth Tillier to talk about the app. Find out more at moneyreadyapp,ca and connect on […]

Put Your Trading Strategies to the Test

Do you play it safe or take risks when it comes to investing? Knowing what to do is a challenge but if you are looking to put your trading strategies to the test with The Biggest Winner Competition, that let you take risks and compete for prizes. We talk to Stephanie Wolfe, Executive Vice President […]

The Wealthy Barber’s Extra-Terrestrial Counterpart

Everyone has heard of the Wealthy Barber but have you heard of its’ extra-terrestrial counterpart, The Wealthy Martian. We have author Karen Cumming to take us through the book as referred to as an “out-of-this world guide to financial literacy. Connect with Karen on Instagram and TikTok.

Understanding the “Decumulation” Phase of Retirement | Full Episode

How to make your retirement savings last. Eric Monteiro, Sun Life’s SVP of Group Retirement Services, helps us understand the “decumulation” phase. Then, a tool to help newcomers to Canada get approved to rent a home. MacKenzie Wilson from SingleKey, tells us how they help property managers access foreign credit histories. And, how your mobile […]

The Decumulation Part of Retirement

Most of your life is planning and saving for retirement. But what happens to your savings once you finally get there. To help us understand the decumulation part of retirement we have Eric Monteiro, Sun Life’s VP of Group Retirement Services, join us to talk through this phase. Find out more at and connect […]

Financial Literacy for Post-Secondary Students

We cover financial literacy for kids and adults but what about those in-between. Whether they are starting their post-secondary career or just finishing and just to embark on a new career there are specific challenges they face when it comes to financial literacy. We are joined by Benjamin Croitoru, Associate Professor at McGill University’s Desautels […]

Making Housing More Accessible For Newcomers to Canada

Finding affordable housing can be a challenge and even more so if you are new to the country. A company called SingleKey aims to make housing more accessible for newcomers by providing property managers access to foreign credit histories. Director of Customer Engagement MacKenzie Wilson joins us to tell us more about this. Find out […]

Is Tapping Leading You To Overspend

It is so much easier to tap your credit card instead of physically taking cash out of your wallet but it can lead to overspending. To tell us how paying through your phone impacts your spending is Yuqian Xu, assistant professor of Operations Management at Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina. Connect […]

Overcoming your “Money Rackets”:  How to Identify the Costs and the Payoffs | Full Episode

We know there is a strong connection to money and your mind.  So, what are you blind spots when it comes to personal finance?  . Then, is money dysmorphia actually a thing?  It is according to TikTok. Erin Lowry, author of the “Broke Millennial” series, takes us through the definition so you can see if […]

Money Dysmorphia – Worrying About Money In A Distorted Reality

You’ve heard of body dysmorphia where someone worries a lot about their perceived flaws. Now the word dysmorphia is being applied to money too – situations where you worry a lot about your money, when in fact the reality is different. Author Erin Lowry joins us to tell us more about it and how to […]

Financial Literacy Books For Kids

Were any books you read as a child about financial literacy, probably not. But now there is, author Cinders McLeod, joins us to talk about her latest book in the Moneybunny series called How Do You Spend. Connect with Moneybunny on Instagram, X, and Facebook. Connect with Cinders on Instagram and X.

What Circumstances Are Holding You Back From Managing Money Easy

We all have blind spots in life whether it be in relationships, health, career or money. It is easier to see the circumstances that make money hard to manage then things that are not easy to see. Manal Maurice is a leader at The Landmark Forum, and she tells us about a concept called Money […]

Posting on TikTok After Getting Laid Off:  Does This Help or Hinder Your Job Search? | Full Episode

Getting laid off and sharing your experience on TikTok. Giovanna Ventola, founder of Rhize, shares why she turned to social media after losing her job and how she’s now helping others with their job search.  Then, a growing trend called “Bleisure Travel”. Personal finance expert Jessica Moorhouse tells us how Canadians are mixing business and […]

Sharing Job Loss on TikTok

Getting laid off from your job is very personal but for Giovanna Ventola she decided to share her story with the world on TikTok with amazing results. Giovanna joins us to talk about her experience and how she is helping others with their job search. Find out more at and on LinkedIn. Connect with […]

Take A ‘Bleisure’ Trip

Back in the day you might have a work trip that takes you to a bucket list destination but you might not have gotten a chance to see all the sights. Now people are finding ways to mix their business trips with leisure activities called a ‘Bleisure Trip’. For more on this we have Jessica […]

What To Do If Credit Bureaus Get Your Information Wrong

What happens if the credit bureaus have the wrong information about you? Julie Kuzmic, from Equifax Canada, joins us to share the what the impact can be and what you can do to resolve the issue. Connect with Julie on X and LinkedIn.

How Debt Load Can Impact Your Mental Health

Money can affect every aspect of our lives. This includes mental health so what happens if you have a high debt load? To tell us about the impact on our mental health and what we can do about it we are joined by Robert Kilner a Spergel Partner and Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Find out more […]

Moolala: Why smart people do dumb things with their money (and what you can do about it)

- From Figure 1 Publishing.

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The Moolala Guide to Rockin’ Your RRSP

- From Figure 1 Publishing.

For more information on the book, click on "learn more" below. You'll find an introductory video and a link to buy the book. And if you already have your copy you'll be able to access FREE resources.

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